The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 155: 7 color Munia

   "This is a colorful bird. It is hard to see in our ordinary life. I saw it once when I was a child, and never saw it again." Ye Yaorong thought for a while and said.

   Regarding this colorful bird, Ye Yaorong heard a beautiful legend when he was very young.

   Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a very beautiful bird with seven colors on its body: red, yellow, blue, green, blue, orange, and purple.

   One of its feathers can satisfy a wish, but if one wish is fulfilled, its feathers will lose one color. If the seven colors are gone, it will become a cloud and fly into the sky.

One year, the water in the forest dries up, and the animals are dying of thirst. The colorful Munnia is sad to see that everyone is not as good as dead, and said to Red Feather: "Red feathers fly, let them fly. It's raining!"

   After speaking, the red feathers on its body turned gray, and then it started to rain. Everyone was saved, and one after another came to thank the colorful bird.

Soon, a big meteor shower came and burned the forest. Many animals were burned to death. The colorful manbird was very sad. It said to the blue and green feathers: "Blue feather, please bring the dead animals back to life. ! Green feathers turn the forest back to its former beauty!"

   After finishing speaking, the blue and green feathers turned gray, the earth returned to the same beauty as before, and the resurrected animals sent food to the colorful bird.

One day, the colorful manbird was shot to death by an arrow. Before it died, it said to four different feathers: "Yellow, blue, orange, and purple feathers. Please don't let the forest be destroyed in the future. Let the animals eat. Don't let the animals...accidentally...and die." After speaking, he went to the west.

   From now on, every morning in the forest, the animals in the forest can see the rainbow, which is the rainbow that the seven colors of the colorful Munbird turn into.

   "Colorful Munnia? What a nice name."

   Liu Qingqing said happily, looking at the colorful bird. Liu Qingqing likes this colorful bird, it's so beautiful.

   Especially standing on a branch, sometimes jumping from side to side, like a ballet star performing a ballet in a theater, that beautiful posture always shows itself its own charm.

   The colorful feathers are bright in color and beautiful, which is simply made in heaven. This beauty is irreplaceable by other birds.


   stayed in the yard, did not go out to play with "Xiao Bai" and a few little wild boars, "Wang Tsai", also found the colorful mania near "Yingying", enthusiastically shouted to the colorful mania, it can be regarded as greeting.

   However, Colorful Munnia didn't buy its face very much, so it flew back to the mountains in fright.

   "Bad guy, bad guy..."

   "Yingying" flew up to "Wangcai" very upset, grabbed it a few claws, and cursed "Wangcai" very upset.

   "Don't chase yet, be careful your girlfriend runs away."

   Ye Guangrong said with a smile. This kind of parrot is really good now, relying on Liu Qingqing to support it, and dominate the group of animals in the family, the typical "fox fake tiger power".


   At the reminder of Ye Yaorong, "Yingying" didn't care to settle accounts with "Wangcai", and quickly waved her wings and flew out of the mountain.

   "Wangcai, I blame you, but I scared away the colorful bird."

   Liu Qingqing said to "Wangcai" somewhat depressed. Liu Qingqing liked this colorful Munbird so much that she was scared away by "Wang Cai", and I don't know if I can see this colorful Munbird next time.


   "Wangcai" cried a little aggrievedly, and he didn't say hello to him very much, and even upset his mistress.

   "Hehe, don't worry,'Sakura Sakura' is so smart, she will bring back this colorful bird in a few days." Ye Yaorong said comforting his woman.

   Women are born to like beautiful things, and the same is true for my own wife. It seems that she must ask "Yingying" to bring back the colorful bird to make her woman happy.

   "Well, I also believe that'Sakura Sakura' works."

   Liu Qingqing nodded and said. Liu Qingqing is still very confident about the smart "Yingying". For a bird as smart as "Yingying", Liu Qingqing believes that the world may not be able to find a second one.

   "Wife, what do you want to eat at noon?"

  Ye glory problem, now there are no guests at home, except for breakfast, lunch and dinner are basically made by Ye glory. There is no way, now Ye glory has his own mouth also being raised by his own cooking skills.

   "I want to eat pumpkin stewed with sugar."

   Liu Qingqing thought for a while and said. Liu Qingqing remembered the first time he ate sugar-stewed pumpkin, when Ye Yaorong’s parents were alive, there was no food at home, and her mother-in-law stewed a pot of sugar-stewed pumpkin. The taste was better than eating canned food.

   I haven't eaten sugar stewed pumpkin for almost a year. Liu Qingqing misses the taste a little.

   Pumpkin is a plant of the squash genus in the Cucurbitaceae family. It is also known as wheat melon, papaya, Japanese gua, golden wax gourd, Hokkien dialect, Hakka dialect, Da Peng dialect, and Jinhua dialect are called "golden melon".

   Pumpkins are cultivated in various parts of China. They are tender and delicious. They are one of the melons and vegetables in summer and autumn. Old melon can be used as fodder or miscellaneous so it is also called rice melon in many places.

   In the West, pumpkins are often used to make pumpkin pie, that is, pumpkin cookies. Pumpkin seeds can be used as snacks and fried pouches.

   Pumpkin is an excellent source of B-carotene. This antioxidant substance can help people maintain sharp thinking. The mineral zinc contained in pumpkin seeds is also an important substance that promotes the functioning of the brain.

   Ye Rongrong, the people in this village mainly speak Hokkien~Southern dialect. The people in the village call pumpkin as golden melon, but the northerner, Liu Qingqing, is still used to calling it pumpkin.

   "It’s okay to stew pumpkin with sugar. I will cook pumpkin stew with sugar at noon.”

   Ye Guangrong nodded and said. When Ye Yaorong was young, he was still very poor at that time, and there were not so many delicious things. Even the fruits grown in the mountains had to be eaten secretly. Every household took the fruits of their own family very seriously. , Afraid of being stolen.

   At that time, Ye Yaorong’s happiest thing was that his mother made pumpkin stew with sugar. Of course, it wasn’t something that could be eaten as rice at that time. At that time, it was used as a dish to accompany rice.

   "Husband, you are the best."

   Liu Qingqing said happily. Recently, Liu Qingqing has a sense of happiness in his first love and being doted by his own man.

   Liu Qingqing used to disdain the so-called notion of getting married first and then falling in love. This is why Liu Qingqing was so opposed to the engagement arranged for her in the family and sneaked out.

   Now Liu Qingqing enjoys the feeling of marrying first and then falling in love with Ye Rongrong. Of course, the premise is that your men don’t change back to what they used to be. As long as your men always love and spoil yourself, Liu Qingqing is willing to live less than ten years in this Welcome friends to visit and read, the latest, The fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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