The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 199: Tiger brother

Hearing Chen Nan's words, the six and seven men in the room who had been watching the excitement looked at each other. A man in his early forties glanced at Ye Yaorong and said, "Offended."

After speaking, the man slammed a fist at Ye Yaorong. When the other men saw it, they approached Ye Yaorong one after another, wanting to subdue Ye Yaorong together.

"Ah oh!!!"

"Ah oh!!"

The continuous wailing broke Chen Nan’s good wishes. In just a few seconds, the six big guys close to Ye Yaorong were all overturned by Ye Yaorong’s flying legs. They hugged their stomachs and wailed on the ground, not at all. A class of opponents.

Looking at the wailing little brothers on the ground, Chen Nan's whole body was dumbfounded. This is too strong!

But before Chen Nan could react, Ye Yaorong had already come to Chen Nan's side quickly, and once again wanted to pick up a chick, he picked him up.

"Big...Big brother, yes... yes... good words... talk, some words... good talk." Chen Nan said with some trembling teeth.

Chen Nan really didn't expect that Ye Yaorong was so powerful. He would knock down six or seven big men in just a few seconds. This is definitely a legendary martial arts master.

How could he be so unlucky when he met such a strong man, now Chen Nan is really afraid that Ye Yaorong will really beat him to death.

"It seems that you took my words as the wind in your ears." Ye Yaorong said angrily. It seems that I am too kind, and there are always people who do not believe their words.

"Big...Big brother, I...I dare not." Listening to Ye Yaorong's tone, Chen Nan became even more frightened.

"It's too late to say this now."

Ye Yaorong threw Chen Nan to the ground and stepped directly on Chen Nan's arm. The painful Chen Nan shed tears. It was too painful. The painful Chen Nan absolutely did not listen to his own arm.

"Brother Honor."

Ye Xiaojuan pulled Ye Honor's arm with a little fear and shouted. Ye Xiaojuan was really worried that her glory would maimed Chen Nan.

It wasn't that Ye Xiaojuan was so related to Chen Nan, but because he was afraid that Chen Nan would be crippled by his glory brother, but it would be a lawsuit.

It doesn't matter in Shenzhen, an unfamiliar place, just in case you get a lawsuit. Ye Xiaojuan really doesn't know what to do.

"I'm not dead, just go and get Xiaojuan's mobile phone."

After Ye Yaorong stomped on Chen Nan's arm, he was pulled by Ye Xiaojuan, and he did not continue to torment Chen Nan. Just stared at Chen Nan and cursed.

"I, I... go get it now."

Chen Nan endured the pain, got up from the ground, walked into the bedroom swayingly, and took out a Samsung mobile phone and an ID card. Pass it to Ye Xiaojuan.

"Brother Honor, it's my mobile phone and ID card."

After getting the phone, Ye Xiaojuan checked it and said to Ye Yaorong. Ye Xiaojuan thought it over. After leaving, she changed her cell phone number and never came to this place in Shenzhen again.

"Call you online and ask him to return the money."

Ye Yaorong said to Chen Nan. Ye Yaorong didn't want to stay in this place too much. After getting the money, he immediately took Ye Xiaojuan out of this place.

After all, this is the site of Chuan~ Xiao Gang. People have been operating here for so long, this network of connections must be tangled up. With his current ability, Ye Yaorong has no confidence to pass this on to Xiao Gang.

One more thing, Ye Yaorong knew that he was not a savior, and what he could do was to have a good time for himself and to make people around him happy too. As for other people he didn't know, Ye Yaorong had not taken care of that nosy.

"I, I will fight now. I will fight now."

Chen Nan endured the pain, holding the phone in front of Ye Yaorong's face, called his superiors, and things came to this point. Chen Nan couldn't solve it by himself, so he could only hope that his superiors would send someone to save him.

"Brother Tiger, this is Chen Nan."

Seeing the phone call, Chen Nan said excitedly. Now Chen Nan pointed to this "Brother Tiger" to save herself. Chen Nan was really scared of Ye Yaorong now, and really scared to give himself a bit like just now. That way, his arm would really be useless.

"Why? I'm weak in speaking." "Brother Tiger" on the other end of the phone asked.

This "Brother Tiger" is one of the core figures of the Xiao gang in the entire Nanshui area, and is mainly responsible for the "thugs".

After all, not everyone is so easy to deceive. When some people are cheated into, they know that it is a biography~ Xiao, they are a lie, and will cause trouble. At this time, the thugs led by "Brother Tiger" must come out to deal with it.

Therefore, something happened here. Chen Nan's first thought was to call "Brother Tiger". Chen Nan believed that as long as "Brother Tiger" came out, Ye Yaorong would be a dragon, and he would have to fight him down. It's time to avenge this revenge.

Are you trying to beat me half-dead? Later, let's take a look at who has beaten whom. Chen Nan thought viciously.

Of course Chen Nan dared to think in his heart now, but he dared not show it on his face.

"Brother Hu, I have a downline here that I don't want to do. I want to get back the shares she invested. I can't do this. I can only call you. Oh, it hurts..."

Chen Nan said to Brother Tiger on the phone. At the end, I also called pain on purpose. Chen Nan believes that with such an obvious reminder, "Brother Tiger" must be able to hear that something is wrong on his side, and he will definitely bring a group of people over.

The people under "Brother Tiger" all use weapons in their hands, and they are all people who can beat. In Chen Nan's view, even if Ye Yaorong is great, a dozen strong men with weapons can always take care of him.

"I see, I will be there soon."

"Brother Tiger" hung up after finishing speaking. If you are in this line, if you can't even hear the obvious prompt from Chen Nan, then "Brother Tiger" doesn't have to come out and mess.

"Xiaojuan, you should stay in the house first and lock the door. I didn't tell you to come out, so don't come out." Seeing Chen Nan finished the call, Ye Yaorong confessed to Ye Xiaojuan.

From Chen Nan's phone call, Ye Yaorong could not hear that this "Brother Tiger" was definitely a ruthless character. For the sake of safety, Ye Yaorong still thinks it is better to let Ye Xiaojuan stay in the house, so that he won't let go of his hands and feet.

"Brother Glory..."

Ye Xiaojuan looked at Ye Yaorong worriedly and said. Ye Xiaojuan understood what she meant by Brother Honor, because she was afraid of being hurt.

"Don't worry, if your Brother Honor doesn't have this ability, you dare to go here alone, and go to the house. You will become a burden to me instead of letting me go."

Ye Yaorong touched Ye Xiaojuan's hair and said. I don't know when it started, Ye Yaorong always likes to touch other people's hair.

"Well, Brother Honor, you have to be careful."

Ye Xiaojuan knew she couldn't help much. It would only become a burden, so he listened to Ye Yaorong's words obediently, and returned to the house to lock the energy.

Chapter Two Hundred

About ten minutes later, a dozen burly men in black suits broke in from outside the house, each with a strong body. Everyone is holding a wooden stick in his hand, which is the uniform equipment for the thugs of the Chuan ~ Xiao group.

Using this wooden stick to hit people can hurt and maimed people, and will not kill people all at once. As long as the people are not killed, the gang will have a way to deal with official relationships, but once they get involved in a homicide case, It's very troublesome.

In China, the homicide case is a big one. Once it is involved in a homicide case, it really has to be pursued to the end, and the Xiao group does not want to make trouble for themselves.

"Brother Tiger."

Seeing a group of people pouring into the house, Chen Nan excitedly ran to a man in his forties with a bare head.

"what happened?"

"Brother Tiger" frowned and looked at Ye Guangrong, and from the looks of the few biography ~ Xiao staff who fell on the ground and wailed, asked with some doubts.

"Brother Tiger, it was he who made trouble, not only hurt me, but also hurt other people."

Seeing that his backer was coming, Chen Nan was no longer afraid of Ye Yaorong. Even with the confidence to speak, he pointed at Ye Yaorong and said viciously.

"Brother, have you practiced?"

"Brother Tiger" looked at Ye Yaorong who was unscathed and asked with some surprise. After all, this room includes Chen Nan, but there are eight adult men. No matter how bad it is, he won't be put down by an ordinary person, so it's obvious that this kid who hurt his own person will know how to do it.

"Brother Tiger" has practiced martial arts for several years, and he is a little proud of his own martial arts, but he wants him to kill eight adult men at the same time. He was unscathed, "Brother Tiger" thought he couldn't do it. This made "Brother Tiger" have to look up at the man in front of him.

"know a little."

Ye Yaorong said lightly. Seeing that the people entering the house are holding wooden sticks in their hands, Ye Yaorong is relieved. Now Ye Yaorong is a great "iron shirt", as long as they are not holding guns or everyone holding a machete, Ye Yaorong Don't worry.

Ye Yaorong knew he was invulnerable, and pointed to ordinary iron swords and guns. For gunpowder and other firearms, Ye Yaorong really didn't have the confidence that his flesh and blood could stop it.

"I don’t know if this brother is interested in following me. Don’t worry. Following me is different from them. We are paid a fixed salary. We don’t need to engage in any business. Work is very easy. Just look at the place. How about? Eight thousand yuan a month, if done well, there will be bonuses, 10,000 yuan a month is not a problem."

Seeing that Ye Yaorong killed eight adult men alone, "Brother Tiger" couldn't help but develop a love of talent and wanted to recruit Ye Yaorong to be his subordinate.

For those who do their job, there is no difference from the underworld, and there are many enemies. Fighting and killing is also commonplace. If there is a master with kung fu around, "Brother Tiger" feels that his safety is an extra layer of protection. .

"I'm not interested, you still have to return my sister's money to us, we have to catch the train." Ye Yaorong shook his head and said.

What an international joke, he didn't need money, and he was a "beater". Of course, Ye Yaorong didn't want to directly refuse this kind of thing.

"Boy, our tiger brother is because you have some skills, so I'm sorry to let you join. You kid don't be shameless."

"Brother Tiger" did not speak, and a fat man with dyed hair stood up and said to Ye Yaorong arrogantly.

In fact, this kid is a little jealous. He has been with "Brother Tiger" for five or six years, and now he only took more than 5,000 a month. Now "Brother Tiger" gives Ye Yaorong eight thousand a month when he speaks. Can this kid Jealousy is strange.

"You don't have to threaten me. I will leave as long as you return my sister's money. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Yaorong looked at "Brother Tiger" and said. If this "Brother Tiger" gave the money to himself, Ye Yaorong didn't want to be extravagant, and left here with Ye Xiaojuan.

If they were unwilling to pay back the money, Ye Yaorong didn't mind working hard to let them understand the consequences of not paying back the money.

What kind of "Brother Tiger" and "Brother Cat" scare others can be, in my own place, it is not easy, Ye Yaorong really doesn't take them seriously.

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine? I'll see how you are being rude to me!"

"Brother Tiger" said angrily. It has been a long time since no one has threatened him like this. This hairy boy who is under 30 years old actually threatened him, which made "Brother Tiger" feel that he was very shameless.

"Boy, let you see how good your Ma is."

The fat man with colorful hair who had long seen Ye Yaorong was unhappy, his arm shook immediately, and he rushed towards Ye Yaorong with a wooden stick.

This fat man was very confident that if he went down with this stick, Ye Yaorong would be knocked down by him.

Ye Yaorong looked at the fat man waving a stick toward him with a cold face. When he approached, before his stick came down, Ye Yaorong had already raised his foot and kicked the fat man who came over with a grinning smile.

Where did the fat man want Ye Yaorong’s thin body, and when he moved his hands, his strength was so great, he was kicked out by Ye Yaorong, and his entire fat body hit the young man with green hair behind him. , Puff all over, even the young man with dyed green hair knocked to the ground.

The whole surroundings suddenly fell silent, and the people standing behind "Brother Tiger" looked at the two people falling on the ground in embarrassment in surprise.

This kid is too powerful. He kicked the heaviest person on his side with one leg, and he fell to the ground with one person, and made them both feel pain on the ground and couldn't get up. How much strength was this kick.

"Brother Tiger" also looked at Ye Tiger" in shock. He thought he had already looked up to this kid named Ye Yaorong, but he didn't expect to underestimate him.

You must know that this fat man under his hand weighed almost two hundred catties. This Ye Guangrong could kick him with one kick and knock him down by the way. The strength of this kick was absolutely extraordinary.

That is to say, the fat man has a lot of flesh, and there is no major problem. If he gets on this foot, "Brother Tiger" can't help but sweat on his face. If he gets on that foot, it's the rhythm of going to the hospital.

At this moment, not only "Brother Tiger" was a little nervous, and the dozen gangsters behind him with sticks couldn't help squeezing the sticks tightly.

Seeing the fat and thin couple who fell on the ground, Ye Yaorong was also a little surprised. He didn't use a bit of strength on that leg just now. He didn't expect the effect to be so great. It seems that he underestimated his strength.

"It seems that I still underestimate you. How about it. As long as you follow me, I will give you 20,000 yuan a month. Women can play casually, how about?"

"Brother Tiger" looked at Ye Yaorong and said. Now "Brother Tiger" really wanted to recruit Ye Yaorong. After all, such a skilled person is hard to come by. (To be continued.)

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