In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

During this period, a major event occurred that shook the Northern Spirit Realm extremely much, that is, the safe city in the southern region was renamed the Pastoral Domain.

I heard that the domain master is also a great master of the Divine Realm, and there is an extremely mysterious woman.

As soon as this news came out, it instantly swept the entire Northern Spirit Realm.

Of course, the most uncomfortable thing is the domain master of the southern region, and the limit itself is approaching, but whether he has the strength to kill the pastoral domain, he can only watch the pastoral domain build day by day.

And at this time, the pastoral domain, the city lord’s mansion.

Mu Feng sat above the hall and looked at the group of people below, very gratified.

After all, in just a few days, under Mu Feng’s heavy gold, a new city lord’s mansion rose up, which was even more majestic.

On the left and right sides are Red Spirit and Qing Yanjing, one is in a daze and the other is sleeping.

When Mu Feng saw this scene, he also smiled bitterly, so he said to a kid sitting below: “Su Ling, haven’t you heard from Zhou Ye in the past few days?”

“Domain Master, according to the spies, those brothers of yours are returning from the Northern Spirit Origin today.”

The young man named Su Ling said.

After Mu Feng heard this, he nodded, then dispersed the crowd and sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

Qing Yanjing looked at Mu Feng’s appearance and said with a worried expression.

“I established this pastoral domain, I don’t know whether to hold this city or occupy the entire Northern Spirit Realm? If you occupy the Northern Spirit Realm, you will have to fight with other forces again.

Mu Feng fell on the golden seat and looked up at the roof.

“To put it bluntly, Brother Feng, you just don’t want to care too much.”

The red spirit on the side directly ruthlessly debunked Mu Feng.

“Haha, or the red spirit knows my mind.”

Mu Feng said with a smile.

After Qing Yanjing listened, she just said lightly: “Then just stick to this city, so as not to add troubles in vain.”

When Mu Feng heard Qing Yanjing’s decision, he also agreed: “This is a good idea.

Qing Yanjing saw that Mu Feng answered without thinking, and couldn’t help but wonder.

Mu Feng actually wanted to hold on to a city, because after he occupied the Northern Spirit Realm, when Qing Yanjing left, the other domains of Bailing Tian would have to compete with him.

And even if it occupies Bailing Tian, it is just a small realm on the Bailing Continent.

With his own strength, it is estimated that he was quickly eliminated.

This is not a fantasy, but a real future that will be very likely to happen.

Therefore, it is not bad to stay in this place of the Northern Spirit Realm and contain each other and other small forces.

After a while, Mu Feng came to the back of the City Lord’s Mansion, which was where Mu Feng and Qing Yanjing lived, and it was also the place where Mu Feng practiced.

After Mu Feng came to the martial arts training ground, he took out his two swords and began to practice the “Fire Phoenix Sword Technique” obtained in Xiao Tianhe’s bedroom.

I have to say that this Dragon Yan Eagle is worthy of being a hybrid variety of the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan, and it can really allow Mu Feng to cultivate this spiritual decision.

Mu Feng held his two swords and began to dance, sometimes turning into dragonflies on the waves, tapping ripples; Sometimes it turns into a flying eagle in the sky, and it is extremely fast.

And when Mu Feng felt that the time had come, he cut out two sword rays forward.

“Fire Phoenix Sword Technique!”

And these two sword rays turned into two fire phoenixes of about three zhang, crashing towards the opposite rockery.


When the two fire phoenixes hit the rockery one after the other, the rockery emitted a roar and turned into pieces of rubble scattered around.

Mu Feng then withdrew his two swords with satisfaction, but he still sighed that he had used more heavenly materials and earth treasures, and it was estimated that this life was at the top of the sky, that is, a late stage of the Divine Realm.

Unless after waiting for the future Mu Chen to take off, he will find himself a heavenly treasure that can increase his talent or something.

But Mu Feng wanted to rely on himself to develop obscenely, waiting for the day when he had enough strength, and began to swallow around. Moreover, Mu

Feng didn’t want some unfair treatment of his child to happen, such as when Mu Chen was kicked out of the spiritual path, he could only watch?

Therefore, he must have strong strength before Mu Chen starts cultivating, the kind that can defeat the Heavenly Saint Old Man.

For a while, I felt that my decision was simply too divine, if I exposed my strength early, would Mu Chen still have a chance in the future?

But how to improve your own strength?

This is a problem, after all, Mu Feng is thinking of relying on his own strength to bring back Qing Yanjing.

Just when Mu Feng was in a dilemma and even wanted to reopen this life, a mechanical synthesized sound suddenly sounded in Mu Feng’s mind.

“Detected that the host wants to restart, but does not want to really reopen, the life simulator has found a suitable host, the system is binding… Binding successful! Life Simulator is for you!

Mu Feng heard the mechanical voice in his mind, and suddenly Long Yandiao in the sea of qi said: “Long Yan, are you talking?”

At this time, Long Yandiao, who was still sleeping in the sea of qi, was awakened by Mu Feng’s words, and said blankly: “Boss, I was about to reach a crucial step with a very handsome phoenix just now, what did you tell me to do?”

“Well, then you go ahead.”

Mu Feng said with black lines on his head, and suddenly became excited, it turned out to be really a system!

It’s too slow, but it’s a critical timing!

Just as the so-called heaven will descend on the people of Sri Lanka, they must first work their minds, work their bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess up their deeds, so they will be patient and have benefited them from doing what they cannot.

Just then, the system’s prompt tone sounded again.

“Will the host turn on in a year or three years?”

Mu Feng listened to the voice in his ear and said in amazement: “Can’t it be turned on immediately?”

“Because the host didn’t really want to reopen just now, it had to be at least a year later.”

Mechanical voice said.

Mu Feng listened to the black lines and said, “Then I choose one year later.”

“Goodbye bye to the host, look forward to meeting next time!”

After the mechanical synth said this, it completely lost its motion.

Mu Feng was very speechless about this, really coming and going.

At this moment, Hong Ling suddenly ran over and threw himself directly into Mu Feng’s arms

“Haha, Brother Feng, I’m going to the North Spirit Courtyard again.”

Hong Ling buried his head in Mu Feng’s chest and hung on Mu Feng like a koala.

“Then you must practice well when you go, and you must stand out among your peers in order to obtain the qualification to enter the five major courtyards.”

Mu Feng touched Hongling’s head with a smile and instructed. “Fine, I know, Brother Feng,

I want to kiss, mua~”

Hong Ling closed his eyes, pouted, and waited for Mu Feng.

Mu Feng couldn’t help it when he saw this, he had to do what he promised.

It directly covered the red lips of the red spirit, and when he wanted to leave, the red spirit was still chasing after him and blocked it again.

Mu Feng was helpless in his heart, but his mouth was still very honest in response.

For a long time, lips parted.

Hong Ling waved his hand, suddenly revealed a surprised face, and then ran out contentedly.

And after Mu Feng smiled bitterly, he didn’t know that a cyan figure had come behind Mu Feng.

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