Chapter 66

Chapter 67 The lowest end of the food chain The legendary salted fish of the yearning life Chapter 67 The lowest end of the food chain.    The three hens ignored Chen He, and Chen He naturally had nothing to do.

So his eyes turned to lying on the sheepfold, looking at his little bit, the big sheep he brought over.

“A little bit, or hello, it seems that you know that I am leaving, that’s why you are so reluctant.” Chen He said with satisfaction.

In other words, this sheep is called Diandian. It took Chen He a long time to bring it to the mushroom house.

If there is no credit, there is hard work.

“A little bit, it’s okay.” Chen He stretched out his right hand when he was speaking, and he wanted to touch a little bit of his head.

It is necessary to separate, of course, it is necessary to separate well.

But before Chen He put his palm on his nodding head.

He gave a little roar, then glanced at Chen He with his familiar white eyes, and then walked away slowly.

Chen He’s palm was just in the air.

Such a scene really made Chen He’s heart dripping with blood and embarrassment.

Do you want this?

Originally, he wanted to tell a little bit well, but now a little bit of this kind of performance has completely destroyed the previous atmosphere.

Do you not want to say goodbye to him?

“Little bit, did you forget that I brought you here?” Chen He shouted.

As the leader of Little Little at the beginning, Chen He said that he was very sad that Little Little had targeted him in this way.

“Hey.” Little by little, he stopped.

This made Chen He’s eyes shine bright, did he hear his words little by little, and then changed his mind to say goodbye to him.

Little by little glanced at Chen He with his proficient white eyes, and left again.

To the point, it has nothing to do with Chen He.

Just a little bit thought that Chen He brought something delicious to it, but when he walked in and smelled it, there was no delicious taste. As a proud sheep, a little bit would naturally ignore Chen He.

“This…” Chen He’s eyes changed, and he looked down. There was a lamb there.

“Tianba, do you want to say goodbye to me?” Chen He said softly.

You should know that this lamb called Tianba was named by Chen He, and Tianba was also the mantra he would always say in that familiar variety show.

“Hey.” Tianba yelled a few times, then turned his butt to face Chen He, and walked slowly a little bit.

“I…” Chen He opened his mouth and finally said viciously, “When I came yesterday, I should tell the mushroom house directly that you are the ingredients I brought.”

“I should have roasted whole lamb yesterday.”

At this moment, the audience who watched the live broadcast burst into laughter, Chen He was too funny.

“Chen He is really miserable, even the hens and sheep bully him.”

“Chen He said I’m used to it.”

“He He is so miserable, he feels kind of irrational.”

“Comfort Chen He Yibo and hope to continue next time.”

Fortunately, Chen He did not know the situation during the live broadcast. If he knew the situation during the live broadcast, he would feel even more sad.

It was already very miserable, but now so many people are amazing and watch the excitement like this, do you want to make people vomit blood like this?

Mushroom house yard.

“Chen He, aren’t you strolling around the mushroom house? Why does the whole person seem to have been abused.” He Jiong looked at Chen He who was back in the yard, and said strangely.

Chen He was still in a good mood just now, but now suddenly he looked as if he was withering.

Could it have been ravaged by someone.

But thinking about such a short period of time, no one has the opportunity to ravage Chen He.

“Teacher He, let me be quiet.” Chen He said.

“Hehe, there will be a lot of time to be quiet when I go back later, let’s take a group photo together.” He Jiong smiled.

“…” Chen He.

Why doesn’t he even have time to recover.

In the end, Chen He was dragged over by everyone.


Everyone smiled, and the photo was frozen at that moment.

Of course, if you look closely, you can still see Chen He’s expression with a touch of sadness.

The entrance of the mushroom house.

“Chen He, do you want me to send you off?” Lin Heng said.

“Brother Heng, no need. If you give me away, I will be even more reluctant to leave.” Chen He shook his head.

The Manchu Feast is entirely Chen He’s obsession.

If Lin Heng sent him away, Chen He really didn’t want to leave.

“Chen He, then I’ll give it to you.” Dahua said.

“Ahem, Dahua, you were still very tired the last two days, you should take a break.” Chen He patted Dahua on the shoulder.

Chen He was worried that Dahua would do something inexplicable at that time, and that would be a tragedy.

“Chen He, I won’t send it either.” Di Lieba said.

“Well, Teacher He…” Chen He nodded and looked at He Jiong.

Before he finished speaking, He Jiong smiled, “I know, I don’t have to send you off.”

“Well, then I won’t give it away.” Huang Lei nodded, “Chen He, you leave it alone, so we won’t be sentimental.”

“…” Chen He was dumbfounded.

Should the situation develop like this?

Although there were a few people, Chen He didn’t need them to send them, but like He Jiong or Huang Lei, if they wanted to send him, Chen He was also willing.

After all, if a person leaves alone, it looks a little bleak.

At this time, the cold wind was blowing.

Chen He feels bleak all over.

Too bleak.

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