Chapter 41

Chapter 41 The Perfect Chicken Coop The Legend of Life Longing for Salted Fish Chapter 41 The Perfect Chicken Coop.    On the hill.

Lin Heng and Di Lieba searched here for a while.

At first, I didn’t find the existence of mushrooms, but when the first mushroom was discovered, the mushrooms seemed to have all come out, and they appeared in Lin Heng’s eyes one after another.

Di Lieba also happily picked many mushrooms.

Di Lieba did not bring a particularly big effect to the mushroom house in these two days.

Now that I have picked the mushrooms like this, I still have a special sense of satisfaction in my heart.

“Fat Di, it’s okay, we are almost going back.” Lin Heng said.

“I know, it will be done soon.” Dilly Reba replied loudly.

“Just get another one.” Di Lieba’s eyes looked around, then his eyes lit up, and he saw mushrooms on a section of a slightly decomposed tree stump.

Stepping cautiously, Di Lieba stepped across the vines on the ground.

“Yes.” Di Lieba bent over and pulled out the mushrooms from the ground. Just when Di Lieba was about to go back, she was suddenly tripped by the vines on the ground, and she fell backward.

Falling down in this state, Di Lieba will definitely suffer some injuries.

Di Lieba closed her eyes involuntarily.

The audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed.

They like Dilly Rebarco, don’t accidentally get injured because of this incident.

In that case, Dili Reba must not be able to participate in the post-shooting of the show, not to mention that as the favorite star of the audience, they do not like Dili Reba’s accident.

At this moment, a palm stretched out and grabbed Di Lieba’s right hand, preventing Di Lieba from falling backward.

It turned out that Lin Heng noticed the crisis on Dilraba’s side and quickly took action.

Bringing Dili Rebala over, Lin Heng said, “Fat Di, are you okay.”

Di Lieba opened her eyes. She also understood that Lin Heng had been rescued just now. Looking at the handsome face close at hand, Di Lieba whispered, “I’m fine.”

this moment.

The inexplicable pink rose from between the two.

“Fat Di is fine, great, it was very dangerous just now.”

“Lin Heng reacted quickly, which is why Fat Di didn’t have an accident.”

“Now looking at Lin Heng and Fatty, how do I feel that there is an unspeakable secret.”

The audience in the live broadcast room was talking about it, they only felt that Di Lieba was gradually moving away from them.

“Reba, do you have a fever.” Lin Heng looked at Dilly Reba blankly and put his hand on Reba’s forehead.

In such a live broadcast, some things can be shown, but some things should not be exposed to such a large public.

“Not at all.” Dilly Reba’s face was reddish, and she stepped back a few steps, and snorted.

“Lin Heng, we’re going back.” Di Lieba turned and walked down the mountain. She also knew that she was a little gagged just now.

“Fat Di, wait, don’t you fall down.” Lin Heng smiled and ran after him.

“I’m not a kid, Lin Heng, you come after me.” Dilly Reba giggled.

At this time, Di Lieba appeared more like a child.

Mushroom house.

“There are so many mushrooms, sure enough, everything can be done.” Huang Lei looked at the mushrooms falling down in front of him, and said in amazement.

This number is really a lot.

Enough for them to eat for a long time.

“Teacher Huang, I also picked a lot this time.” Di Lieba said unwillingly.

She also worked very hard this time.

“Well, Reba is also very useful.” Huang Lei laughed.

“Teacher Ho, what about them.” Lin Heng asked.

He and Di Lieba went to pick mushrooms before, and He Jiong and the others made chicken coops.

“They’re good, they’re still in the chicken coop, they should be almost done, you can go and see.” Huang Lei said.

“Lin Heng, let’s go and take a look.” Di Lieba was also very interested in this.

The two walked to the place where the three chickens originally lived, He Jiong, Chen Qiaozhen and they were there.

“Hengheng, you just came here, and our chicken coop is ready, let’s see what happens.” He Jiong noticed Lin Heng’s arrival and Lian Dao.

“The chicken coop.” Lin Heng’s gaze turned to the chicken coop He Jiong said.

It is a chicken coop with a few long wooden bars nailed together.

It’s very simple. It’s covered with plastic paper. It looks very simple.

This is the chicken coop that the three of He Jiong spent so much time building.

“This chicken coop.” Lin Heng let out an inexplicable laugh, “Teacher Ho, how about your chicken coop, how do you say it, it can really cover the wind and rain, it’s great.”

Speaking, Lin Heng gave a thumbs up.

Di Lieba next to her laughed.

As someone who is familiar with Lin Heng, she understands the meaning of Lin Heng’s tone.

“Heng Heng, how do I feel that you are not complimenting us.” He Jiong glanced suspiciously at Lin Heng.

“Yeah, Lin Heng, I have this feeling too.” Zheng Yan also said.

“How come, you have to feel confident in your work.” Lin Heng said firmly, “Your creativity, your craftsmanship, this is a perfect chicken coop, what do you think?”

“Perfect chicken coop?” He Jiong and others looked at the chicken coop.


It seems not so perfect.

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