The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 192: have dinner

It was getting dark quickly in winter, and when Ye Yaorong got up, the street lights outside the window had already started to light up. Ye Yaorong didn't expect that his first night in Shenzhen seemed to be spent in this broken house.

Judging from the people and things he has been in contact with today, Ye Yaorong understands that this biography ~ Xiao is actually a kind of fraud, but it started from his friends and relatives. Ye Yaorong didn’t know who brought Ye Xiaojuan into this biography~ Xiao In the game, but from the current situation, Ye Xiaojuan is already addicted to the dream of getting rich.

Especially in this closed space, surrounded by a group of young people who also dream of getting rich, and a group of scammers proficient in psychology constantly brainwashing them.

So that Ye Xiaojuan was so addicted to the dream of getting rich that she couldn't extricate herself, what she had to do now was to take Ye Xiaojuan out of this closed space, and let her understand that the dream of getting rich was just a scam.

In fact, Ye Yaorong also knows that perhaps Ye Xiaojuan herself has suspected that this is a liar, but because of the money and energy she has invested, she is subconsciously reluctant to doubt, even forcing herself to believe that she is on the road to making money, and pull herself up. Perhaps it was not that she wanted to lie to herself, but to increase her confidence.

Thinking about it, Ye Yaorong found that he was hungry. At noon, he was a little dull and didn't eat much as he watched Ye Xiaojuan gobble it up. Now he woke up after sleeping, his stomach started to protest.

"Brother Honor, are you awake? Are you hungry, let's go eat." Seeing that Ye Xiaojuan was awake, Ye Xiaojuan went into the room and said.


Ye Yaorong was indeed hungry, so he followed Ye Xiaojuan to the living room, and followed Ye Xiaojuan to sit at the dinner table unceremoniously.

The food at night was good, not only was there more food than noon, but there were also animal bones. It is the figure of flesh, which is not available at noon.

"Brother Honor, here."

Ye Xiaojuan added a good meal. Passed it to Ye Yaorong and said. She is really a very well-behaved girl, but it is a pity that Xiao’s staff has been brainwashed. Ye Yaorong felt that he would pull her out of this vortex no matter what,

At the beginning, Ye Yaorong didn't eat fast, but quickly, with the movements of other people on the table, Ye Yaorong picked up vegetables more and more frequently.

It turned out that Ye Yaorong found that the speed of other people's chopsticks did not regard Ye Yaorong as a guest. He would have to compete to eat here. If he started slowly, he couldn't even eat a few bites of the food.

It seems that Chuan~ Staff Xiao's life is really hard. I don't know how the little girl Ye Xiaojuan could endure such a hardship, and she actually stayed in this biography ~ Xiaowo.

If it weren't for Ye Guangrong to be really hungry at night, he really couldn't eat such a meal. Although it was a little better than noon, it was really not as good as the meal that ordinary people in the countryside ate.

However, Ye Yaorong learned later that this kind of food was provided at night, and that Ye Xiaojuan paid the money to add the food. It turned out that the food for these people who made the story to Xiao was AA, in order to save costs. I usually eat lunch like the lunch, but the inviting person will pay for a better meal on the day when a new friend comes. No wonder everyone is not polite to Ye Yaorong.

After the meal was over, Ye Xiaojuan and another girl were busy clearing the table. The other people went out in twos and threes. Why don't you go out? There is no TV in this house. Stay here all day. Don't be suffocated.

However, it can be seen from this point that these people have basically been rumored ~ Xiao Organization has been very successful in brainwashing, otherwise they would not be allowed to enter and leave freely.

Or maybe they are basically their sphere of influence in the entire Yanshui area. They are not at all afraid that someone can make trouble.

"Xiaojuan, come here."

Seeing Ye Xiaojuan finished washing the dishes, Ye Yaorong called him into the house. Perhaps because Ye Yaorong is a new friend, this room is temporarily reserved for Ye Yaorong.

"Glory. What do you want?" Xiaojuan walked into the room and asked.

"Where do you live at night?"

Ye Rongrong asked concerned. Because Ye Yaorong didn't know where Ye Xiaojuan's room was until now.

"It's there."

Ye Xiaojuan pointed to Ye Guangrong's room with seven or eight carpets.

"Seven or eight people squeeze a room?" Ye Yaorong asked.


Ye Xiaojuan blushed and said with some embarrassment.

"This is what you told your mother, do you work in a big company and live in a luxurious dormitory?" Ye Guangrong said silently.

"Brother Honor, this is short-lived, our manager said, this is to exercise our will first, and soon we will be able to live in luxurious dormitories or even villas." Ye Xiaojuan lowered his head and said.

"Do you believe this?" Ye Yaorong stared at Ye Xiaojuan and said.

"The managers all said so, and we saw a lot of people who were crowded on the floor like us, and now they have driven luxury cars and lived in villas."

Ye Xiaojuan lowered her head and said. She didn't know if she really believed it or deceived herself.

"Forget it, you can't listen to what you are telling you, and your Brother Honor won't say anything. Anyway, you are not allowed to squeeze the floor with a group of people on the day when you are here."

Ye Yaorong said. Originally, Ye Yaorong did not believe what was said on the Internet. It is said that the staff of Xiao, regardless of gender, crowded in a room to sleep on the floor. Only when I came here did I know that this is true. At least, Ye Xiaojuan is living like that now. Days.


"It’s Your Glory brother doesn’t want you to lay on the floor in the same room with some big men. Are you a girl or a beautiful girl, do you know how dangerous it is? ?"

Ye Yaorong said angrily. He was almost twenty years old, and he didn't even have any sense of crisis. This made Ye Yaorong very angry. No wonder it was so easy to be spread~ Staff Xiao was brainwashed.

"Brother Glory, only newcomers and directors can live in this room. Other people can't live in. They can only lay the floor outside."

Ye Xiaojuan said embarrassedly. If possible, Ye Xiaojuan didn't want to squeeze in a room with a few big men to make a floor.

As a girl, Ye Xiaojuan also knows that it is very unsafe, but the conditions here are just like this. All members must live here at night, and they are not allowed to rent a room outside, or even stay outside for more than nine in the evening. O'clock.

This is the company’s rules. Once violated, the consequences are very serious. Ye Xiaojuan met a member and forgot to play outside at night. When he came back, he was criticized by the director for two hours. It was only when everyone was interceding. He was fined five hundred yuan, or at least one thousand yuan. (To be continued.)

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