The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 131: Unsung Hero

In the evening, Liu Qingqing and Ye Yaorong lay on the bed and watched TV. They watched "Xiao Li Talking" on the Minzhou Metropolitan Channel. They talked about people and things that happened in Minzhou City. Liu Qingqing especially liked Look, you have to read this "Xiao Li said things" every day before going to bed.

"Husband, why is this place so familiar?" Liu Qingqing said to Ye Yaorong, pointing to the TV.

"Of course it's familiar. Isn't this the Moon Lake in the county we visited today?"

Ye Yaorong took a look and knew where the scene was on the TV. After all, near the Moon Lake in the county seat, Ye Yaorong had gone more than Liu Qingqing, and was even more impressed by it.

"Hello everyone, I'm Xiao Li from City Channel'Xiao Li Talking About Things'. What we are telling you today is an unknown hero who rescued five drowning girls and a drowning boy."

On the TV, a beautiful female host Xiao Li, about 30 years old, stood by the lake and broadcast news to the audience in front of the TV. Judging from the scene on the TV, it should be daytime.

"Husband, what about you, unsung hero, haha."

Liu Qingqing looked at her husband and said with a smile, Liu Qingqing did not expect that her lazy husband would one day become a hero. Although he is unknown, he is also a hero, and he is also a hero by himself, Liu Qing Qing was very happy.

"Watch TV, watch TV."

Ye Yaorong said triumphantly. It's a pity that I can't tell the story of my own saving, otherwise I will not be an unsung hero, but a famous hero.

"Unfortunately, when our TV station came, our unknown hero had already left silently, and everyone didn't even know who he was. Now everyone follows our lens to interview and see the enthusiastic crowd of the unknown hero saving people. People."

Xiao Li on the screen took the microphone, and immediately asked an aunt who was still by the lake: "This eldest sister, did you see the rescue incident that happened just now?"

"I saw it, of course I saw it. I saw all those young girls falling into the water." The aunt said excitedly without fear of the camera.

"Then can you tell everyone what happened?" Xiao Li asked.

"Yes, I will come to Moon Lake for a walk every morning. I was walking by the lake this morning and suddenly heard the sound of ‘help’ from the lake."

"I hurriedly looked into the lake. Okay, a small boat capsized, and the five little girls in the boat fell into the lake. Look at the scene. None of these five little girls can swim. A young man from the boat hurried into the water to save people, but the young man's water quality was also average. People didn't rescue him, but he got in."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Xiao Li said.

"Who said no, the people on the shore were in a hurry, but everyone was afraid to save people."

"Why don't everyone dare to save people?" Xiao Li asked.

"Isn't this obvious? People with poor water quality will go down to save others, and maybe they will also catch up. There are not many people who have sacrificed themselves these days." The aunt said confidently.

"How about it?" Xiao Li continued to ask.

"At this moment of crisis, a young guy jumped out of the lake and swam quickly to the place where it fell into the water. The speed is as fast as running, faster than those swimming stars in the Olympics. The place where the water fell."

"This young man is really good at water. There is nothing to say. He saved two young girls who fell into the water with one hand. In less than two or three minutes, he rescued all six young men who fell into the water ashore. God." The aunt said excitedly.

"What happened later?" Xiao Li asked.

"Later... Later this young man who saved the life left." The aunt thought for a while and said.

"Do you know when he left?" Xiao Li asked.

"I don’t know this. Everyone was nervous about the safety of the young people who fell into the water. They didn’t pay attention to him. As a result, he left without a sound, and he didn’t even leave a name. There are really too few of the good guys. Your TV station must find him and promote it well." The aunt said with emotion.

"Okay, thank you auntie." Xiao Li collected the topic and walked to the next goal.

"Hello, big brother, did you see the rescue scene just now?" Xiao Li asked a middle-aged man with a microphone.


The middle-aged man was a little uncomfortable talking in front of the camera, and simply responded.

"Then what do you think?" Xiao Li asked.

"That young man is good, sorry, I still have things." After the middle-aged man said, he immediately walked away, some did not want to speak in front of the camera.

"Handsome guy, hello, what do you think of the rescue operation just now?" Xiao Li stopped a man in his twenties and asked.

"The man is too watery. If he participates in the Olympic swimming competition, he will definitely win all swimming gold medals. It is really too good. I don't know where he learned such a great swimming technique. I want to apprentice him. ."

The young guy said excitedly. Ye Guangrong's swimming action to save people in the water is still lingering in the young guy's mind, just like a fish.

"Beauty, what do you think about the rescue just now?" Xiao Li asked a young girl about twenty years old.

"It's very cool, handsome, and so caring, who sacrifices oneself to save others. It's a hero. If only I had a boyfriend like that." The young girl said a little idiot.


After asking five or six onlookers in a row, Xiao Li's camera shifted to the rescued young girls. They are all in the hospital now, and their soaked clothes have been changed, except His face was a little pale, and there was nothing serious about it.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Li from the Metropolitan Channel'Xiao Li Telling Things', can I interview you?" Xiao Li asked several girls with the microphone.


Several girls looked at each other, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com agreed to Xiao Li's interview.

"Do you remember what you were rescued by falling into the water today? Can you tell me something about it?" Xiao Li asked.

"Remember, a few of us were playing in a boat today. Due to the excessive movements, the whole boat overturned and all of us fell into the water. Then we struggled desperately in the water and called for help until we were rescued ashore. After we went ashore, our spirits have not yet recovered, and we can't remember what the person who saved us looks like." An older girl said.

"Do you want to know who saved you?" Xiao Li asked.

"Yes, we want to meet the benefactor who saved us, and we want to thank him face to face." said a beautiful girl about twenty years old.

"However, when we are relieved, the benefactor is gone. We don't know who he is. We only know that he is a young man under thirty, sister, can you help us find this benefactor?" Said the older girl.

"Husband, do you think any of these girls would think about finding you, in order to repay your life-saving grace?" When the TV saw this, Liu Qingqing smiled and looked at his man. Asked.

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