The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 150: House cleaning

   "Yiyi, do you feel diarrhea?"

   Two hours passed, and Chu Yiyi showed no signs of diarrhea, Ma Lin couldn't help asking.

   "No, I'm still a little hungry. I don't feel like going to the bathroom. I think my diarrhea should be cured."

   Chu Yiyi said. In the past few days, as long as Chu Yiyi eats, he will definitely have diarrhea in less than an hour. The more he eats, the more times he will have diarrhea.

   And I ate so much at noon, and now two hours have passed, and I have no signs of diarrhea. Chu Yiyi knew that the "salt tea" must have worked, and his diarrhea was basically cured.

   "No, it's just that soon."

   Ma Lin said in disbelief. So many doctors and even professors in my school couldn't cure the diarrhea, so I drank a cup of boiling water made with "salt tea" and it was cured immediately. This is incredible.

   "What? Do you think I will have a diarrhea for a few more days?"

   no more diarrhea, plus a full meal at noon, the whole person has some strength, Chu Yiyi in a good mood said jokingly.

   "No, I didn't mean that, I just thought it was a little weird." Ma Lin said quickly.

   "It's really amazing, just such a simple'salt tea', actually cured Yiyi's diarrhea." Yang Hanyun also said in surprise.

"What kind of simple'salt tea', do you know how this'salt tea' is fried, and what's the secret ingredient in it? I tell you, my glory brother's fried'salt tea' is definitely not simple, otherwise neither It will have an effect so soon, which is several times better than the medicine prescribed by the doctors in our school."

   Ye Shuting said. Now the "salt tea" sent by Brother Glory cures Chu Yiyi's disease, which makes Ye Shuting proud.

"Where is the medicine several times better than the medicine prescribed by the doctors in the school? It is simply not a grade. The medicine prescribed by the doctors in the school has no effect at all. If you take a cup of "Salt Tea" from Brother Glory, the illness will be cured. It can’t be better at all.”

   Chu Yiyi said in a good mood. Chu Yiyi sincerely thanked Ye Yaorong for the "salt tea" sent to him. Without this "salt tea", Chu Yiyi would not know how long he would have to have a stomachache. Not to mention the pain, it would seriously affect him. Learning.

   "Now you know that Brother Honor is amazing." Ye Shuting said triumphantly.

   "Tingting, can you give me that'salt tea", one day I have diarrhea, and I will make a drink too." Ma Lin said to Ye Shuting across the bed.

   "Don't you believe that this'salt tea' can cure Yiyi's disease?" Ye Shuting gave Ma Lin a blank look and said. Ye Shuting is a bit grudge now.

   "That's not the beginning. I didn't know the effect. If I knew that the effect was so good, how dare I underestimate it, you can divide me a bit, if I don't want more, just divide me half." Ma Lin said.

   "Half is not too much, Tingting, I only need one third, and you can divide me one third."

   Yang Hanyun said. Now Yang Hanyun is also greedy for the bottle of "salt tea" in Ye Shuting's hand. This is simply the magic medicine for diarrhea.

   "Brother Honor specially made this to cure my diarrhea. This'salt tea' should belong to me." Chu Yiyi said unwillingly.

   Chu Yiyi can't guarantee that she won't have diarrhea like this time, so she wants to take that bottle of "salt tea" as her own. This "magic medicine" for treating diarrhea, everyone needs medicine.

"Now I want it all. I tell you, there is no way. This bottle of'salt tea' was sent to me by Brother Glory. I will not divide it. You are going to have diarrhea. I can take some out for you to soak and drink. ."

   Ye Shuting said. Ye Shuting sent this bottle of "salt tea" to herself with her brother Honor, which was sent to herself by her brother Honor.


   said several women depressed.


   When there was one month left at the end of the year, every household started to get busy. Ye Rongrong’s family is no exception. Every year before, the house will be cleaned up, which means sweeping away the disasters and difficulties of this year to welcome the arrival of the new year.

   No, there is still a month before the New Year, Ye Yaorong was called by Liu Qingqing to help clean the entire yard.

   This time it is a comprehensive cleanup. All the places in the yard will be cleaned once. It takes three or four days for such a large yard to be cleaned.

It doesn’t mean that after this cleaning, there will be no cleaning this year. About five or six days before the new year, the yard will still be cleaned. However, the scope of cleaning was not so wide at that time. The main thing was to clean up the main areas of the house. , People look very clean.

A year’s cleaning can clear up a lot of garbage at home, and then take them to the open space outside the yard and burn them all together. The thick black smoke can be seen from far away, and the pungent smell keeps coming. .

   The animals in the family don’t like the smell, they all stay far away.

After ten days of cleaning, the entire yard is much cleaner, and there are a lot less spider webs on the roof beams and in the Basically, the spider webs wherever they are found are cleaned up. No fewer than a hundred spiders have been trampled to death by Ye Yaorong these days.


   "At three o'clock this afternoon, Ye Rongfa's house slaughtered pigs. If someone in the village needs meat, he can go to Ye Rongfa's house to ask for it."

   After lunch, the old village chief Ye Xianghai's voice came from the big broadcast in the village.

Every year when the New Year is approaching, the people raising pigs in the village will kill the pigs for the New Year. After the killing, they will basically sell them except for some of them at home. Southerners do not have the habit of killing pigs to make bacon. Killing pigs and selling meat, earning some money for the New Year.

   At this time, if the villagers need meat, they can buy it at his home, and the price is definitely much cheaper than in the market. After all, there is no middleman. In these years, the most profitable person in any transaction is always the middleman.

   There is another point. The meat of this kind of domestic pig is more delicious and healthier than the feed pigs bought in the vegetable market. This freshly killed pork is very fresh.

   Basically, who kills pigs, most of the pork is divided by the people in the village, and there is not much or even not sold on the market.

   "Husband, Brother Rongfa kills pigs, let's go and take a look."

   Liu Qingqing said to Ye Yaorong. Liu Qingqing grew up so old that he hadn't seen a pig killing scene yet, so he was a little curious. Of course, let Liu Qingqing watch it alone. Liu Qingqing didn't dare. After all, the **** scene was quite scary. With his own man by his side, Liu Qingqing felt safe and wouldn't be afraid.

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