Chapter 7

Chapter 7: There is a problem with the brain (seven changes) The legend of the yearning for life salted fish Chapter 7 There is a problem with the brain (seven changes). Asked.

It is still easy to knead flour into dough, but it will be a little difficult to make dough into noodles with few such tools nowadays.

It’s almost impossible to make noodles of uniform thickness, like you usually eat.

Even as Huang Xiaochu, he originally wanted to use ready-made noodles to make this noodle dish, but Huang Xiaochu didn’t expect Lin Heng, who was originally like a salted fish, to suddenly appear and say such maddening words.

“Yes, Teacher Huang, I didn’t say to help before. As a salted fish, I am also a salted fish who speaks for words.” Lin Heng said.

“Hengheng, it’s okay.” He Jiong said with some worry.

Although He Jiong doesn’t know what Lin Heng’s true identity is, he still has some good feelings about Lin Heng during these previous periods, although Lin Heng and Ge You lie down for some time.

“Don’t worry, Teacher He, I’m very good.” Lin Heng was very confident.

“Lin Heng, how confident you are,” Dahua said.

“The self-confidence bundled by a hundred Dahua should be almost done.” Lin Heng smiled.

“A hundred Dahua.” Dahua nodded blankly, “It seems to be very powerful.”

“Okay, the flour is ready, then the noodles will be handed over to you.” Teacher Huang finally nodded.

Now that Lin Heng said so, Teacher Huang is not good at refuting Lin Heng.

And from the contact just now, Lin Heng shouldn’t be an arrogant person, or what he has to do for the camera.

You must know that although Lin Heng is not a star in the entertainment industry, Huang Lei, from what He Jiong said before, still has some power behind this person called Lin Heng.

As a good friend of He Jiong for twenty years, Huang Lei could still understand the meaning of He Jiong’s words.

Not to mention that if for the camera, Lin Heng will not always be helpless in things like setting up a stove just now, just like a salted fish.

There is no lens at all.

“Lin Heng, really?” Di Lieba asked quickly.

Although Di Lieba still had a grudge about Lin Heng’s bullying of her just now, she didn’t want Lin Heng to do bad things on impulse.

After all, this yearning life is very different from the past variety shows. Now it is live, and there is no chance for you to do something again.

“Fat Di, you are worried about me.” Lin Heng smiled.

“Who cares about you?” Dilly Reba snorted, “What you do has nothing to do with me.”

“Fat Di, or let’s make a bet, if I can make noodles, you promise me a request.” Lin Heng’s eyes suddenly resembled a fox.

“Bet.” Di Lieba hesitated.

Although Di Lieba doesn’t believe that Lin Heng will succeed, she always has something in case. If it does, what will she do?

But just withdrew like this, Di Lieba was not reconciled.

When I came to the mushroom house today, she seemed to have been bullied by Lin Heng.

As a foodie, Fatty, she wants to find her place all the time.

But is this a trap?

“It looks like Fat Di is scared, so forget it.” Lin Heng shook his head.

“Forget it, isn’t it just a bet? Come on.” Dilly Reba said domineeringly.

The audience in the studio sighed.

“Pang Di is really stupid, I feel like Lin Heng dug a hole.”

“Yes, although I don’t believe Lin Heng can do it, I’m afraid of it just in case.”

“I want to say now that Fat Di was also recruited for such a simple aggressive method. I seem to see the future of Fat Di.”

Not to mention the discussion in the live broadcast room, Lin Heng heard Reba’s reply, and he smiled, “Then it’s settled.”

“A word is a deal.” Di Lieba said firmly.

Within a few seconds, Di Lieba whispered to Lin Heng, “Isn’t it too demanding.”

“Oh, Fat Di, it looks like you are ready.” Lin Heng smiled, then poured the flour into a large bowl.

Now he is going to knead the dough.

Looking at the flour in the big bowl, Lin Heng picked up the spoon and put in a small amount of salt.

The addition of salt to the flour allows the dough to become gluten, which is very important for the later dough.

The more tendons, the tougher the dough formed by kneading at that time, and the taste is excellent.

After that, Lin Heng beats the eggs, adds a small amount of water, puts his hands in the bowl and starts to knead the noodles.

The two hands are like piano music played on the dough, full of a certain sense of beauty.

In a very short period of time, a shiny dough gradually appeared, and the dough bounced up and down from time to time.

At this time, everyone around was stunned.

This approach has an alternative attraction.

Just judging from the technique, most of the people present had an idea, not to mention how Lin Heng’s cooking is, but that he kneaded the dough. That kind of technique can only be seen in the hands of the master.

That is the pinnacle of skill.

“It’s so beautiful, Heng Heng is really good.” Dahua exclaimed, “I feel that I am also good, and I also feel that I have one percent of the craftsmanship.”

“Why, Dahua.” Huang Lei asked in confusion.

“Lin Heng just said that he has 100 Dahua confidence, so I don’t have 1% craftsmanship.” Dahua said.

“…” Teacher Huang.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

No, Dahua really has a problem with his brain.

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