Chapter 55

Chapter 55 The Psychological Shadow Is Infinitely Large The Legendary Salted Fish of Longing for Life Chapter 55 The Psychological Shadow Is Infinitely Large.    “For you, Chen He.” Lin Heng smiled and handed a bottle of Coke to Chen He.

Although He Jiong and Lin Heng asked Chen He to break a hundred corns before, they didn’t let Chen He break so many in the end.

To a certain time.

Lin Heng let Chen He come back.

They are now going back to the mushroom house to help Huang Lei.

One person is dealing with the Buddha jumping over the wall, and there should be many places where help is needed.

And they just drank Coke and watched the program group break the corn, not to mention how happy they were.

The feeling of depression in the past few days has long since disappeared without a trace.

It doesn’t make much sense to continue watching the program group break the corn.

“Lin Heng, thank you.” Chen He said gratefully.

After opening the Coke, I took a sip, and the tiredness I had just disappeared suddenly.

“Hehe, do you feel that this is the life you yearn for?” He Jiong smiled beside him.

“I haven’t really experienced this before.” Chen He sighed, and then showed a vigilant look, “Teacher He, but you don’t want me to continue to break the corn, otherwise I will suffer from ultraviolet allergies and waist injuries. It broke out.”

“…” He Jiong looked at Chen He speechlessly.

Can Chen He’s laziness be corrected?

And he didn’t tell Chen He to continue breaking the corn.

Not to mention Chen He, as a guest, is leaving tomorrow.

Like they have paid off their corn today, and tomorrow they will get all kinds of ingredients for free.

So tomorrow will be a very happy day.

“Okay, hehe, you won’t be allowed to break the corn.” He Jiong smiled, “Dahua, if you drive the electric car back, we will be here to help.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. He, leave it to me.” Dahua promised, patting his chest.

He has been driving this electric car for a long time and is very used to it.

“Let’s go.” Dahua drove the electric car towards the mushroom house.

Lin Heng, He Jiong and the others followed to prevent the corn from falling off the car.

Soon, a few people came to the mushroom house they were familiar with.

“Teacher Huang, we are back.” Dahua shouted loudly.

The sound of “Treading” rang.

Huang Lei appeared here, he looked at Lin Heng and them in surprise, “Why are you all together?”

Lin Heng went fishing, and He Jiong went to break the corn.

These are two completely different places.

Did the two groups meet halfway?

“Lei Lei, tell you a surprise news.” He Jiong showed a mysterious smile.

“Jingjiong, what’s the news?” Huang Lei asked.

Huang Lei was not a fortune teller as to what the news was, and he naturally couldn’t guess.

“We don’t owe corn to the show crew anymore,” He Jiong said.

“I owe no corn to the program crew?” Huang Lei looked at the car at the door, “Jing Jiong, there are more than a thousand corns there?”

Although Huang Lei has never broken corn, as a chef, he can still estimate the amount of corn.

What about that electric tricycle, there can’t be so many.

“Of course not.” He Jiong said with a smile, “and apart from the fact that we don’t have any corn today, the program group will also provide the ingredients for tomorrow for free.”

“Huh?” Huang Lei stunned.

Is there such a good thing?

“What the hell is going on?” Huang Lei asked involuntarily.

Now he has been confused by He Jiong.

“I’ll explain it to you.” He Jiong explained Lin Heng’s affairs with a smile.

After listening, Huang Lei also looked at Lin Heng in amazement, “Heng Heng, I didn’t expect your fishing to be so good, you still hide something that everyone doesn’t know.”

“It’s okay.” Lin Heng smiled.

At present, what he showed was only a small part of his ability.

“It’s not good to be too modest.” Huang Lei scolded with a smile.

“Teacher Huang, Teacher He, let’s count the corn and let the director team see how much more.” Lin Heng said.

“Okay, let’s move corn together.” He Jiong greeted.

“Hengheng, Director Wang’s psychological shadow should be infinite now.” Huang Lei laughed.

Later, Lin Heng and others moved all the corn into the mushroom house. After counting the quantity, they told the director team remotely.

I’m afraid that looking at the current sky, the director team wants to complete the task volume, it should be when the sky is dark.

After handling the corn.

Everyone is busy with dinner in the evening.

Huang Lei is also working on the final finishing touches, and the cooking of Buddha Jumping the Wall is almost coming to an end.

When the sky is completely dark, the cooking is complete.

“Everyone, get ready for dinner.” Huang Lei put the main dish Buddha on the table.

Opening the lid, a scent came to my face.

That charming taste formed by various ingredients.

“The Buddha jumped over the wall, I really have been looking forward to it for a long time.” Chen He looked at the Buddha jumped over the wall with a coveted face.

“I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.” Di Lieba also nodded repeatedly.

Buddha jumps over the wall in home cooking, it is a dish that does not appear.

This is also due to the time and complexity of cooking this dish.

“What a magical dish.” Dahua looked forward to see through.

“Everyone, go ahead.” He Jiong smiled.

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