The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,294 Golden Apple (more updates)

The communication between Thane and Thor was conducted privately, and no one around them heard it.

Facing the "golden apple" proposed by Thain, Thor's eyebrows furrowed into the character "Chuan". He shook his head and said, "Although I ate a lot of this stuff when I was a child, my mother has blocked it since 20,000 years ago." Golden Apple Orchard.”

"Even I can't get it at will. It seems to be sealed as a 'strategic material'."

"It's a pity. If it were 20,000 years ago, I might not be able to get it for you." Thor shrugged to Thane.

"Really? That's such a pity!" Thain sighed.

The "Golden Apple" is a product of the Titan world that Thane learned about when he was studying in the Sky City.

The golden apple tree is regarded as the top fetish in the entire Wizarding Alliance, and the golden apples are even said to have various incredible effects.

Some time ago, Thain obtained some purple crystal worm royal jelly by taking sand worms and breeding them, which are already considered good treasures.

But compared to the value of the golden apple, the purple crystal insect royal jelly is far inferior.

The two are not treasures of the same level at all.

At some point, a low-level world-class secret treasure cannot even be exchanged for a golden apple.

Because the world-class secret treasure can be exchanged for many things, but it cannot be exchanged for life.

Life is priceless.

On a battlefield full of dangers, golden apples represent second life.

According to the historical records of Sky City, the golden apples in Titan World have an instant recovery effect on level six peak creatures.

Within the Wizarding Alliance, there are many so-called sacred trees, or top spiritual materials comparable to world-class secret treasures, but none of them can achieve the effects of Titan World.

There may be a handful of spiritual materials that can rival golden apples, but the "fruit yield" of those spiritual materials and golden apple trees is not at the same level.

When Saul said that he ate a lot when he was a child, Thain couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Is this guy really the son of the Titan King?

Just when Thain looked regretful, Thor suddenly remembered something.

He thought tangledly for a while, then pulled Thain to a corner and asked using his divine power, "If I really get the golden apple, how much can you pay for it?"

Thor's question actually stopped Thain.

To be honest, treasures like golden apples are beyond his reach at this stage.

They are all labeled as "strategic materials", which shows that the wizarding world attaches great importance to these golden apples.

Every golden apple is a precious treasure of wizard civilization.

Thain's inquiry just now was mostly just a joke.

But it didn't look like Sol was faking it. Thain took a deep breath and asked, "What's your psychological price point?"

It's not that Thain insists on giving the initiative back to Thor, but that he really doesn't know what the market price of golden apples is!

Because at some point, this thing is rarer than a world-class secret treasure.

At least Thane has never heard of it. It is circulated in the trading market of wizard civilization.

If you have a world-class secret treasure that is not suitable for you, perhaps some powerful people will sell it at a high price.

But who will sell golden apples? Who is willing to sell!

Seeing that Thor was about to tell a number, Thain hurriedly interrupted and reminded him, "You know, I just bought a space fortress and I want to modify it. Now I don't have much spare money left."

"If the price you quote is too much beyond my limit, I won't be able to buy it," Thain said.

Thain's words stopped Thor in time. He pondered for a moment before asking, "How about 70 million magic coins?"

To be honest, the price Sol quoted to Thain was really not high.

Considering that the value of a golden apple is comparable to that of a low-level world-class secret treasure, it would not be surprising if a golden apple could be sold for hundreds of millions of magic coins in the Wizards Alliance's trading market!

But now, after all, it is not the free trading market of the Wizards Alliance, where open bidding and auctions are allowed.

When Thor did this, he had to do it quietly. If his sister caught him, it wouldn't be as simple as a beating.

And not all of this money eventually flowed into Sol's hands.

There is someone else who is really going to get the golden apple. It would be great if Sol can get half of the profit from it.

Therefore, the price of 70 million magic coins is very reasonable in Thor's opinion. He has already taken good care of Thane.

Saul's offer made Thain a little excited, but he was more emotional.

I don’t know what happened, but after being promoted to level four, all the guys that Thain came into contact with looked very extraordinary.

Whether it was the Spider Queen before or Thor in front of me, every time she talked about money, she always started with tens of millions of magic coins.

This made Thane, who had just established the Holy Tower and led his Holy Tower through a plane war, feel the pain of being extremely stretched.

With Thain's current net worth, he would definitely not be able to eat a golden apple.

The Spider Queen may have this ability, but Thane did not plan to ask the Spider Queen to win the order this time. Instead, he decided to contact his master.

Master Cuilisi established the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire at least a hundred thousand years ago. Together with several other holy towers of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect, it should not be difficult to collect 70 million magic coins. yes.

Maybe Thane's master alone would have the courage to spend 70 million magic coins!

Immediately taking out the crystal ball, Thain wanted to contact his mentor, master and others immediately.

But unfortunately, there are too many high-quality life forms descending on the Howling Stone plane, and there are more likely to be masters coming in person, so that Thane is currently unable to contact Trilis and others through the instant messaging function of the crystal ball.

Other communication methods were too overt, and seeing that Thor was also sneaking around, Thain could only hold back his excitement for the time being, and wait until the Alliance Conference started or ended to see Lu Lianman, Cuilis and others. time, mention this again.

Anyway, there is no need to rush now, and Thor cannot take out the golden apple and give it to Thain right now.

After negotiating the matter with Thor, Thane resisted and did not let Thor sign a beneficial law contract with himself.

Because this kind of thing is really difficult to discuss openly, and Thain chose to believe in Thor's character.

Although he couldn't get in touch with Sol, he felt that the other party was a master of words and would not go back on his word.

Seeing that Thain agreed, Thor was also a little excited.

Thane couldn't help but ask, "How are you going to help me get the golden apple?"

"You're not going to steal it, are you? I don't want to be held accountable by the Wizards Alliance." Thain chuckled.

"Taking something from your own home can still be considered 'stealing'."

"It's true that I can't get it, but my brother..." Saul muttered a few words and quickly changed the subject.

He just patted his chest and promised to Thain, "As long as you can come up with enough magic coins, I can definitely get them for you!"

"200 monthly tickets, thank you for your support~"

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