The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 186: Wash your feet

   Soon Ye Yaorong followed Ye Xiaojuan to a dilapidated apartment building, broken to the stairs and windows without glass.

   Ye Xiaojuan knocked on the door a few times rhythmically, some of which looked like a secret signal in a police movie. After a while, a middle-aged man opened the door.

   The house where Ye Xiaojuan took Ye Yaorong’s arm and led Ye Yaorong to walk to. This was a three-bedroom house. The living room was empty. The only furniture I saw was a lonely square table in the middle.

Today is not the weekend, but there are six or seven people in the room. There are people sitting on each bench. They seem to be discussing something, and they seem to be doing nothing. A young man sitting in the middle holds a mobile phone in his hand and is playing around. , It’s not like making a phone call, just like a child playing with his beloved toy.

   Seeing Ye Yaorong who followed Ye Xiaojuan entering the door, their faces showed inexplicable bright smiles.

   Ye Guangrong is now very sure that Ye Xiaojuan is now engaged in biography~Xiao, and the place where he enters now may be a den of this biography~Xiao organization.

   Ye Guangrong was a little curious about how Ye Xiaojuan was brainwashed to trick her mother into raising her mother, like a “blood sucker” sucking her mother’s hard-earned money to this organization.

   Along the way, Ye Xiaojuan's movement of holding her arm so naturally has already spoken in the present way, which is a little different from Ye Xiaojuan's previous impression of Ye Xiaojuan.

   Ye Yaorong clearly sees that this Ye Xiaojuan was reported ~ Xiao organized brainwashing very successfully. In order to understand how deeply Ye Xiaojuan had fallen, Ye Yaorong decided to wait and see the changes. It is better not to force Ye Xiaojuan away.

   "Here, I have worked hard all the way, come in and put down the luggage, Xiao Zhao, go and pour water."

   The man with the mobile phone saw Ye Yaorong enter the house and greeted Ye Yaorong very enthusiastically, as if he had known Ye Yaorong a long time ago.

   "Brother Honor, this is our director Chen Nan, these are our colleagues." At this time, Ye Xiaojuan released Ye Yaorong's arm and introduced Ye Yaorong.

   "No, I'm not thirsty."

   Ye Guangrong nodded perfunctorily, and said coldly. This is the first time Ye Yaorong entered the biography ~ Xiao's den, and he was very curious about the environment inside.

Following his gaze, Ye Yaorong looked at the house. He felt that the house was empty. There was almost no furniture except for people. In the middle of the three bedrooms, there was a Simmons bed in the middle of the inner one, and the rest In the two rooms, there were seven or eight carpets on the floor, with unfolded quilts piled up in a mess. The suitcases next to them were all the belongings in this room.

   "Brother Honor, get tired along the way, I will take you to rest."

   Ye Xiaojuan pulled Ye Yaorong straight to the room where there was a bed, and then slapped her face with water to wash Ye Yaorong's feet diligently.

   "Xiaojuan, I can do it myself."

   Ye Yaorong refused. To be honest, Ye Yaorong was really not used to other women washing his feet besides his wife.

   "Brother Honor, are you angry?"

   Ye Xiaojuan looked at Ye Yaorong and asked with a pitiful look, that was really pitiful, and with that youthful and beautiful face, ordinary men couldn't bear this temptation~confusion.

   Fortunately, now Ye Yaorong’s mind is Liu Qingqing alone. He is used to seeing the beauty of his wife, Ye Yaorong doesn’t have any bad thoughts about Ye Xiaojuan.

   This Ye Xiaojuan is compared to Ye Shuting, that beauty is also several grades inferior. Ye Yaorong, who can retreat in Ye Shuting's gentle village, can simply ignore Ye Xiaojuan's glamorous eyes.

   Now Ye Yaorong just hates this biography~ Xiao organization, what it is to brainwash a pure rural girl, this look is in no way different from the street girl.

   "I'm angry, why am I angry, it's just that it's a bit different from the big company you said to your mother." Ye Yaorong said.

   "This is just the beginning, and it will definitely become a big company in the future. It is only the beginning stage. We will soon be able to make a lot of money, and we will definitely live in a luxury house."

   Ye Xiaojuan said with a look of yearning. Judging from her expression, it seemed that she could live in a mansion soon.

"is it?"

   Ye Guangrong said with a smile. Whether others believe it or not, Ye Yaorong won't believe it. With this method, it will never last long. If she really waits for her to live in a mansion, he doesn't know how much evil he will do.

   "Brother Honor, where is the money my mom told you to bring? Give it to me." Ye Xiaojuan asked, changing the subject.

   "Here, this is what your mother asked me to bring to you, three thousand yuan, you collect it." Ye Yaorong took three thousand yuan from his clothes pocket and gave it to Ye Xiaojuan.

   "Why is it three thousand yuan? Isn't it a good thirty thousand? What is the amount of money?" Ye Xiaojuan said a little unhappy.

"Xiaojuan, when your mother is the big boss, give 30,000 yuan if you want 30,000 yuan. Last time your mom gave you 30,000 yuan, but you still borrowed it from everywhere. You still need 30,000 yuan this time. , Where did you tell her to borrow, the villagers are not rich, it is impossible to borrow so much money to your mother at once."

   Ye Guangrong said. Ye Yaorong really told the truth. Now Aunt Liu, don’t say 30,000, she can’t even get the 3,000. Ye Yaorong is still trying to understand this biography~The situation of the Xiao organization~www.NovelMTL. Com~ just came out.

   "That's it."

   Ye Xiaojuan collected the money and thought about it. Ye Xiaojuan also knows the situation in her family. So much money is definitely not available in her own family. Last time she was able to put out 30,000 yuan, Ye Xiaojuan knew that her mother must have borrowed it from someone else.

   Only the last time they could borrow 30,000 yuan, Ye Xiaojuan and the group wondered whether they could borrow 30,000 yuan again. Although they only got 3,000 yuan in the end, it was acceptable to everyone. Because it was done right from the beginning, it may not be possible to get a penny.

   "Why do you still suspect that Brother Honor has eaten your money?" Ye Yaorong said with a smile.

   "Brother Glory, I didn't mean it, Brother Glory, let me wash your feet, my craftsmanship is pretty good, I can help you press your feet and make you feel very comfortable."

   Ye Xiaojuan said enthusiastically. It is a rule in the organization to wash the feet of every new member who pulls over by yourself. Unless your level rises to a certain level, you do not need to do this job.

   As the only big beauty in this biography ~ Xiao den, she washes the feet of the new members and basically wraps her up, so Ye Xiaojuan said that her craftsmanship is good, and that's nothing fake.

   "No need, really no need, I'm really not used to others washing my feet."

   Ye Yaorong refused. It was not that Ye Yaorong was hypocritical, but that Ye Yaorong was really not used to washing her feet by women other than her.


The contents of Chapter 180 and Chapter 181 have all been changed. The role of Wu Guihua (Aunt Wu) has officially disappeared from this book. Please forgive me for the above Welcome. Book friends come to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile users, please go to read.

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