Chapter 68

Chapter 69 What a wonderful person. The legendary salted fish of life. Chapter 69 What a wonderful person.    Mushroom house far away.

There is a car parked here, with Chen He and He Jiong standing behind the car.

“Teacher He, goodbye, I hope I have another chance to come to the mushroom house again.” Chen He said with a sad expression on his face.

Judging from Chen He’s expression, he is indeed a reluctant mushroom house.

Of course, it’s reluctant to give up Teacher He and the others, or the Man Han Banquet at night, that’s not clear.

But as long as those who are familiar with Chen He understand that Chen He is even more reluctant to be the Manchu Feast, which is the saddest thing as a foodie.

“Don’t worry, hehe, next time you have the opportunity to come back again, we will welcome you very much.” He Jiong nodded.

“Okay.” Chen He turned around and opened the back seat of the car. Instead of going in all of a sudden, he stared at He Jiong, “Teacher He, don’t you have anything to say to me?”

“What to tell you?” He Jiong thought for a while, “Hehe, I have nothing to say to you. Of course, we can contact you by mobile phone if we have anything in the future.”

“…” Chen He was dumbfounded.

Why can’t He Jiong get his points?

Naturally, what he meant by speaking was different.

“Teacher He, don’t you tell me that you are reluctant to leave. If you can’t leave, how good it is to stay in the mushroom house, so that there is an atmosphere of parting.” Chen He vomited.

Compared to the atmosphere, Chen He preferred He Jiong and said that he could stay in the mushroom house.

In this case, he seems to be able to stay.

“Hehe, we are not out of sight, we can contact at any time.” He Jiong said.

As far as He Jiong is concerned, he will not have the complicated emotional reaction that Chen He said.

After all, the guests stayed in the mushroom house for a long time.

“Okay.” Chen He sighed sighingly. It seemed that his leaving the mushroom house had become a foregone conclusion.

“Goodbye.” Chen He got into the back seat and then stretched out half of his body. “Teacher He, there really is nothing to say to me.”

“Goodbye, hehe.” He Jiong waved his hand.

“Goodbye, Teacher He.” Chen He nodded and closed the car door.

The car took its luck along the mountain road.

“Chen He.” He Jiong looked at Chen He who was leaving, showing a slight smile, and then he turned and left. He wanted to return to the mushroom house to help.

Some guests leave, and naturally new guests will come.

Early in the morning.

The four guests who had originally come to participate in Longing Life, Ma Yun and the others had already come to this slightly remote village early.

At this time, they almost came to this village, and they will soon come to the mushroom house.

Mushroom house.

“Jongjiong, I sent Chen He away so soon.” Huang Lei looked at He Jiong who came back unexpectedly, and said in doubt.

“I was also a little surprised.” He Jiong smiled. “As a foodie, He He didn’t even insist on leaving for long.”

“I’m afraid Chen He is afraid that even if he continues to stay, he will not be able to eat the Manchu Feast.” Huang Lei said.

“Yes, long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain, so direct it.” He Jiong nodded, “Chen He just wanted to stay.”

“Stay?” Lin Heng smiled, “Teacher He, did you say something?”

“Oh, I didn’t answer the call, so I just said goodbye to him.” He Jiong said lightly.

“Haha.” Lin Heng and others laughed instantly.

They could think of Chen He’s very embarrassing situation at the time. He originally wanted Teacher He to say something, but in the end He Jiong didn’t say it, pretending to be confused.

It can be expected that Chen He at that time must have a particularly complicated mood.

“Teacher He, at that time Chen He, his heart should have been hit hard.” Lin Heng smiled.

“Hengheng, Chen He doesn’t say anything else, his ability to withstand pressure is still good, so there is no need to worry about this.” He Jiong said.

Fortunately, Chen He was not here, nor did he hear these words. If he knew what Teacher He said about him, his mood would be even more complicated.

“I don’t know who the guest of today is apart from Sister Han Yue.” Di Lieba expressed a certain curiosity.

From Chen Qiaoying and Zheng Yan on the first day to Chen He on the second day, Mushroom House will also be very curious about the guests who come to them every day.

Naturally, compared to those unknown guests, they are more looking forward to the Manchu Banquet today.

This is the highlight of today.

Those who watch the live broadcast almost have this idea in their minds.

According to legend, the pinnacle of Chinese cuisine, what will the final product look like, and how delicious it will be.

For the guests who participate in the yearning life on this day, their attention will inevitably diminish.

But this time the guests, except Han Yue and Song Zuer, like Ma Yun and Ma Huateng are not for fame.

Their reputation in the industry is not comparable to those of celebrities.

“I don’t know who it is?” Dahua shook his head, “I have only one expectation right now. Among the guests coming this time, there are men who are younger than me.”

“Dahua, why do you have such an idea?” He Jiong asked strangely.

“Oh, it’s like this, I have nothing to do with girls, and among men, I don’t seem to have any younger or less powerful male guests these days.” Dahua said, “If this is the case , I can become the big brother.”

“…” He Jiong and others nodded.

In the longing life, Dahua has been reduced to the bottom.

Like Chen He, who just left, he is even more salty than salted fish, and Dahua didn’t feel the taste of his eldest brother at all.

“Dahua, go and chop some firewood, the firewood is almost gone.” Huang Lei said.

“Okay, Teacher Huang.” Dahua nodded, then walked to the chopping place.

“What a good look, a more obedient person.” Huang Lei shrugged.

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