The Longevity Martial Arts Path: Starting with the Five Elements of Health

Chapter 183 The Extermination Society! Divine Soldier Induction!

"This is the land of flowers?"

Su Changkong sat cross-legged quietly, feeling the changes in his body. He couldn't help but marvel. Apart from speed and strength, the physical level was far superior to before.

The biggest change is that Su Changkong's qi has grown to a new level, condensing the ground flowers, Su Changkong can feel the existence of heaven and earth aura without having to concentrate!


Su Changkong's thoughts moved, and he tried to push it out with a palm. A series of roars of ocean waves sounded in the air. The true qi of the giant whale was wrapped in the spiritual qi of heaven and earth, and the void in front of it was distorted.


Su Changkong pointed out a finger, and shot with a burst of fingers, piercing the thick wall of the training room into a bottomless hole, like piercing soft tofu, which can easily tear the gold and iron armor.

"This... My perception and use of spiritual energy has risen to a new level. With a single blow, I can mobilize spiritual energy, which is comparable to the previous level of full-strength explosion!"

Su Changkong couldn't help but be amazed.

Su Changkong can use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to fight before he is promoted to the flower realm, or even the innate realm, relying on the advanced martial arts realm, plus the perception of spiritual energy brought by the daoyin technique.

He had to concentrate fully and use all his strength to display a method similar to arrows turning into rainbows and turning meanings into shapes.

But now it's completely different, relying on his own essence alone, he can easily mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, with any punch or knife, he can draw the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which is equal to the power of the previous shot with all his strength!

And if he concentrates and bursts out with all his strength, it will be far beyond the limit of the past, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will be mobilized much more than before!

This is a qualitative change!

"Today's me... In the Spirit Dao Sect, even the Sect Master He Lianyuan is by no means my opponent, and even... far worse!"

Su Changkong estimated his current strength, and he was quite satisfied.

There are five or six innate warriors in the Lingdao Sect, and the most powerful of them is the Sect Master He Lianyuan, who opened the fifth Heavenly Vessel more than ten years ago and entered the Earth Flower Realm.

But He Lianyuan's strength is at most similar to that of the previous Huangpao elder of the Five Immortals Sect. Now that Su Changkong is facing a similar warrior, he can win relatively easily without using the sword intent. This is a qualitative change!

Name: Su Changkong (26 years old)

Lifespan: 290 years

Potential: 53 points

In addition, in terms of lifespan, no surprise, after opening the five heavenly veins and condensing the earth flower, his lifespan increased by 15 years, and his potential value increased by 2 points.

"Life is approaching the 300-year mark!"

Su Changkong was very satisfied that his strength, lifespan, and potential had all made great progress.

Su Changkong was familiar with the new power. He estimated that with his own strength, the average powerhouse with three flowers gathering the top might not be able to pose a threat to him, and it would be easy to return the whole body!

"After breaking through to the ground flower realm, the effect of this Yun Lingdan will be much worse."

Su Changkong took a pill and felt the effect of the pill, he shook his head slightly.

In the past year, Su Changkong spent 7 strands of innate energy to trade with Cangyun Pavilion, and the elixir in exchange was refined into pills, which made his progress so fast!

With the improvement of cultivation, the effect of Yunling Pill is getting worse and worse. According to He Lianyuan, this Yunling Pill is also the best to take between the human flower realm and the earth flower realm!

"You can go to Cangyun Pavilion to see if you can buy a spiritual elixir that is suitable for the promotion of the flower realm to the small flower realm. If you can't buy the elixir, you can directly buy the finished elixir for consumption or research."

Su Changkong had a plan in his mind.

Yunling Pill is already the best elixir prescription mastered by Lingdao Sect.

The Cangyun Sect behind the Cangyun Pavilion is not comparable to the Spiritual Dao Sect in terms of strength and background. He exchanged his innate energy with the Cangyun Sect for medicinal herbs, or directly exchanged for the finished product of the Spiritual Pill.

With Su Changkong's amazing comprehension now and the alchemy technique that is about to reach the 9th realm, it is not impossible to obtain a finished product of a spiritual elixir, and to deduce his alchemy technique and the required medicinal materials!

When he thought of it, he did it, Su Changkong packed up and headed to Feiyun City.

At this time is the winter season of the year, the cold wind is howling, snowflakes are flying, and the entire Feiyun City is covered in silver. Su Changkong appeared in Feiyun City, and came to the outside of Cangyun Pavilion with ease.

"Senior Knife."

When they saw Su Changkong, the disciples at the entrance of Cangyun Pavilion greeted them respectfully, but they knew that this 'Kao Wufeng' was a distinguished guest of Cangyun Pavilion, and they had to treat him with courtesy!


Su Changkong just nodded, he was about to step into the Cangyun Pavilion, but his expression suddenly changed slightly.


It was only because the knife Su Changkong was carrying made a clear 'humming' sound.

Su Changkong carried two knives, one was an iron knife, and the other was the demon-slayering divine weapon 'Flame Prison' obtained from Shenbing Villa!

The Flame Prison Sabre lacks blood sacrifices, and the steps to condense the spirit of the soldiers can only be said to be a half-finished demon-slaying weapon, but it still has its own uniqueness.

At this moment, the Flame Prison Blade seemed to have some kind of induction, and it trembled slightly, which made Su Changkong's eyes immediately congeal: "Monster...or a demon warrior?"

There are monsters around here! The Flame Prison Sword, as a demon slayer, can sense the aura of demons within a certain range!

There will be this reaction, and there is a high probability that there is a monster nearby.

Su Changkong looked around, there were almost no pedestrians on the street outside Cangyun Pavilion, Su Changkong's eyes locked inside Cangyun Pavilion, he knew that the person who made the Yan Prison Blade sense was in Cangyun Pavilion!

"Interesting... Are there any demons visiting Cangyun Pavilion?"

The expression on Su Changkong's face did not change in the slightest. He did not enter the Cangyun Pavilion, but stopped at the door. He wanted to see who caused the reaction of the Flame Prison Sword.

Su Changkong stood at the entrance of the Cangyun Pavilion and did not go in. Although the Cangyun Pavilion disciples were puzzled, they knew that this 'Senior Knife' had a bad temper, so the supervisor Tang Ming had to be careful to accompany him. No one dared to ask more questions. , touched the head of Su Changkong.

Soon, Su Changkong saw that a guest had bought what he wanted from the Cangyun Pavilion and left.

There was no change in Su Changkong's face, but he had already determined his goal!

"It's that brocade-clothed young man... He has a normal aura, no different from an ordinary person. Mostly he has some way to hide his aura."

Su Changkong noticed one of the young boys in brocade clothes.

The young man was handsome, in his twenties, and wore a rather luxurious brocade robe.

Su Changkong observed the flow of aura with Daoyin, and found that the flow of aura around Young Master Jinyi was no different from that of ordinary people.

But the people who come to visit Cangyun Pavilion are basically warriors. The aura of this brocade-clothed young man is no different from that of ordinary people. Instead, it is a flaw, so that Su Changkong can be sure that it is he who makes the Yan Prison Blade react!

Most of this person has a problem, it is a demon or a demon warrior with a demon crystal core!

The brocade-clothed son gradually moved away and disappeared into the snow.

Su Changkong had no expression on his face, he changed his direction and did not enter the Cangyun Pavilion.

"Monster or demon warrior, just make extra money!"

Su Changkong secretly said.

Whether it's a demon or a demon warrior, since you encounter it, you can solve it easily, at least you can harvest a demon crystal nucleus that is difficult to buy with money.

If it is an innate demon warrior, then he can also gain an extra ray of innate energy. Su Changkong can't think that there is a lot of innate energy!

In addition, Su Changkong also had an idea in his heart: "If it is a demon warrior, maybe he will be able to know the news about the Extinction Society and even Feng Riyue from his mouth."

Su Changkong undoubtedly had the will to kill the Feng Riyue of the Life Destruction Society.

Once in the Chilong Palace, Su Changkong was attacked by Feng Riyue and was buried in the underground ice palace, almost buried in it.

Not only that, but Hong Zhenxiang, who helped out at that time, was taken away, and Su Changkong also wanted to know whether Hong Zhenxiang was alive or dead now!

The Destruction Society is the power of the demon warriors, and it must be quite famous among the demon warriors!

"Senior Knife has left? Is there something wrong?"

The disciples who were guarding the Cangyun Pavilion were all puzzled. They didn't know why Su Changkong turned around and left without even entering Cangyun Pavilion this time.

Su Changkong concealed his breath and followed the brocade-clothed son from a distance.

Su Changkong discovered that the young master in Jinyi left Cangyun Pavilion, entered a restaurant, ordered a table of dishes, and enjoyed it quietly by himself, which seemed normal.

And Su Changkong also entered the restaurant and sat down at a table not far away.

That brocade-clothed young man frowned, and he seemed to have discovered that Su Changkong had followed him all the way to this place, and was staring at him.

But Young Master Jinyi smiled and said, "This friend, why don't you make a friend and join us for a table?"

"No need."

Su Changkong said lightly, but the coldness in his eyes made Young Master Jinyi secretly vigilant.

Young Master Jin Yi looked away, took a sip of the wine from the wine glass, and then put a piece of silver on the table: "Little Er, check out the bill, the guests at that table will also pay for the wine."

After speaking, Young Master Jinyi smiled at Su Changkong very gracefully, and turned to leave.

Su Changkong let Young Master Jin Yi leave, until he walked out of the restaurant, Su Changkong got up and followed.

The method for Su Changkong to do this is very simple. It is not suitable for hands in Feiyun City. He secretly follows it, but it is meaningless. Instead, it is a waste of time.

If this brocade-clothed son is really a demon warrior, he must understand that he is afraid that his identity will be exposed, and he will not sit still and deal with it, and this will only expose him to more flaws!

Su Changkong left the restaurant and followed Young Master Jinyi from a distance.

Although Young Master Jin Yi didn't turn his head, he could feel a gleaming gaze on his back, which caused a grim look on his handsome face with his back turned to Su Changkong: "Who is this person? Did you find something, stare at him? me?"

But it's not a good thing to be followed by Su Changkong all the time. What if the other party knows his identity and stares at him waiting for other companions and reinforcements?

The longer it drags on, the more dangerous it will be. Since that's the case, it's better to cut through the mess with a quick knife!

Thinking of this, Young Master Jin Yi walked to the end of the street without saying a word, which is the direction out of the city.

Su Changkong knew that the other party couldn't bear it anymore, and he followed behind, all the way out of the city.

After leaving the city, Young Master Jin Yi moved, accelerated his speed, and flew away into the distance.

"There is indeed a problem!"

This scene made Su Changkong know that his judgment was indeed correct. This young man in brocade clothes had no doubt that he had the same aura as an ordinary person, but the speed he showed was definitely innate!

"call out!"

Su Changkong also unfolded his body technique, as light as a deer, following closely behind, with ease.

The two chased and fled, swept away hundreds of miles in a short period of time, and came to a barren mountain far away from Feiyun City.

In the barren mountains, there are many trees, and Young Master Jin Yi did not continue to flee. Su Changkong's speed was one step faster than him, and it was unrealistic for him to get rid of it!

The two were far apart, and Young Master Jinyi couldn't hide the solemnity on his face, because his special vision also couldn't see through Su Changkong's details. Su Changkong's Turtle Breathing Skill had reached the 10th level. The demons who see the celestial veins and blood flowing in other people's bodies cannot see through them.

"Why do you keep staring at me? I don't remember offending you!"

Young Master Jin Yi stared at Su Changkong, he said solemnly.

Since he left the Cangyun Pavilion, Su Changkong had been following him, so he had to deal with it, leaving the city all the way to confront him here.

Su Changkong said indifferently, "Why do you need to ask? Are you a demon warrior who has integrated demons? Are you a member of the Demon Martial Alliance or the Extermination Society?"

When Young Master Jinyi heard Su Changkong's questioning, he had no luck in his heart, his face became gloomy, and he lost the kindness he had before: "It looks like...are you from the Divine Arresting Division or the Demon Suppressing Division? Since that's the case. , then come and try your method!"

The Division of Divine Capture and the Division of Demon Suppression are both important institutions of the Dayan Dynasty, and they are directly under the orders of the Dayan Imperial Family. The former is responsible for catching some vicious people who murder officials and commit major crimes, while the latter is an institution that specializes in dealing with demons. .

Su Changkong could see his details and followed him all the way. Young Master Jin Yi obviously thought that Su Changkong was a member of these two organizations.

The voice fell, and Young Master Jin Yi shot instantly.


Black demon veins appeared in Young Master Jinyi's body, and a full four demon veins appeared in phantoms, and a withered force spread out, causing the surrounding flowers and trees to wither quickly.

Young Master Jinyi's originally white face also turned blue and gray, fangs grew out of his mouth, his body swelled in a big circle, and every inch of his muscles and bones shone with blue-black light, as if he had become an addicted man. Bloody zombie-like, copper-skinned and iron-boned, a pair of beast-like pupils can be shocking.

"The demon warrior who opened the four demon veins?"

Su Changkong was both happy and surprised.

Surprisingly, this brocade-clothed son is indeed a demon warrior, and he is quite powerful, no worse than the previous Zhong Yue, and the joy is naturally that this is a big fish!


Young Master Jin Yi turned into a ghastly look like a zombie. A low and thick roar like a beast burst out from his throat. When he stepped on the sole of his foot, the ground stomped like a hammer. The grass and trees inside were all shattered by strangulation, and they flew straight towards Su Changkong like an arrow from the string.

call out!

The five fingers of one right hand are close together, like a sharp knife with a piercing sound, it stabs Su Changkong in the chest, to open his stomach.

Young Master Jinyi is very confident in his own strength, even if the unknown black-clothed swordsman in front of him is a master of the Divine Capture Division and the Demon Suppression Division. With the power of a battle, it is unknown who will die!

Facing the vicious zombie-like young master Jinyi, Su Changkong's expression did not change too much.

There was no evasion in the slightest, and injuries were exchanged for injuries!


A look of grimness flashed in the eyes of Young Master Jinyi. This is utterly stupid and self-defeating!


Young Master Jinyi's right hand stabbed Su Changkong's chest like a knife with five fingers, but the moment he stabbed it, it seemed like he was stabbed on top of a thick barrier. At Su Changkong's chest, the Turtle Breath True Qi condensed into a three-inch-thick azure blue Air armor, the waves are rough.

Young Master Jin Yi hit the turtle's breath armor with a blow that could pierce through the fine iron armor. He only felt like he had fallen into the abyss and the sea. His strength had been dissipated as much as possible, and Su Changkong's figure didn't even sway.


At the same time, Su Changkong's palm knife had already slashed on the right shoulder of Young Master Jinyi. In the crisp sound of tearing flesh, there was the power of a demon, and the body of a powerful demon was like paper. , the flesh and bones were easily torn apart, and the right arm of Young Master Jinyi was chopped off shoulder-to-shoulder and fell to the ground!


The injury of the broken arm should be a minor injury to the demon warrior, but the young man in Jinyi broke out a shrill and painful scream, and a pain that directly hit his soul and spirit was transmitted from his shoulder, causing him to scream uncontrollably. .

"My hand!"

What made Young Master Jinyi even more incomprehensible was that the broken arm lost contact with his body, and his demon power could not regenerate the severed limb, which made him terrified and incomprehensible.


Su Changkong didn't give Young Master Jinyi more time to think about it. He raised the knife in his hand, and when he carried it with one fleshy palm, it surpassed the world's treasured saber. It slashed iron like mud, unmatched by the general trend of heaven and earth, and Young Master Jinyi's left arm was shoulder-length. cut off.

Young Master Jinyi twitched in pain, staggered back, and looked at Su Changkong with fear and shock in his eyes: "He... Who is he holy? My immortality... is invalid?"

Young Master Jin Yi was originally just a qi and blood martial artist. After merging the demon crystal core, he was lucky and successively obtained the innate qi. He has been strong all the way to this point, and his immortality has enabled him to defeat strong enemies many times, but now he has It was easily broken by a black-clothed swordsman with the palm of his hand, which made him unacceptable!

In fact, with the strength of Su Changkong's current opening of five heavenly veins, he can defeat Young Master Jinyi without using the sword intent. Of course, this will take a lot of time and energy, and using the sword intent to defeat him is as simple as eating and drinking. !

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