The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 142: Make noodles

   "Husband, come out quickly, I have finished the snowman, come and take a look."

   Ye Guangrong just made a bowl of "wine beaten eggs" and brought it to the room in the front yard, when he heard Liu Qingqing calling himself loudly outside the yard.

  Walking out of the yard, seeing that his wife had already made a look on the snowball, what made Ye Guangrong feel funny was that Liu Qingqing used a carrot as a nose for the snowman and stuck it on the snowball, which looked a bit funny.

   "It seems that eyes and hands are missing."

   Ye Guangrong read it several times carefully, then offered his own opinions.

"wait for me."

After thinking about it, Liu Qingqing ran into the yard. Soon Liu Qingqing took out two big red dates from the house and put them on the small snowball. Soon the snowman’s eyes and nose were all there, and it looked like Some people look like people.

   "Not bad, not bad, it would be more perfect with a broomstick."

   Ye Guangrong picked up the broom placed by the wall of the yard, and inserted it on the big snowball as a little hand, so that the snowman looked more decent.

   "Husband, quickly take a picture of me and the snowman." Liu Qingqing looked at the results of her labor and was not overly happy, thinking about taking a photo with the snowman.

   Seeing that his wife was so excited, Ye Yaorong was also very happy to take a dozen photos of her in a row.

   "Wife, are you cold?"

   Ye Guangrong asked distressedly when he saw that his woman's face was red with freezing.

   "A little bit, but I am really happy."

   Liu Qingqing is still very excited. This is the first time Liu Qingqing has grown up so much to build a snowman with his own man. Liu Qingqing feels very happy and very sweet.

   Although my body is a bit cold, my heart is warm.

"My husband's'wine beaten egg' is getting cold, let's go in and eat it, you can warm up, if you catch a cold, your husband will feel distressed." Ye Yaorong held Liu Qing flushed with his frozen face. Qing said.

   Ye Guangrong hugged Liu Qingqing and walked into the yard...

"Husband, the'wine beaten egg' you made is so delicious. After eating it, the body is warm and a little drunk." After a bowl of "wine beaten egg", Liu Qingqing felt the whole person warm and special. Comfortable.

"Hehe, there are a lot of rice wine in it. Although the degree is not high, it is quite intoxicating. If you want to go to bed, just go to bed." Looking at Liu Qingqing who blushed after eating "alcohol beating eggs", Ye Yaorong said with a smile.

   "Well, husband, I want to eat noodles at noon, okay?" Liu Qingqing was also a little sleepy, and wanted to go to the house to sleep.

   "No problem, go to bed, and when your husband prepares the noodles, I will tell you to get up and eat the noodles." Ye Guangrong touched his woman's small face with some affection.


In the kitchen, Ye Yaorong took out half a bag of flour from the cupboard. The flour was bought from the town a few days ago. After all, it’s cold now. Sometimes I don’t want to buy vegetables, cook or cook so much trouble. I added some flour and made pasta at any time.

   took out a cutting board, poured in a small half bag of flour, then put the flour bag away, and received a small bowl of water. Put the small bowl on the table not far from the chopping board and let Ye Yaorong reach it.

   Ye Guangrong washed his hands and rolled up his sleeves, ready to start making dough.

   Ye Guangrong put his hand on the chopping board, one hand reached through the middle of the flour, and gently pushed to divide the flour into two small piles, and then turned his wrist to form a circle in the middle of the flour.

Then Ye Yaorong slapped heavily on the table, controlling his strength, shaking the clear water in the bowl, and letting it fall accurately on the circle drawn in the flour pile without spilling half of it. The power of hand moved back and forth in the water a few times, and a pattern of Tai Chi clearly appeared on the water, which disappeared after several seconds.

   Ye Guangrong chuckled. It seems that Tai Chi from his system is really good for making noodles. When the noodles are made, the taste should be very good.

If there is water and noodles, then prepare to make the noodles. Ye Yaorong flew on the chopping board with both hands, kneading the dough, and finally it became a ball. Let the ball rotate back and forth in his hands. Ye Yaorong's hands turned faster and faster, and finally Ye Yaorong split his hands and shook his hands.

   let the dough fly high by itself, and when it was almost close to the ceiling, the strength disappeared, and fell heavily from the sky, accurately hitting the middle of the chopping board.

When Ye Yaorong saw that the dough was as high as his head, he stretched out his right hand, and the late hair caught up with the dough first, unloaded the falling force and twisted it, and then pushed the dough up. After removing the chopping board, let it continue to run at high speed on the chopping board, but it can't get out of the chopping board.

   Ye Yaorong nodded with satisfaction, turned around and took out the pork that he sold yesterday from the refrigerator. Ye Yaorong was going to use this pork for filling.

   This time Ye Yaorong seemed to be addicted to the game, and the meat was not cut properly, so he played tricks.

Ye Yaorong lay the meat flat on the surface of the knife, the muscles of the arm holding the knife tensed, and the wrist lightly lifted, and the piece of meat was shook into the air. Ye Yaorong stared at the piece of meat without a word. As if it were his life and death enemy, the flesh was constantly turning over in the air, Ye Yaorong held the knife in his right hand, looking for the most suitable angle of the knife.

Suddenly, Ye Yaorong came out of the knife, and a few white lights flashed, as if lightning in the dark suddenly pierced the sky, and the piece of flesh in the air suddenly disintegrated in the air, turning into dozens of small pieces of even size. It was square. Ye Yaorong easily nailed the knife to the chopping board, picked up the plate that had been prepared, and caught the meat that fell Then turned on the stove, put the pot, put the meat and the meat Put the various seasonings into it one by one, and reduce the heat to the minimum. It is best to use a low heat to stew slowly, so that the various flavors can best mix and match, which is the so-called delicious flavor.

   "Hey, you should take a break after spinning for so long."

Seeing that the dough was still spinning in circles, Ye Yaorong smiled, stepped forward, reached out and patted the dough fiercely, and directly burst the dough, breaking it to pieces, and several pieces were knocked out of the chopping board and facing Flew to the ground.

Ye Yaorong was prepared for a long time, and he took the pieces of dough calmly, because he had already calculated the strength, the master-level Tai Chi added to the god-level cooking skills, if this little thing is still not done well If so, Ye Yaorong could hang a rope and hang himself.

Ye Yaorong took the pieces of dough in his hand, first kneaded it into a long dough stick, and then continued to be beaten and stretched continuously. It stopped after being beaten several times, even though the dough was rotated for so long. After he became noodles, he was already very vigorous, but Ye Yaorong still thought he was not perfect, so he beat him a few times.

   "Well, this should be almost the same. This kind of noodles just add a little salt and no seasonings. That is also a kind of delicious."

   Ye Guangrong looked at the noodles in his hand and exclaimed, this is not bragging, this is a fact, what is a god-level cooking skill, a god-level skill is to turn corruption into a legend, and the skill is close to Tao.

Huaxia has a history of five thousand years, and there are many cuisines, but it is one of the few who have practiced cooking to the master level. As for the god-level cooking, Ye Yaorong is definitely no one before and ~Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at For mobile users, please go to read.

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