The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 125: Buy musical instruments

After worshipping the **** of the mountain, everyone began to work. Now that the road construction project was contracted to the two engineering teams, the people in the engineering team knew what to do. The old village chief and several village cadres supervised the work. There was nothing about Ye Yaorong, so Ye Yaorong took his wife home.

   "My wife, I want to go shopping in the county town, are you going?" Ye Guangrong asked Liu Qingqing when he returned to his yard.

   "What do you buy?" Liu Qingqing asked suspiciously.

   "I want to buy a guzheng and flute."

   Ye Guangrong said. Among all the musical instruments, Ye Yaorong’s favorite is the Guzheng and Xiao. The reason is that in TV and novels, those literate knights can use instruments like Guzheng and Xiao, and Ye Yaorong thinks he can also martial arts now. A set of Guzheng and Xiao is also required.

   It’s nothing else, just pretending to have a good face, you know, many people in the village think that a junior high school student who has not graduated from junior high school is not worthy of the educated beauty Liu Qingqing.

Now that he has a "master-level piano art", Ye Yaorong feels that he can be regarded as a well-educated and educated person. It is also good to buy some musical instruments to fill the storefront, so as not to let those who have enough food and nothing to do and jealous of him. Said that he was not worthy of Liu Qingqing.

   "Buy guzheng and flute?"

   Liu Qingqing looked at her man with some doubts and asked, after all, this musical instrument seems to be of no use.

   "Isn't it boring for me to stay in the yard every day? Buying a guzheng and flute, you can also practice, it's a cultivating sentiment." Ye Yaorong said.

   "Husband, do you know Guzheng and Xiao?"

   Liu Qingqing asked in surprise. Liu Qingqing and Ye Yaorong had lived for more than a year before, and they didn't know that their men knew how to use these instruments.

   "A little bit, isn't our family poor before? I can't bear to buy these musical instruments. Now we are rich. We can buy some musical instruments and go home. In our leisure time, we can play and play. Wouldn't it be a very poetic atmosphere in such days."

   Ye Guangrong said with some excitement. Ever since he picked up the "Master-level piano art" a few days ago, Ye Yaorong couldn't wait to buy a few instruments to try.

   "It's pretty good, let's go to the county to buy it."

   Liu Qingqing also agreed to buy a musical instrument for his own man. After all, there is nothing to play the piano at home. It is better than sleeping every day. Of course, the biggest reason is that his family is no longer short of money.

   Wang Bingzhen’s check for two million Chinese coins, Ye Yaorong had already gone to the county a few days ago to transfer the money to the bank card he kept.

Of course, Liu Qingqing’s bank card was processed with Ye Yaorong’s ID card. Liu Qingqing didn’t dare to use his ID card to apply for a bank card. With his family’s power, it was easy to check the outflow of funds from his bank. where is it.

   So since coming to Taoyuan Village, Liu Qingqing's own bank card has been locked in the cabinet and dare not use the money inside.

   Because Liu Qingqing knows very well that as long as he spends even a penny, he will leave a record on the computer connected to the bank's network, and his family will quickly follow this clue to find himself.


"Huayuan Musical Instruments Workshop" is the best musical instrument shop in Yangping County. It covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters and houses a variety of musical instruments, even those used by ethnic minorities. "Musical Instrument Square" can be seen.

   "Huayuan Musical Instruments Workshop" deals in high-end musical instruments, which are very expensive stores that can make money by selling a few musical instruments a day.

   Since it is a shop selling high-end musical instruments, the decoration inside is absolutely top-notch, otherwise I am sorry for such high-priced musical instruments.

   Of course, "Huayuan Musical Instruments Square" has the most pianos, including domestic pianos and a large number of imported pianos.

Over the past decade or so, more and more children want to be stars, and more and more people learn piano. After all, compared to other musical instruments, the piano is the most popular, and it can be said that it has no international boundaries. As for the current stars, they may not know the traditional instruments such as the guzheng and Xiao, but they cannot know how to play the piano.

   You don’t see those who learn to sing on TV. There are teachers who play the piano while teaching students to sing. No one has ever seen the teacher play instruments such as guzheng or erhu to teach students to sing.

   And now the status and income of pianists are getting higher and higher. That kind of detached status makes many boys and girls who want to be celebrities more obsessed with practicing piano.

   In addition, many parents are also very keen to let their children learn piano from an early age, so that the price of pianos has remained high in recent years, and hundreds of thousands or millions of pianos are everywhere.

   "Welcome to Huayuan Musical Instruments Workshop. I am Xiao Zhao, the waiter. Let me introduce the instruments of our Musical Instruments Workshop to the two of you."

   Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing just walked into the "Huayuan Musical Instrument Workshop". Although the young waitress was surprised by the beauty of Liu Qingqing, her good professional qualities made the female service respond quickly and said politely.

   "I want to buy guzheng, you can introduce me!" Ye Yaorong said directly.

   "Okay, please come with me both of you."

The waitress walked inside with Ye Yaorong and Liu Qing, and soon went to an area where all kinds of zithers were placed. There were no less than 30 zithers in the entire area. UU Reading covers an area Only smaller than the area where pianos are sold.

"Two, this is the area where we sell Guzheng. Guzheng is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in our country. It has a beautiful tone, a wide range, rich performance skills, and quite expressive power. The retro style is popular in recent years. There are more and more people buying guzheng, especially young people like these two."

  The waitress enthusiastically introduced Ye Yaorong and his wife throughout the guzheng area.

In fact, as soon as Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing entered the store, the waitress could tell at a glance that the two were not husbands and wives, but lovers. The males looked like fairies, and the females looked like gods. The difference is not small.

Such an uncoordinated match, in the eyes of the waitress, this man must be very rich. This kind of rich man is most willing to spend money in front of his own woman. As long as they buy musical instruments, the waitress will have it. Commission, the more expensive the instrument you buy, the higher the commission.

   In the whole shop, apart from the piano, the guzheng is the most expensive. As long as they buy a guzheng at random, they will have a commission of at least more than 300 yuan. It's strange that the waitress is not enthusiastic.

   "Can you tell us about the origin of the Guzheng?" Liu Qingqing asked.

"Okay, the Guzheng is an ancient national musical instrument that accompanies our country's long-standing culture and is native to this fertile loess land. It is said that the Guzheng was made by the great general of Qin State Meng Tian from the 5th century BC to the 3rd century BC. During the Warring States Period, it was widely circulated in the Qin Kingdom at that time, so it was also called Qin Zheng. By calculation, it has a history of more than 2500 years..." The waitress slowly introduced the origin of the guzheng.

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