The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 165: Make dumplings

   "I'll help you." Liu Qingqing said with a grin.

   "Okay, can you make dumplings?" Ye Yaorong asked with a smile.

   "Of course I will. When I was a kid, I made dumplings with my mother and grandma. I made dumplings very well." Liu Qingqing said confidently.

   "Well, you can make dumplings." Ye Yaorong said with a smile.

   "No problem, husband, what do we make dumplings with stuffing?"

   Liu Qingqing asked. When making dumplings, the stuffing of dumplings is very important, because dumplings are good or not, but dumpling stuffing is an important factor.

   "What kind of stuffed dumplings do you want to eat?"

   Ye Guangrong asked. Ye Yaorong didn't like to eat dumplings, so the stuffed dumplings had no effect on him, mainly depending on the stuffed dumplings his woman liked.

   "It's the pork filling. When you eat it with a little vinegar, it tastes great." Liu Qingqing hadn't eaten dumplings for a long time. When he talked about dumplings, he swallowed.

   "Okay, let's make dumplings stuffed with pork." Ye Yaorong nodded and said.

   This pork dumpling is the easiest to make. Just take a certain amount of pork and chop it up, and use a spoon to put a little pork into the dumpling slices.

   When it comes to dry, Ye Yaorong quickly took out a piece of pork from the refrigerator, quickly chopped the pork with a knife, and mixed in a certain amount of seasoning.

   Take about half a catty of flour and use water to form a dough, then divide the dough into small pieces and roll them into dumpling wrappers of the same size.

   "Okay, wife, I'll leave the dumplings to you." Ye Guangrong said as he washed the flour on his hands.

   "Yes, husband."

   Liu Qingqing responded immediately. Started to make dumplings.

   Ye Yaorong watched his woman making dumplings with interest, and didn't know why. No matter how he looked at it, Ye Yaorong felt that his wife was particularly beautiful, even the action of making dumplings was so beautiful.

   This made Ye Yaorong have to feel that good people are rewarded. It is because his parents have been doing good deeds throughout their lives that he is a son who can marry such a beautiful wife.

   How could I have such a beautiful wife without my parents risking death to save Liu Qingqing. Maybe he is still living the life of a lazy man in chaos.

   Even after the death of my parents, he destroyed his family property and lived a life of begging on the streets. How could there be such a beautiful wife who has a "lazy system" and such a flowery jade.

   "Husband, what are you looking at?" Liu Qingqing found that his man's eyes were looking straight at him, blushing, and asked suspiciously.

   "It's nothing, I just think your wife is very beautiful."

   Ye Guangrong looked at his woman idiotically and said. Anyway, Ye Yaorong thought that his wife was pretty.

   "I hate..."

   Liu Qingqing glanced at his man and continued to make dumplings happily.

ten minutes later.

   "Husband, I have wrapped the dumplings, how about it? Not bad?"

   After wrapping fifty dumplings, Liu Qingqing asked her man happily. Fortunately, the craftsmanship of making dumplings has not been forgotten, otherwise he will be laughed at by his own man.


   Ye Guangrong stared at Liu Qingqing and said.

   "Hate, husband, I let you see how my dumplings are? I didn't let you see me."

   Liu Qingqing said helplessly. If other men stared straight at him like this, Liu Qingqing would definitely be unhappy in his heart, and when his man looked at him like this, Liu Qingqing would be very satisfied with a little bit of pride in his heart.

   I am still very attractive, so I am so obsessed with my beauty.

   "Oh, beautiful, not only are you beautiful, my wife, but the dumplings are also beautiful." Ye Yaorong recovered and said immediately, boasting.

   Saying compliments to your own woman is never a problem.

   "Hehe, husband, you are really numb," Liu Qingqing said happily.

   "I'm not numb, I'm telling the truth, no one in ten miles and eight villages knows that my wife is the most beautiful." Ye Yaorong said proudly.

   "My husband won't say anything, hurry up and order the dumplings, they are hungry." Liu Qingqing was a little shy when he was praised by his man.

"it is good."

   Ye Guangrong pours boiling water into the pot, lights up the fire of the gas stove, gently pours the dumplings wrapped in Liuqingqing into the pot, cooks until they float, repeatedly tap the water twice and then remove them.

   Pour into another pot that has boiled the broth, add seasonings, and finally sprinkle with washed and chopped coriander and a little sesame oil, and the dumplings are ready in one pot.

   Speaking of the origin of dumplings, there is an interesting legend.

   It was said that there was a faint king who heard the treacherous ministers play "If a man can eat all kinds of rice, he can live longer and become a god", he immediately issued a notice, recruiting chefs with extraordinary skills throughout the country.

   Folk chef Su Qiaosheng was selected into the palace with his superb skills. After making 99 different meals for the emperor, Su Qiaosheng didn’t know what to do.

At this time, he saw some leftover mutton and vegetables on the kitchen table, so he picked up a knife to chop the mutton and vegetables together, messy and seasoned, wrapped many small corners with white flour, and cooked them in a pot of boiling water. Treat it as the last meal to the emperor.

   Unexpectedly, the emperor asked after eating, "This meal is the most delicious today. What is its name?"

   Su Qiaosheng replied in a letter: "This is the finest folk food-flat food. UU reading"

  The emperor wanted to keep Su Qiaosheng and continue to cook for him. Qiaosheng was angry at this greedy monarch, and sneaked away the next day.

  In order to commemorate the chef, later generations learned to pack flat food. In this way, it has been passed down from generation to generation until today, and it has become the dumplings of today.

"All right."

  Ye Glory picked up the dumplings from the pot, put them in two porcelain bowls, one large and one small, and poured the broth. Two bowls of hot dumplings were out of the pot.

   "Husband, the dumplings you gave me are a little bit short."

   Liu Qingqing looked at the dumplings in the small bowl, and said some children pouting. I haven't eaten dumplings for a long time, and Liu Qingqing wants to eat more dumplings.

   "Overeating is not good."

   Ye Guangrong touched Liu Qingqing’s little face, and reluctantly picked five dumplings from his big bowl and put them into Liu Qingqing’s small bowl.

   It's not that Ye Yaorong was reluctant to let Liu Qingqing eat dumplings, but that Liu Qingqing had such a big appetite, and it was not good for his health.

   "My husband, you are so kind."

   Seeing his man put five dumplings into his bowl, Liu Qingqing happily kissed his man's face heavily.

   "Can you kiss me more, every time I feel like a dragonfly." Ye Yaorong touched his face and said dissatisfied.

   "Hehe, it depends on your husband's performance, let alone, I want to eat dumplings."

   After finishing, Liu Qingqing happily picked up his bowl of dumplings and walked to the restaurant outside the kitchen. Liu Qingqing couldn't wait to eat dumplings.


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