The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 136: "King Kong" is here

   "Husband,'King Kong' didn't come back tonight." After dinner, Liu Qingqing said to Ye Yaorong a little worried.

   "It's okay, a man as big as'King Kong', even if the tiger in the mountains meets it, will avoid it. It is not bad that it does not provoke other beasts. Which beast dares to provoke him."

   The old **** Ye Yaorong said on the ground that Ye Yaorong was very confident in the combat effectiveness of "King Kong". It is estimated that the bear on the mountain may not be the opponent of "King Kong".

"What should I do if I encounter a pack of wolves, I heard from the old people in the village that there are several packs of wild wolves deep in the back mountain, and their hands are hard to beat four punches. If King Kong encounters a pack of wild wolves, it will suffer a big loss. Up."

   Liu Qingqing still said with some worry. Although Liu Qingqing doesn't like "King Kong" very much, but after a long time together, Liu Qingqing still has feelings for it.

"This is true. When I was a child, there were wolves in Houshan. Later, the county organized several large-scale operations to clean up wild wolves. In the village near Cangshan Mountain, wild wolves never appeared again. I was driven to the depths of Kuocang Mountain."

   "But even if it is a pack of wolves, it will not attack a wild boar king as big as "King Kong" for no reason. After all, if they really fight, the pack may not be able to get any benefits."

   Ye Yaorong thought for a while and said, Ye Yaorong still has confidence in the combat effectiveness of "King Kong". Even if he encounters a group of wild wolves, even if he can't beat him, he still has no problem running.

   "Hope there will be nothing wrong with'King Kong'?" Liu Qingqing was still a little worried. Anyway, girls think more and worry more than boys.

   "Okay, don't worry, you have to have confidence in'King Kong'." Ye Yaorong said with a smile.


   Not long after daybreak the next day, Ye Yaorong was still sleeping in the room, and there were a few grunts at the door. Ye Yaorong on the bed felt that the door seemed to be opened for someone.

   Ye Guangrong opened his eyes, and was startled by the sight in front of him. The room that was originally relatively spacious, now suddenly appeared a few dark shadows scurrying around the room.

   Ye Guangrong immediately sat up and rubbed his eyes, thinking that two small gray-black wild piglets were arching around in his bedroom.

Now Ye Glory couldn’t sleep anymore. He immediately got up from the bed and drove the two little wild boars out. Just kidding, if the two wild boars are allowed to sway in the bedroom, the bedroom will not be messed up. I was so angry that my wife had a "cleanliness" syndrome.

When I woke up early in the morning, there were two little wild piglets in the house. Ye Guangrong felt a little headache. I didn’t expect that King Kong had just finished talking last night. Today King Kong brought back his family. He also meant to mess up his bedroom. I even promised my wife yesterday, I don't know how to explain it now.

Ye Yaorong put on her pajamas and walked out of the bedroom. There was a female wild boar one size smaller than King Kong in the yard and circled around King Kong. Seeing its intimate posture, Ye Yaorong estimated that this small one The female wild boar of number number is the subject of "King Kong", and there are five little piglets beside it, two of which are the little piglets who ran into her bedroom just now.

   "Damn,'King Kong', your kid is good. You brought the whole family back without a sound and messed up the yard. When your hostess sees it, she will have to say something again."

   Ye Guangrong looked at "King Kong" depressed and said. Looking at the front yard, Ye Yaorong got a headache because of the mess made by these five little wild boars.

   Seeing the owner of my own house said about himself, "King Kong" couldn't help humming a little unhappily.

   "How about you, are you still not convinced? If you are not convinced, I will sell your favorite." Seeing "King Kong" dared to lose his temper, Ye Yaorong said threateningly.

   "King Kong" heard that his master was about to sell his favorites, and immediately unhappily pressed Ye Yaorong with his sharp fangs. It means that if you sell the female wild boar, my fangs will greet you carefully, and you will know it is awesome if you poke a few holes.

   "Damn, you are against the sky, so you dare to attack your master. Forget it, for your love and justice, I won't sell your favor."

   Ye Guangrong looked at "King Kong" depressed and said. It seems that this "King Kong" is also a wild boar who values ​​his love and righteousness. He values ​​his wife very much. He is just making a joke and has to fight hard with him.

   Seeing that his master didn't sell his object, "King Kong" happily walked to the sow and hummed, as if to comfort the sow.

   "Husband, what's the matter, where are so many wild boars?"

   Making breakfast in the backyard, Liu Qingqing, who was about to go to the front yard to do exercises, asked questioningly when there were a few little wild boars in the yard.

"King Kong brought his family back. Seeing that the yard was made, I would sell the sow if I was angry. This King Kong was still not convinced. When I heard that I was going to sell it, he actually wanted to follow I'm desperate, you say you are not angry." Ye Yaorong said with a depressed expression.

   "You deserve it, who made you so bad and wanted to sell the object of'King Kong', I can't tell that'King Kong' is still a good wild boar with a sense of sentiment, yes, I would like to like'King Kong'."

   Liu Qingqing glanced at his man, then turned his head to praise "King Kong" and said.

   "I'm just Seeing my women talk about themselves, Ye Yaorong said depressedly, co-authoring is all his own fault.

   "Okay, I will clean up the yard, and you will wash and bathe the King Kong family. It looks dirty and uncomfortable."

   Liu Qingqing didn't blame the "King Kong" family for making the yard dirty. He told his man to bathe the King Kong family and picked up the broom to clean up the yard.

   "King Kong, take your friend and your son and come with me outside." Ye Yaorong confessed to "King Kong".

   "King Kong" hummed a few times at the little wild boar who was walking around in the yard. The little wild piglet, who was still looking for fun just now, immediately gathered around "King Kong" and shook its short tail.

   It seemed that "King Kong" was still quite majestic, and Ye Yaorong counted a total of five little wild piglets.

   Ye Guangrong took the "King Kong" and drove all the piglets to the small pond not far from the front door of the yard, preparing to give them a full body wash.

   There was the mighty dad "King Kong", and the little piglets stood there obediently and let Ye Guangrong hug them to the pond with a push-hair brush.

This pond was dug by Ye Yaorong’s father. In the past, there was no tap water in the village. The pond was dug to store water to facilitate washing things. At the inlet, five steps were dug and red bricks were laid on the top of the stairs so that you could stand on the water. The inside will not slip into the pond, and occasionally you can wash the toilet or something here.

   After a while, the mud-covered little wild boars became clean. As for "King Kong" and the sow, Ye Yaorong let them take a bath by themselves. After all, like "King Kong", it is more than 500 kilograms. If it doesn't move, no one can use Welcome to book friends Come and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at For mobile users, please go to read.

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