Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Calling from Loli? The Legendary Salted Fish of Longing for Life Chapter 60 Call from Loli?  Because Lin Heng is going to cook the legendary delicacy of Man Han Banquet tomorrow, He Jiong and others are very much looking forward to the guest call.

Now the phone came, and everyone present went to the room with the phone.

Even Lin Heng, who didn’t want to go there, was pulled over by Di Lieba.

“Who will answer the phone.” He Jiong came to the phone.

“Jongjiong, you can answer this call, after all, your mouth is more agile, and you can clarify tomorrow’s affairs.” Huang Lei said.

“What is it, base? Are you complimenting me or hurting me.” He Jiong said speechlessly.

As the host, he would say what’s wrong.

“Teacher He, hurry up, or the call will be over.” Di Lieba said anxiously.

There is a time limit for the ringing of the telephone.

Without answering the phone for a certain period of time, it is impossible to get through the entire call.

Since they heard the sound just now, and then walked here, some time has been wasted.

“Don’t worry, even if we didn’t answer the phone this time, they will definitely call over.” He Jiong smiled confidently.

If the guests of the longing life don’t call, how can they order food?

Does it mean that the sky is coming over, this seems impossible.

“Jingjiong, don’t waste time.” Huang Lei said.

“Okay, I’ll answer the phone now.” He Jiong put his hand on the handset of the landline. As soon as he thought of picking it up, the sound of the phone disappeared.

He Jiong saw this, his eyes changed slightly, and he picked up the phone, “Hello, hello.”

After a few seconds.

“There is no one on the other side of the phone.” He Jiong gently hung up the phone in his hand.

“…” Several people said they were speechless.

“Teacher He, when you answered the phone just now, the phone was no longer ringing.” Chen He vomited.

How could Teacher He not notice such an obvious scene?

“Haha, isn’t it? I didn’t find out just now.” He Jiong smiled awkwardly, “The other party should call soon.”

“I hope so, otherwise you will become a sinner, Teacher He,” Chen He said.

Before the words fell, the phone’s ringing rang again, and indeed the call came again.

“Look.” He Jiong breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the call came.

As a guest yearning for life, He Jiong is not sure what the strategy of the program group will be, which is hard to say.

Without further wasting time, He Jiong answered the phone.

“Hello, is it the mushroom house?” A pretty childlike voice came from the phone.

This made He Jiong stunned. Could the program group still invite minors?

And listen to the sound, that is also a child under ten years old.

It should be a voice changer.

He Jiong guessed in his heart.

It is impossible for the program group to invite such a small child to be a guest. It is impossible to give the program a lot of courage.

After all, this is an adult variety show, not a show for children.

“Yes, this is the mushroom house.” He Jiong replied.

“It’s Mr. He, I haven’t seen Mr. He for a long time, and I still miss it a little.” The child’s voice said cutely.

“You are…” He Jiong frowned.

Thinking of using such a voice to search for familiar people in my mind, it seems to be really difficult.

This is also because He Jiong knows too many celebrities in China.

Many celebrities have a good relationship with him.

“I am me, hehe.” The voice on the other side smiled, “We have a lot of guests here, we will come tomorrow, I will order some dishes first.”

“Order.” He Jiong said, “Tomorrow we will invite you to the Mushroom House. How about the Manchu Banquet? There are 36 dishes in total, and they are cooked by the world-class legendary chef Heng Heng.”

“What?” The voice on the other side was dumbfounded.

What did she hear?

“Mr. He, it is a full-fledged banquet for Han Chinese, 36 dishes, and it was cooked by Mr. Lin Heng.” The voice on the other side said in shock.

The person opposite now feels dreaming.

“Yes, the Manchu Banquet, that is the authentic Manchu Banquet. Originally there were 108 dishes. Because of the large number, it became 36 dishes. You must eat the Manchu Banquet.” He Jiong smiled. Or you want to order other dishes, in that case Teacher Huang will cook.”

Huang Lei on the side rolled his eyes when he heard this conversation.

Does He Jiong need to belittle him like this, and then set off Lin Heng?

With Lin Heng’s status in the food industry, he is really the top few.

He Huang Lei couldn’t compare with it at all.

“Wait, Mr. He.” The voices on the other side were slightly distorted, and then intermittent voices of men and women sounded.

He Jiong couldn’t hear clearly because he was a little far away from the microphone.

“Teacher He, of course we are going to have a full banquet. This is really great.” The voice on the other side said excitedly, “But I have a question?”

“What’s the problem?” He Jiong said.

“Don’t all the ingredients your mushroom house needs are exchanged for corn. With so many dishes, can you come here busy? There won’t be a trap tomorrow, right?” The voice on the other side wondered.

There must be a reason for something abnormal.

Moreover, He Jiong and Huang Lei are both old gangs.

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