Since both Feng Goggles and Feng Jingxuan were dead, not many people resisted when Mu Feng and his group went straight to the main city.

Except for some diehard loyalists who were killed by Mu Feng, the rest directly surrendered.

Of course, there were also people like Ye Qingsong and Lin Hai, who had long been dissatisfied with Feng Jingxuan’s rule or had a feud with Feng Jingxuan, and opened the city gate early to welcome Mu Feng’s arrival.

Mu Feng and his party arrived unimpeded all the way to the main city of the Yanfeng Realm.

I have to say that this hot wind realm is worthy of being an old force, and the buildings in the city are all prosperous.

Mu Feng was also glad that Feng Jingxuan brought people to Bibo City, otherwise if you fight in the main city, it will take a long time to rebuild after the war.

After entering the main city, the people stood on both sides of the road in fear, apparently hearing the news that their domain master had died.

However, looking at Mu Feng’s gentle smile, he stopped wanting to leave.

After all, if Mu Feng wanted to slaughter them, he would start as soon as he entered the city gate.

Moreover, they had long heard that the master of the Northern Spirit Realm next door was a domain master who loved the people like a son.

So they all looked at Mu Feng curiously, and Mu Feng also waved at them.

When Mu Feng walked to the city lord’s mansion where Feng Jingxuan lived, the red wall was vermilion, carved beams and paintings, and flying cornices and arches, which was magnificent.

Mu Feng walked directly in, and after arriving at the main hall, it was even more magnificent.

Several large vermilion pillars stand in the two sides of the main hall, and above them there is a golden throne, and two dragon heads are carved on the armrests.

Mu Feng sat up directly, and Zhou Ye Chen Xiong also sat in the rest of the positions.

“Hey, we have annexed this Flame Wind Realm, and it is estimated that the one in Bailing Tian will notice soon.”

Mu Feng looked towards the ceiling of the hall and sighed.

“Brother Feng, if we don’t develop it first, after all, we swallowed the Yanfeng Realm with great difficulty, and our side can also be said to have suffered heavy losses.

As for that Bailing Tian, if someone comes, then we can treat them with courtesy, and if they really dare to come and oppress, then we can resist.

After all, although our pastoral domain is not as good as Bailing Tian, it is not a soft persimmon.

Zhou Ye said directly, because he often dealt with the affairs of the pastoral domain, he still knew these very well.

“Well, yes, then we’ll collect the troops and go home.”

Mu Feng looked at the fatigue of the people below, and he was a little tired again.

Because it was at night to start the attack, and during the day there were so many battles.

Directly took the Yanfeng Realm at lightning speed, fortunately, he Feng Jingxuan brought people here, otherwise if he insisted on defending the city, the loss of the pastoral domain would probably be even greater.


When Mu Feng returned to his home a day later, and after making those who had made military merits on the battlefield knighted, he asked Zhou Ye and them to supervise them on his behalf.

After all, when new officials take office, they have to see if there are any problems with their style, such as corruption, and people who abuse power for personal gain will have to be tortured, and if they are serious, they will be directly imprisoned.

However, the work of supervision is not done by Mu Feng.

After merging the Northern Spirit Realm and the Yanfeng Realm, Mu Feng felt that his pastoral palace was strengthened, but his army suffered a great loss, the

most important thing is that his current strength is still very weak, and he can’t say anything in the entire Bailing Tian, after all, the ruler of Bailing Tian is a supreme powerhouse.

As long as he summoned a supreme Dharma body that was hundreds of zhang high, he would only have the life to die.

Of course, it is estimated that he does not need to make his own move, and he can only wait for his life by sending a few of his subordinates to come at will.

To put it bluntly, without strength, it can only be reduced to fish and meat on the board to be slaughtered.

Mu Feng walked to his own small yard, and Hong Ling just led the three dolls out.

“Come, Yun’er and Ling’er, you two go slowly, Chen’er, don’t crawl and walk, stand up and try.”

Hong Ling had a happy smile on her face and looked at the three dolls as they were toddlers.

It has been about seven months since Qing Yanjing left, and the children have also reached the age of walking.


Mu Yun raised his little face and cried out crisply.

This look made Mu Feng look excited, “Hahaha, my good daughters.”

Mu Feng walked over directly and quickly and picked up the two female dolls, as for Mu Chen, he crawled all over his body and was dirty, so he didn’t hold it.

Looking at this scene, Hong Ling also shook his head and smiled bitterly, and helped Mu Chen up by himself, letting him walk with his hands on the wall.

“Brother Feng, the bad guy is also your future heir, but you snubbed him so much”

Mu Feng heard Hong Ling’s words, and also thought for a while.

So he walked over and said to Mu Chen: “Chen’er, do you think daddy did something right?”

Mu Chen tilted his head at this time and swallowed slowly at Mu Feng: “What’s right?”

As soon as Mu Feng heard this, he suddenly felt that his doll would not be taken away by some stupid crosser, right?

Mu Feng sighed, touched Mu Chen’s head, and encouraged: “Come on Chen’er, I’ll take you to find a big black bird to play with in the future.”

“Big bird, well, my favorite thing is to watch birds fly in the sky.”

Mu Chen clapped his little hands and smiled at this time, his face was extremely happy and healing.

Mu Feng also looked at his stupid son with a smile, after all, his genes should be much stronger than the original.

Could it be that his intelligence and talents have been absorbed by Mu Yun?

Thinking of this, Mu Feng turned his head to look at the smiling Mu Yun.

Mu Yun suddenly looked at Mu Feng’s suddenly turned head, and actually raised his eyebrows very miraculously.

This made Mu Feng feel amused and surprised.

“Haha, you girl is really fine.”

Mu Feng put his face on Mu Yunbai’s pouty face, and scratched the little girl’s face with his beard thorn.


Mu Yun laughed again at this time, and the childish laughter continued to spread in the courtyard.

And Mu Ling watched his father patronize and play with Mu Yun, and his little mouth was also upturned.

“Daddy, I want it too.”

When Mu Feng heard what Mu Ling said, he also laughed: “It turns out that my family Ling’er is jealous, so good, it’s the father who is biased, and the father is wrong.”

Hong Ling also looked happy when he saw Mu Feng playing with his two daughters, but Yu Guang skipped Mu Chen, who was squatting alone in the corner of the wall, and also walked over.

“Dust, why did you get here?”

Hong Ling squatted beside Mu Chen and asked Mu Chen.

“I have to learn to walk quickly.”

Mu Chen already exuded a confident light.

Hong Ling looked at this gaze, and his mind also showed the way Mu Feng spoke to himself when he was a child.

“Ling’er, don’t worry, I will definitely avenge our parents when I grow up, it will definitely be!”

At that time, Mu Feng was only a child older than himself, but he broke into the Northern Spirit Origin alone with a dagger.

But when he came back, he was covered in scars, and he was still crying at that time.

But Mu Feng smiled and took out a few low-level spirit beast essences from his pocket.

“Girl, don’t cry, what do you think this is? We can have a good meal tonight.

Hong Ling watched Mu Feng turn around and go out to buy a lot of meat and vegetables, he ate a lot that night, but Mu Feng only ate the dishes and kept the meat to himself.

Hong Ling looked at Mu Feng with tenderness on his face at this time, and Mu Feng also noticed Hong Ling’s eyes.

The two looked at each other for a while, and both laughed.

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