Chapter 63

Chapter 63: The Flattering Chen He The Legend of Life Longing for Salted Fish Chapter 63: The Flattering Chen He.    “Yes, Teacher Huang, your joke is really a bit cold,” said Dilly Reba. .

As Di Lieba who heard Huang Lei’s joke yesterday, she said that Huang Lei’s cold joke can make the temperature of the entire room drop a few degrees.

It can be seen that Huang Lei’s jokes are only cold, without the essence of the jokes.

“How come, is my joke so bad?” Huang Lei looked helpless.

He is still very confident about his jokes.

But everyone at the scene didn’t seem to give him this face.

“Dahua, what do you think of my joke,” Huang Lei said, “To tell the truth.”

Among these people, Dahua should be the only one who can tell the truth.

“Ms. Huang, do you really want to tell the truth?” Dahua said hesitantly.

“Say.” Huang Lei said indifferently.

“Teacher Huang, your joke is indeed a little bit cold, that is, a little bit.” Dahua picked up his right hand and gestured lightly.

The meaning of these words is also very clear, and Dahua also agrees with He Jiong’s words.

“Seriously, this time the joke will be terrible.” Huang Lei said.

“Why don’t you let Teacher Huang come and try it.” Chen He said next to him.

As Chen He who had not participated in the card game last night, he didn’t know what Huang Lei’s joke was.

“Okay, Teacher Huang, let’s talk about it then.” He Jiong shook his head.

As a good friend of 20 years, He Jiong knows Huang Lei very well, but since someone wants to try it, He Jiong will not refuse.

“I used to have schizophrenia, but now we have recovered.” Huang Lei said slowly.

This is the joke he wants to tell.

“…” The guests in the audience were slightly taken aback. This joke seemed colder than yesterday’s joke.

“Teacher Huang, I now agree with what Teacher He said just now.” Chen He said.

He felt his goose bumps all up.

“Chen He, are you trying to find death?” Huang Lei glared at Chen He.

“Haha, it’s so funny, the joke just now is so funny.” Chen He laughed heartily.

It’s like hearing a very funny joke.

“…” Huang Lei saw this scene, full of black lines, such a performance, such recognition, he might as well not want to.

This seems to prove the meaning of what Chen He said just now.

“Hengheng, Chen He’s performance is a bit ashamed of his reputation as an actor.” He Jiong said.

“Yes, after this scene, I think the director of China who wants to choose Chen He as the protagonist still needs to think about it.” Lin Heng co-operated next to him.

“It seems that Chen He has no movies to shoot.” Dilly Reba replied.

Several people gave Chen He a knife.

“Would you like this?” Chen He was full of tragedy.

It’s like stealing chicken but not losing rice.

“How about we continue.” Dahua said softly.

He Jiong and the others responded quickly, but Dahua was a little hard to understand.

Then several people played a new round of card games, and He Jiong and others also performed a certain talent show.

But there is only one person who has not performed punitive tasks, and that is Lin Heng.

In this way, everyone returned to their beds with a slightly unwilling mood. It was already late, and they also needed to rest.

Only in this way will they be able to greet tomorrow’s day full of expectations with a spirited outlook.

There is a day full of Han Han.

The next day.

“Brother Heng, I want to eat your food.” Chen He wrapped around Lin Heng, “You know, I’m leaving at noon. I have never eaten what you made. If I don’t eat it, I’ve always been in the mushroom house.”

Since getting up early in the morning, Chen He has become a toy sticking to Lin Heng’s side.

And the whole person has been nagging.

As a foodie, Chen He didn’t eat Lin Heng’s delicacies. He was really unwilling to leave like this.

“Oh, that’s the case, then you can stay, the Man Han banquet at night does not have your share anyway.” Lin Heng said lightly.

At this moment, Chen He said that he was traumatized.

“Brother Heng.” Chen He said he was really sad.

“Haha, Hengheng, what else do you do for breakfast, after all, Chen He doesn’t seem to be able to eat this full feast at night.” He Jiong smiled.

“Teacher He, I know you are the best.” Chen He flattered.

“Hengheng, or else you can make it. We have eaten the monkey rice cracker for two days. You won’t let us eat the monkey rice cracker again.” Huang Lei said, “Even if it is a sponsor, we There are also a lot of advertisements for them.”

“Ms. Huang, this is not my reason.” Lin Heng smiled.

In the past two days, their breakfast was sparsely cooked, which is related to Huang Lei’s laziness in cooking breakfast.

After all, there are two chefs in mushrooms, except for Lin Heng, who is Huang Lei.

In mushrooms, Huang Lei is the chef, not Lin Heng.

“Well, Hengheng, today is a special day. A new day starts with breakfast.” Huang Lei gave a light cough.

Regarding the issue of breakfast, he really is not qualified to argue with Lin Heng.

Because Lin Heng has reached the point.

“Forget it, today I will make an egg custard for everyone.” Lin Heng said.

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