The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 184: Travel

   "Wife, are you angry?" Ye Yaorong was still the first time he saw his wife being angry, and he couldn't help but asked with some anxiety.

   "Yes, I am very angry. Are you helping Aunt Liu or not?"

   Liu Qingqing stared at his man and said. Liu Qingqing knew that her man spoiled herself very much. As long as she was unhappy, her man would compromise. Therefore, Liu Qingqing felt that his momentum could not be weakened.

   "Help, why don't you help, my wife has spoken, can I not do it as a husband?"

   Ye Guangrong said helplessly. Who would let himself be such a bodhisattva-hearted wife? Can someone who is a man support her?

   For nothing else, just because she was angry with herself for the first time, Ye Yaorong listened to her unconditionally and helped Aunt Liu. Ye Yaorong now can see that her woman cannot be angry or unhappy.

   It may also be that Ye Yaorong felt that he owed Liu Qingqing too much before, so he gave up to her.


   Liu Qingqing immediately turned a hundred and eighty degrees, and asked happily, holding Ye Yaorong's arm. The speed of the woman's face change was so fast that Ye Yaorong couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

   "Really." Ye Yaorong nodded and said.

   "My husband, you are so kind."

   Liu Qingqing excitedly kissed Ye Yaorong's cheek twice, his man was really kind to him.

   "System missions to help Aunt Liu solve her troubles and rescue Ye Xiaojuan, who was rumored ~ Xiao brainwashed, and the system rewards 300 points of honor."

  The long-lost "Lazy System" electronically synthesized voice rang in Ye Yaorong's mind, and Ye Yaorong was so frightened that he retracted his hand that he wanted to put into his wife's underwear.

   Fortunately, it was not when I was doing a human-making exercise with my wife at night.

   "Husband, what's wrong with you?"

   Seeing his man put his hand on the neckline of his underwear, looking silly and motionless, Liu Qingqing asked with some confusion.

   "It's nothing, my husband is just a little worried." Ye Yaorong said after returning to his senses.

   "What are you worried about?" Liu Qingqing asked suspiciously.

   "Didn't our house have just been thief? I must go away for several days. If you encounter any danger, won't you be in trouble?"

   Ye Guangrong was still a little worried that Liu Qingqing was alone at home, worried about her safety and asked, who let him marry a godlike wife, made Ye Guangrong very worried about Liu Qingqing's safety.

   "It's okay. When you leave, I will let the second grandmother and Aunt Liu live in our house, and keep me company, and let'King Kong' live in the yard, so that nothing will happen."

   Liu Qingqing thought for a while and said. What happened the other day really scared Liu Qingqing. If his man was not at home, Liu Qingqing would really not dare to sleep at night.

   That’s why Liu Qingqing thought of asking her second grandma and aunt Liu to come and accompany him until her man came back from a long trip.

"It can only be the."

   Ye Guangrong thought for a while, there is no good way, it can only be this way.


   The next morning, Ye Yaorong deliberately visited Ye Xianghai's house, the old village chief, and asked him to help take care of his home. He also invited several villagers to set up a tent outside their yard and asked them to help them guard the "blackhead".

   Now Ye Yaorong really regretted not selling this "blackhead". Raising it in his own small pond is almost like a "national treasure", and he has to worry about it.

   Ye Guangrong decided that after the road was built, he would dug out his own pond as soon as possible, and put the "blackhead" in it, so as not to let the thief worry about it.

  Everything was arranged. Ye Yaorong took Ye Xiaojuan's phone number and sat with Liu Qingqing, Aunt Liu, and the old village chief in a small car hired by Zhao Haitao, who arrived at the county seat and took the train to Shenzhen.

   Before getting in the car, Ye Yaorong also called Ye Xiaojuan specially. This time, Ye Yaorong was sending money to Ye Xiaojuan and Shun went to see her on behalf of her mother.

   The call went through quickly, but a man answered the call. Ye Guangrong felt a little strange. Isn't this Ye Xiaojuan's call?

   But the man yelled, Ye Xiaojuan came to pick him up soon, and Ye Yaorong told her that he had already taken the car and would be in Shenzhen around nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

   Ye Xiaojuan was very happy, but told Ye Yaorong that for the convenience of picking up Ye Yaorong, he told him not to stop at the Shenzhen station, and asked him to get off the bus one stop earlier. The name of the station is easy to remember.

   It's still sea water, Ye Yaorong is a little funny in his heart. It seems that Ye Xiaojuan has met Xiaojuan 100%, but "Xuanshui" is a good place to remember, and Ye Yaorong will not forget it.

   When she hung up, Ye Xiaojuan asked if Ci Ye Guangrong had brought the 30,000 yuan that his mother asked him to bring.

   Ye Xiaojuan happily hung up the phone after Ye Guangrong said that he had money. It seems to be another poor girl in the deep cave ~ Xiao cave.

   The car started, Ye Yaorong waved his hand, bidding farewell to Liu Qingqing who must come to the platform to see her off, looking at her blurred tears.

  Ye Glory is a bit sour. Women are all such mothers-in-laws. They are not parting or being uncomfortable. They only go for a few days, not for a year or a half.

For the sake of safety, not long after the train left the station, Ye Yaorong also called Wang After all, he is the chief of the county police station, and it is related in the police system. If there is no news for one, three or five days, he can ask the local police to help him.

   After receiving Wang Dafu's full reply, Ye Yaorong was also completely relieved. Ye Yaorong knew that he was very strong now, but he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. In Ye Yaorong's view, more preparations would be prepared.

   Around nine o'clock at noon the next day, the train stopped at the destination "Xanshui". This is a small station, a dilapidated waiting hall, and a few lazy staff seem to be not at work.

  Walking out of the station, Ye Yaorong was surprised that Ye Xiaojuan, who had agreed to pick him up, did not show up at the station, which made Ye Yaorong a little uneasy. It seems that Ye Xiaojuan's freedom of life is really under control.

   Ye Guangrong had to dial Ye Xiaojuan's phone number.

   "Brother Honor?"

   Ye Xiaojuan on the other end of the phone seemed to have not woken up yet, and said weakly.

   "I'm at the Nanshui Station. I didn't mean you came to pick me up. Why didn't I see anyone."

   Ye Guangrong said with some displeasure. If it wasn't for the face of his wife, Ye Yaorong really didn't want to take this matter, Ye Yaorong was lazy, and really didn't want to travel far.

   "Brother Honor, you are here, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I had a meeting late last night, I didn't have time to pick you up today, or I told you to take the car, you sit here by yourself, I will pick you up at the bus station." Liu Xiaojuan said excitedly.


   Ye Guangrong said helplessly. It seems that this group of people ~ Xiao people are very cautious and dare not come to the train station to pick up Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www. For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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