Chapter 53

Chapter 53: What are you here for? The legend of longing life. Salted fish Chapter 53: What are you here for.    “High, really high.” Chen He gave Lin Heng a thumbs up, because Lin Heng It’s really amazing.

Chen He said that he would mix with Lin Heng in the next show.

If you mix with the most powerful people, there will always be meat.

“Pang Di, Chen He, go, go see Teacher He and the others.” Lin Heng smiled.

The three slowly left here, heading for the cornfield.

Director Wang Zhengyu breathed a sigh of relief, and Lin Heng finally left here.

If Lin Heng stays here, Wang Zhengyu’s mood will always be frightened, lest Lin Heng will continue fishing.

According to Lin Heng’s fishing speed, if Lin Heng continues, he may still be able to catch a lot of fish.

At that time, the corn they owe, I am afraid that all the corn fields will be broken by that time, and they will not be able to complete such a specific amount. Then the program group will be sadly reminded.

Naturally, Lin Heng would not drive the program group to a dead end in this way.

Things have to be played slowly, it’s not fun to end it all at once.

Side of the road.

There stood plants of golden corn.

Corn grows dead on the road, as long as its fruit grows, the original rhizome is useless.

Because corn will not grow through the rhizomes in the second year, the thick rhizomes need to be disposed of.

The golden corn looks very beautiful under the sunlight.

Such a scene is impossible to see in the city.

Nor would there be such a large land in a city where corn can be grown.

“This cornfield is so beautiful.” Di Lieba’s eyes revealed joy.

Compared with my hometown, such rural land has a different feeling.

“I saw an electric car.” Chen He pointed to the front of the road, and an electric tricycle was parked on the side of the road.

That should be the means of transportation for He Jiong and Dahua to pick corn.

When I walked closer, I could find that there was indeed a lot of corn inside.

“Teacher He, Dahua, they have picked so much.” Di Lieba said in amazement as he looked at the amount of corn in the electric tricycle.

“Hey, isn’t Teacher He there.” Chen He pointed to a place in the cornfield.

“Really.” Lin Heng turned to look around. He saw two figures in the cornfield, He Jiong and Dahua.

“Teacher Ho, Dahua.” Dilly Reba shouted loudly.

Fields of corn.

“Dahua, I feel like I’m going to die soon, my old waist.” He Jiong wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said tiredly.

Although He Jiong looks young on the outside, his body is already at his age, so he can’t accept the old.

Breaking the corn in such a hot day is also a test for him.

“Teacher He, why don’t you take a break,” Dahua suggested.

“Working hard, we owe a lot of corn, and we haven’t finished one third of it now.” He Jiong said with a headache thinking of the amount they owed.

Such a quantity is impossible with him and Dahua.


A voice came.

“Dahua, have you heard someone calling us?” He Jiong got up and asked hesitantly.

He Jiong had difficulty seeing what was going on around him because he was in the cornfield. Of course, it was also because He Jiong’s height was a little too low.

“Teacher He, did anyone call us?” Dahua asked.

He Jiong listened carefully, “Dahua, someone called us indeed, let’s go out and have a look.”

He Jiong and Dahua walked out of this cornfield. It didn’t take long for them to see Lin Heng, Dili Reba and Chen He were on the side of the cornfield.

“Hengheng, Reba, Chen He, you are here.” He Jiong said in surprise.

Now the three people are coming, in He Jiong’s heart, they should be here to help, otherwise, if these three people come over, are they to watch the show?

It’s impossible to think about it.

“Teacher He, the speed at which you and Dahua break the corn is still very fast.” Lin Heng said.

“That’s right, we worked very hard.” He Jiong said proudly, “If it weren’t for breaking the corn, we might encounter a place where the corn has already been broken, and our speed would be faster.”

“Teacher He, didn’t you break the corn?” Lin Heng said.

“No, we picked corn, and corn will still grow here next year.” He Jiong explained, “We still have to protect this place.”

“…” Lin Heng was speechless at this time.

“Teacher He, corn is a male and female plant. After the corn grows, if you pick the corn, the original plants will not grow out. You need to burn them and replant them in the coming year, so you can step on them directly. This way your speed can be faster.”

“…” He Jiong and Dahua were dumbfounded.

There is such a statement.

Is this the difference between knowledge and no knowledge?

“Ahem, Hengheng, we’ll understand after you say it.” He Jiong changed the subject, “You are here to help us, so that we can quickly break the amount of corn, and maybe we can owe it today. All the corn is returned.”

“Teacher He, we are not here to help.” Chen He shook his head.

“What.” He Jiong confirmed, “Hehe, you are right.”

He Jiong thought he had heard the wrong ear.

“We are not here to help.” Chen He affirmed.

“…” He Jiong was speechless.

He was also a little dumbfounded.

“Then what are you here for.”

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