The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 139: "Curious People"

   "Honor, where did your family invite the chef? The dishes are so delicious!" Ye Honor's girlfriend Wang Xiaojia asked quietly in his boyfriend's ear.

  Wang Xiaojia's family is in good condition. He has eaten a lot of food from big hotels, but he has never had such a delicious meal as today.

   "It's a person from my village, according to seniority, I still call him brother."

   Ye Honor said. Ye Honor now understands his father's words. A chef like this can invite him to cook this engagement banquet for his own home. It's all because of the people in the same village.

   "I can't tell that your village has more capable people. This culinary skill is still a bit better."

   Wang Xiaojia said. Wang Xiaojia, a wealthy family member, has eaten dishes made by super chefs. Although they are delicious, they are not as good as the dishes made today.

   "That is, there are a lot of capable people in Taoyuan Village. There are people from Taoyuan Village in many government departments in Minzhou City." Ye Honor said somewhat proudly.

   "It's not that you are capable, what are you stinky?"

   Wang Xiaojia glanced at her boyfriend, and whispered in his ear. Wang Xiaojia just couldn't see her boyfriend's death.

   Regardless of whether Wang Xiaojia and Ye Honor are whispering, Wang Xiaojia’s parents are surprised that the dishes at the engagement banquet today are very ordinary, but the taste is definitely the most delicious they have ever eaten.

Especially Wang Xiaojia’s father, Wang Qiyan, has traveled to many places and tasted many delicacies. He considers himself a foodie with a lot of food, but today’s ordinary engagement banquet, the taste of this table is definitely Wang Qiyan. The best meal ever.

   "My father-in-law, where did you hire the chef? This cooking skill is superb."

   I almost ate, and I couldn't hold anything in my stomach anymore. Wang Qiyan touched his belly and asked Ye Tiancheng curiously.

"I asked him from my own village. I am not a chef, but this cooking skill is not worse than that of a chef in a big hotel. Whoever has a happy event in the nearby towns, I want to invite him to be a chef most, but they are skilled people. If you don’t rely on being a chef to make money, it usually doesn’t matter, but you can’t hire him.”

   Ye Tiancheng said with some contentment. Seeing how his in-laws were devouring, Ye Tiancheng knew that he was right to invite Ye Yaorong to be the chef this time. In this way, the in-laws in these cities would not underestimate his home.

   "My father-in-law, the chef you hired is terrible. I have traveled north and south over the years and have been to many places. I have eaten many foods made by chefs, and they are not as good as this table of dishes."

   Wang Qiyan said with emotion. Wang Qiyan didn't expect that the most delicious dishes he had eaten as a gourmet would be at the engagement banquet of his daughter in this shabby mountain village.

In fact, at the beginning, Wang Qiyan was unwilling to treat her own woman with this rural baby Ye Honor. After all, parents hope that their daughter can marry a family with good family conditions, rather than take their daughter from the city. Wealthy families married to the countryside.

   But my daughter has to live with this Ye Honor. Wang Qiyan has nothing to do with his daughter. He is just such a daughter. Wang Qiyan and his wife don't want her to marry another country.

   So the two couples discussed and agreed that their daughter should get along with Ye Honor. The premise is that after graduating from university, they must work in the city. Of course, all work and housing matters will be settled by Wang Qiyan and his wife.

   The final result can be imagined, in terms of their son's marriage and son's future, what else could the Ye Tiancheng and his wife do besides accepting this condition.

   Although every parent wants their children to be by their side, but for the happiness and future of their sons, they have to let go.

   "That is, the chef I invited is much better than those in the city. He is a strange man in our village."

   Ye Tiancheng said with a smile. Now Ye Tiancheng feels that he has a lot of face in front of his wealthy in-laws in this city. It's great that you are rich. You can only eat such delicious dishes when you come to me. Otherwise, no matter how rich you are, you won't be able to eat such delicious dishes.

   "Wonderful man, why is that strange?" Wang Xiaojia asked curiously.

   "That's right, my father-in-law, tell us what the chef you hired is capable of, and you call it a strange man?"

  Wang Qiyan is full and has nothing to do. He also wants to hear what the "wonder man" of this poor mountain village has.

   "I won't talk about this cooking skill. Everyone has eaten his dishes. Everyone has seen this skill. Do you guys say it's the best?" Wang Tiancheng asked.

   "This culinary skill is indeed much better than that of many super chefs. In China, it may not be possible to find a second culinary skill that is better than him, and it is a must."

   Wang Qiyan has a lot of knowledge at this table. Everyone agrees with what he said, and it doesn’t work if he doesn’t agree. No one has ever tasted more delicious dishes than this table.

   "Secondly, he killed a wild boar king of more than 500 catties by himself..." Ye Tiancheng continued.

   "Dad, don't talk nonsense, where are wild boars weighing more than 500 catties?"

   Ye Honor couldn't listen, so he quickly stopped his father from speaking. Ye Honor grew up in the village, but he has never heard of a wild boar king with more than 500 catties, and a wild boar of more than two hundred catties is already very big.

Besides, Ye Yaorong killed a 500-plus catty wild boar king by himself. The cowhide was too big. The 500-plus catty wild boar, even the tiger, is not its opponent. Where is Ye Yaorong’s opponent? .

   Don’t say that your girlfriend and her family don’t believe it anymore, even if she doesn’t believe it, Ye Honor dare not let her father talk about it anymore.

   "Why I am raising Ye Guangrong's family now. If you don't believe this, you can ask your grandfather the village chief."

   Seeing that his son didn't believe his own words, Ye Tiancheng said with a bit of displeasure.

   "Tiancheng is not wrong at all. Ye Yaorong was the one who killed a wild boar king. That wild boar king is still kept in Ye Guangrong's house. He has been tamed by him, and he has become the guy who cares for the home."

   The old village chief, Ye Xianghai, as the most powerful person in the village, was also sitting at the main table. Seeing everyone looking at him, Ye Xianghai spoke. For the old village chief, having a capable person in the village is also something to show off.

   "Is this true? There are more than five hundred catties of the wild boar king, how big is this?"

   Wang Xiaojia said with a surprised look. As for saying that someone had killed a wild boar king of more than 500 catties by himself, Wang Xiaojia, like her boyfriend Ye Honor, didn't believe it very much and thought it was an exaggeration.

   "Want to see, I'll take you there later, Qiwa (Ye Guangrong's nickname) has not only a big wild boar in his family, but also a talking bird, what's the name..."

   Ye Honor's mother said happily when she saw her curious future daughter-in-law. Ye Honor's mother is very satisfied with her daughter-in-law.

  In the eyes of rural people, as long as they are engaged, this girl is her own daughter-in-law, and can live in her own home. People in and outside the village will not gossip.

If there is no engagement, if the woman lives in the man’s house, it is very taboo in the countryside. After all, there are particularly many women in the countryside who are idle and do nothing. They like to chew their tongues. When the time comes, rumors will spread all over the village and outside the village. Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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