The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 123: "Water Properties"

   "King Kong, Yingying, Xiaobai, Wangcai, I am leaving, you must take good care of yourself, I will look back at you."

   Wang Sisi reluctantly bid farewell to the few animals in Ye Guangrong's family. Seriously, it was them that Wang Sisi was most reluctant to bear.

   Wang Sisi, who has never kept pets, did not expect that one day he would like pets, but Wang Sisi knew very well that these animals from Mr. Ye’s family were much smarter and more spiritual than the pets that his friends bought at a high price.

   "Well, Sisi, if you want King Kong and them, you can come to see them anytime."

   Seeing Wang Sisi and the few pets in her family feel uncomfortable, Liu Qingqing said softly.


   Wang Sisi looked at Liu Qingqing in surprise and asked.

   "Really, I won't lie to you."

   Liu Qingqing said with a smile. This Wang Sisi, who is still a few years older than himself, is now childish than himself, which makes Liu Qingqing feel a little funny.


   Wang Sisi looked at Ye Yaorong a little worried.

"He said the things outside the house, and I said the things inside the house. Don't worry, as long as you don't post photos or other things on the Internet, you can do it, husband?" Liu Qingqing smiled Looking at his man and asked.

   "Yes, these things are up to you." Ye Yaorong said with a smile.

In China’s rural areas, it’s basically "men dominate the outside, women dominate the inside." The money at home is basically in the hands of women, and men only leave pocket money. Of course, money is needed, as long as it is not misused. , The woman at home must give it.


   "Congratulations to the host for completing the task of treating Wang Bingzhen's rheumatoid arthritis. The system judges that the task is completed as excellent, and the reward is 300 points."

  Waiting for Wang Bingzhen and his group to leave Ye Yaorong's sight in the car, the system's electronic synthesis sound rang in Ye Yaorong's mind.

Great, the task is finally completed. With 300 honor points credited to the account, Ye Yaorong is in a particularly good mood. After all, he originally only had 200 honor points, and Ye Yaorong did not dare to use it to draw a lottery. Now he finally has 300 honor points credited. It was enough to draw 3 prizes for himself. As for the original 200 points of glory, Ye Yaorong felt that he still kept it for future use.

   "My wife, I will go back to the room to sleep again. I didn't sleep well last night." Ye Yaorong rushed back to the bedroom to draw the lottery.

   "Aren't you going to the village committee today?" Liu Qingqing asked.

"No, in fact, the fundraising work is basically completed now. The engineering team has been found. Now I am waiting to choose a good day to start work. I have nothing to do when I go to the village committee. Sleep well at home," Ye Yaorong said.

"okay then."

   Liu Qingqing said helplessly. After all, my lazy person is much better now than before, and now he has a habit of sleeping late, and Liu Qingqing is too embarrassed to ask his man to change it.


   Close the bedroom door, Ye Yaorong couldn't help but open the "Lazy System" lottery interface in his mind, and pressed it at the start position with his consciousness.

   Consumes 100 honor points, the pointer on the roulette spins quickly, and quickly stops in the skill bar, and a golden box appears from Ye Yaorong's mind.

   Opening the golden box, a cheat book appeared in Ye Yaorong's mind.

   "Congratulations to the host for obtaining Intermediate Acupuncture. Does the host learn immediately?" The electronically synthesized voice sounded from his mind.


Ye Yaorong thought about it in his mind without even thinking about it. He has seen the awesomeness of primary acupuncture and Ye Yaorong knows that this "intermediate acupuncture" is definitely much better than the "primary acupuncture and moxibustion." Learned immediately.

   "Because the system has been perfectly integrated with the host, the host will no longer charge additional learning fees for learning skills, and knowledge transfer begins..."

   With the sound of the electronic synthesis of the system, Ye Yaorong's mind was immediately instilled with a large number of acupuncture skills, which were more comprehensive and diverse than the primary acupuncture skills Ye Yao had learned.

   Take Wang Bingzhen’s rheumatism. Now Ye Yaorong, who has intermediate acupuncture skills, can cure his disease with just one acupuncture. This is not a question of efficiency improvement, but a lot of skill.

   Even if the cancer is at an advanced stage, Ye Yaorong is not sure that he can be cured, but he is absolutely sure that it will greatly delay the progression of the cancer.

Looking at the remaining 400 points of honor, Ye Yaorong started the lottery system again, consuming 100 honor points, the pointer on the roulette quickly rotated, and quickly stopped in the attribute bar, a golden box was removed from Ye Honor’s The mind appeared.

   Ye Guangrong opened the golden box with consciousness.

   "Congratulations to the host for acquiring the water attribute. The host can absorb oxygen in the water through the skin in the water, and has a 100% affinity with water." The electronic synthesis voice sounded from his mind.

   can breathe in the water through the skin, then wouldn’t you become a fish? Ye Yaorong was a little dumbfounded when he heard the system's explanation.

  What's the use of this "water attribute", he is not a fish, he wants to live in the water, Ye Yaorong feels that he has lost the lottery draw this time, it would be nice if he could re-check the lottery. Ye Yaorong was a little depressed.

Seeing that there are 300 honor points left, Ye Yaorong gritted his teeth and clicked the sampling button again to consume 100 honor points. The pointer on the roulette spins quickly, and quickly stops in the skill bar. A golden box is removed from Ye Glory mind appeared.

   Skill, this is a good Ye Yaorong opened the golden box with his consciousness expectantly.

   Opening the golden box, a cheat book appeared in Ye Yaorong's mind.

   "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the master-level piano art, does the host learn immediately?" The electronically synthesized voice sounded from his mind.

   "Master-level piano art!"

   Ye Guangrong looked at the "master-level piano art" cheats in his mind, with a depressed look on his face, and he didn't want to be a star, so he could use this "master-level piano art" for himself.

   The luck of the last two times was really bad. I consecutively won a useless "water attribute" and a "master-level piano art" that I didn't use.

   To know the result, Ye Yaorong really won't be in a hurry to draw a lottery today. He must first look at the almanac to see if everything goes wrong today.

   "Does the host learn immediately?" The electronic synthesis sound of the system sounded again.


   was actually drawn. Ye Yaorong had no good way except to study. Even if he had more artistic skills, Ye Yaorong comforted himself.

   Soon Ye Yaorong had a lot of knowledge about piano art in his mind. The piano here does not only refer to the piano, but also includes guzheng, pipa, se, yangqin, xiao, erhu and other instruments.

   As long as Ye Yaorong has listened to it, or the instrument he has seen, this "master-level piano art" is included. Now Ye Yaorong has no less than 100,000 ancient and modern songs in his mind.

   If you want to talk about who has the most repertoire, it must be Ye Yaorong now. If you want to talk about who has the most musical instruments, it must be Ye Yaorong.

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