Chapter 48

Chapter 48 The fish is hooked. The legend of the yearning for life. Salted fish. Chapter 48 The fish is hooked.    “Then I will try it.” Lin Heng smiled slightly and came to the river with a flick of his hands. , The fishing line without bait falls towards the distance.

“Puff” sounded.

The hook was slowly submerged in the water.

At this time, many people are staring at the fishing line, and they have different ideas in their hearts.

The audience in the live broadcast room is roughly divided into two situations.

Most people hope that Lin Heng can catch fish. No matter how much he catches, it is considered a success if he catches the fish.

But these people also understand a fact in their hearts.

Wanting to catch a fish with a hook without bait is completely dreamy.

Even those true fishing masters can hardly do it.

Lin Heng is a good fishing expert, and many people don’t think so.

You should know that Lin Heng has shown some strength in cooking, medicine and gambling.

Now this kind of fishing ability is also very powerful.

This is somewhat unrealistic.

Lin Heng is a person after all, not a god.

These audiences don’t even know a situation.

In the hearts of China’s generals and top leaders, Lin Heng is like a god, who has made China’s military affairs have undergone earth-shaking changes.

It has narrowed the gap with the United States.

It’s just that these things are not known to outsiders. At present, only some senior officials in China know about this.

Naturally, the country will not treat Lin Heng badly.

In the hearts of those leaders, the most important thing in China is not them, but Lin Heng.

Many people are worried about whether Lin Heng will succeed. There are also a small number of people who want to watch Lin Heng’s jokes. These people are naturally a minority.

How to say Lin Heng is the foundation of Shidashi’s popularity, which is very different from ordinary stars.

There will be such jealousy, and that person will only be a loser.

Director Wang Zhengyu was a little nervous.

Since Lin Heng so directly agreed to the agreement he said, he has been so worried.

Is Lin Heng really able to catch fish with such a fishing rod?

But even so, if you catch a fish, you will lose a hundred corn.

Unless Lin Heng catches more than 18 fish, the program team may owe Lin Heng to them. Otherwise, the possibility is too small.

Thinking of this, director Wang Zhengyu calmed down again.

It seems that he doesn’t need to worry about this.

This is almost impossible.

It is impossible for anyone to change into the world, unless…

No unless.

Director Wang Zhengyu said to himself in his heart.

Di Lieba secretly encouraged Lin Heng next to him. Although the chance of owing the show crew is a bit small, it is not impossible.

“Come on, Lin Heng.” Di Lieba waved a pink fist to cheer for Lin Heng.

Lin Heng smiled, “Reba, leave it to me.”

Time passed slowly.

There was no movement in the fishing line in the water, and no fish caught the bait.

“Lin Heng, some time has passed, you haven’t caught a fish yet.” Director Wang Zhengyu said, “If it really doesn’t work, you can go to the cornfield. In this case, helping together can reduce the number of cornfields.”

At this time, Wang Zhengyu looked confident and proud.

That kind of feeling is as if the girl is reserved.

The director Wang Zhengyu will show this for a reason.

Who caused him to be scammed by Lin Heng so many times before, and now he can finally come back, he will naturally be very satisfied.

“Lin Heng.” Di Lieba looked slightly worried.

After all, Lin Heng hadn’t caught it in so much time just now. It seems impossible to catch as many as 18 in a short afternoon.

If Lin Heng cannot catch a fish, it will be a blow to Lin Heng.

But is it possible?

“Reba, don’t worry.” Lin Heng nodded to Dili Reba and looked at the director, “Director, are you ready?”

“Ready?” Director Wang Zhengyu was stunned for a moment, but didn’t react for a while.

What does Lin Heng’s words mean?

“You prepare with the director team, maybe you will break the corn soon.” Lin Heng smiled.

“Lin Heng.” Wang Zhengyu smiled and shook his head. “Now you have not caught a single fish, and there are not many hours in the evening. Do you think you can catch more than eighteen fish in such a short period of time. ?”

“Didn’t catch the fish? We have it now.”

As soon as the words fell, the fishing line in Lin Heng’s hand stretched straight, and the current in the water became turbulent.

A fish has taken the bait.

“Lin Heng, I caught a fish, I caught a fish.” Di Lieba jumped happily.

This is the first fish Lin Heng caught with a rod without bait.

This may be the beginning of success.

“Caught a fish.” Director Wang Zhengyu stunned. He wasn’t a crow’s mouth just now.

The audience in the live broadcast room all made a six-six-six voice.

Most people have never seen a big fish with a rod without bait.

Now, they may have to see it with their own eyes.

“Get up.” Lin Heng’s hands pressed hard, and the fishing line jumped out of the river water, and a big fish gleaming with silver appeared in front of the crowd and the camera.

Lin Heng really caught a fish, and it was still a big fish.

“Number one.” Lin Heng took the fish off the hook and put it in the bucket.

“Lin Heng, this is just your luck, you can’t always have such good luck.” Director Wang Zhengyu gritted his teeth, and he couldn’t admit defeat.

“Really?” Lin Heng smiled, “Director, Goddess of Luck is on my side today.”

A few minutes later.

“Lin Heng, caught it again, the next day.” Di Lieba said excitedly.

“Just once again lucky.” Wang Zhengyu said.

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