The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,296 Loki

After communicating with the King of Ghost Crows in the starry sky for a moment, Thane then took him and flew towards the world of the Wailing Stone below.

When he was about to enter the world of Howling Stone, there were at least a thousand detection spectra of different attributes coming from him.

Among them, a golden detection light was the most eye-catching, but after coming into contact with the Wizards Alliance Conference invitations carried by Thane and the Ghost Crow King, these detection spectra all spread out in all directions.

The Ghost Crow King, who was experiencing this kind of battle for the first time, gradually forgot his anxiety and hesitation, and began to gradually become interested in the things around him.

Hundreds of thousands of creatures above level 4 gathered together!

The King of Ghost Crows felt that he had gone crazy, no, it should have been numb.

At least the emotions it was showing didn't embarrass itself too much.

After all, it is also a level six creature!

Among all the members of the Wizards Alliance, he can also be ranked in the upper middle.

According to the introduction of the Ghost Crow King, it set out from the Ghost Crow World fifty years ago and came to the Howling Stone World to participate in the Wizards Alliance Conference.

In view of the fact that some wizard civilization legions are currently stationed in the Ghost Crow Star Territory, the Ghost Crow King can easily enjoy the teleportation arrays set up by the wizard civilization in various star territories.

It’s just that the cost of taking the teleportation array is too high.

Especially for a sixth-level life form like it.

It has been some time since he joined the Wizards Alliance, and the Ghost Crow King has gradually gained a preliminary understanding of the value of the magic coins he has on hand.

Including the current Ghost Crow Star Territory, there are also wizard civilization development teams everywhere.

The King of Ghost Crows has also made a lot of money by selling resources in this star field over the past few hundred years.

Coupled with the tens of millions of magic coins he received from the Wizards Alliance, the King of Ghost Crows is now considered a rich man.

But it may be due to his own personality. After taking a long-distance teleportation array across the star field for a period of time, the Ghost Crow King was reluctant to continue spending money. He gave up the convenient method of teleportation array and instead adopted the method of self-flying.

Fortunately, a sixth-level creature like it could fly fast enough. Although it arrived a little late, it was not too outrageous.

Not only the King of Ghost Crows, but also many foreign gods in the Wizards Alliance will do this before the alliance conference starts.

This also reflects from the side how convenient it is to have a space fortress or special aircraft.

"You might consider purchasing a space fortress produced by our wizard civilization." Thain suggested to the King of Ghost Crows.

The Ghost Crow King nodded first, then shook his head and said, "It's too expensive."

This time, the Ghost Crow King came alone to attend the Wizards Alliance Conference.

Because the Ghost Crow Star Territory was too late to join the Wizards Alliance, the Wizarding World only issued an additional alliance conference invitation to the Ghost Crow Star Territory, and did not include other fourth-level and above creatures in the Ghost Crow Star Territory.

The same situation also applies to the Hengsha world and Qianlang Bibo world.

At this alliance conference, there should be only one representative from these two worlds participating.

It is completely different from the situation in the Titan world where thousands of gods gather together.

At least in terms of numbers and momentum, it was much different.

After entering the world of Howling Stone again, Thane habitually flew to the Titan Protoss area of ​​the Dynasty of Ghost Crows.

Speaking of which, in the White Sand World under Thane, the Sand Worm Queen should also have received an invitation to this alliance conference.

But Thane has not seen the Sand Worm Queen until now.

Including their mentors, they don’t know where Lu Lianman and others are in such a vast world of Howling Stone.

When Thain brought the King of Ghost Crows into the plane of the Wailing Stone, Lu Lianman was following his mentor Cuilis and coming into contact with powerful wizards in the wizarding civilization one after another.

Some of these powerful men are local knights and magicians in the Wizarding World, while others are creatures of the Wizarding Alliance.

There is basically no one who can be recommended by Cuillis on her behalf.

It was both the first time for Lu Lianman and Aili De to participate in the alliance conference, and they were sufficiently polite to the "friends" introduced by Cuilis, even if they were gods from other worlds in the alliance.

A moment ago, Lu Lianman had a brief chat with a deep-sea black roaring king with a fifth-level life level, and placed two orders for materials with him.

He just breathed a sigh of relief, and then he discovered that Bi Xi, who had been following him, was gone.

At this time, Cuilisi and others around them all had their own conversation circles, and even the younger Elide was talking to a level four fire elemental creature.

After looking around for a long time, Lu Lianman walked to senior sister Pei Nasi and asked, "Senior sister, have you seen the tourmaline?"

Penas was currently chatting with a fourth-level magician from the Gate of Elements organization. In response to Lu Lianman's question, Penas shook her head, and then she looked at Bereka, who had been holding arms with her, with questioning eyes.

"It seems to be going in that direction." Bereka said, pointing to the west.

It is basically impossible for any accidents to occur at the Wizards Alliance Conference.

Lu Lianman didn't care about Tourmaline's safety, she just thought about where the little girl might have gone to play.

When Thane flew back to the Titan Protoss area with the King of Ghost Crows, the situation here seemed to be much more lively than before.

Thain searched for a long time before finally finding Thor in the crowd.

But at this time, there was another person beside Thor, a young man wearing black leather armor, who was thinner than Thor, but the relationship between the two did not look good.

Thain's appearance made Thor wave.

Thor didn't care about the Ghost Crow King next to Thane.

At this time, there were not just one or two Titan gods with sixth-level life levels in the surrounding area.

The appearance of the King of Ghost Crows did not cause any disturbance in the surrounding area. This was also related to the fact that this guy tried his best to maintain a low profile.

"Is this your friend?" Thor asked, glancing at the King of Ghost Crows.

Thane nodded and introduced both parties to Thor.

Thor pointed to the young man next to him and said, "This is my brother. You can call him Loki, or the 'God of Mischief'."

The second half of Thor's words sounded like he was suppressing a smile.

The God of Mischief... actually has such a weird priesthood. As expected, the star world is so vast that it is full of wonders.

Of course, it is also possible that Loki has not yet had his own formal priesthood, and this "god of mischief" is just a transitional thing.

Loki only has the fourth life level, and on the surface, he is much weaker than his brother.

After looking at Loki a few times, I have to say that Thor's younger brother is, at least in appearance, much more handsome than Thor.

But there is always an evil spirit in the other party's eyes, and he doesn't seem to be an easy person to deal with.

At the same time, what Thane didn't know was that the younger brother beside Thor was also using his divine power to transmit sound at this moment, and asked Thor in a questioning tone, "Is this the magician you said wanted to buy the golden apple?"

Facing his brother's question, Thor nodded and said, "Master Thain is very knowledgeable, and he also has enough assets to buy golden apples."

"What assets can a fourth-level magician have?" Loki glanced at his stupid brother speechlessly.

"There is another chapter in the afternoon"

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