Chapter 31

Chapter 31 My Indigestion The Legendary Salted Fish of Life Longing for Chapter 31 My Indigestion.    Mushroom House Yard.

He Jiong and others were chatting outside, but they didn’t enter the house because Lin Heng inside was treating Zheng Xuan.

Compared to He Jiong’s indifferent state, Di Lieba’s mood is not as calm as it seems on the surface.

She looked at the mushroom house from time to time.

“Reba, don’t worry, Xiao Shuang should be fine.” Huang Lei smiled.

He thought that Di Lieba was worried about Zheng Yan, after all, they were all girls.

“Teacher Huang, I am afraid Reba is not worried about Xiao Shuang, but Heng Heng. After all, Heng Heng and Xiao Shuang are now alone in the same room.” He Jiong smiled.

In these times.

He Jiong is happy to make Lin Heng and Di Lieba become cps.

Whether it is Lin Heng or Di Lieba, He Jiong treats them like his relatives.

“Teacher He, what are you talking about, I haven’t thought about it like this.” Di Lieba said quickly.

Thinking of what Lin Heng did to her in the past two days, Reba said that this is the answer.

“Really? Reba.” Teacher He, learning from children, questioned.

“Of course it is true.” Di Lieba said firmly.

It’s just that in these words, it sounds like an inexplicable guilty conscience, and even Huang Lei showed a smile that was not a smile.

The audience in the live broadcast room was wailing unconsciously.

“Heartache, heartache, Fat Di seems to have really fallen, fallen into the hands of Lin Heng.”

“Although Lin Heng is very powerful, I still express my sadness.”

“Hey, I hope Lin Heng can take good care of Fatty. Sometimes Fatty is stupid.”

“Fat Di, goodbye.”

“The heart hurts so much that I can’t breathe, but I can only let go.”

“Sister Qiao, what are you looking at, you are looking so seriously.” Di Lieba quickly changed the subject.

She feels to continue this topic.

Will be seen by the two old foxes.

He Jiong and Huang Lei are currently two old foxes in Dili Reba’s heart.

As for the current Dahua, he is more of a background wall.

It was like a person shivering in the cold wind in the middle of the night, even Xiao H abandoned him.

“I saw a big news.” Chen Qiao pressed her head up, her expression still in concealed shock.

“Big news, what is it?” He Jiong asked in confusion.

If the program is not broadcast live as it is now, this kind of real-time news is generally rarely involved, but the longing life is a live broadcast program, this is a lot of relaxation.

Sometimes the life you yearn for can also match some major events that have happened recently.

Of course, as stars, they also need to understand what can be said and what cannot be said.

Now that Chen Qiao presses this kind of performance, it means that this news can still be said in such a program.

“Guess it, it has something to do with the guests in our show.” Chen Qiao said mysteriously.

“It has something to do with the guests of this show, so we are the only ones.” He Jiong frowned, “Mr. Huang, have you done anything lately?”

“I don’t have anything to do. Recently I participated in this program, and there are no other big things.” Huang Lei replied.

“Dahua, is that your side?” He Jiong looked at Dahua.

“It shouldn’t be me, and my agent hasn’t told me anything major.” Dahua shook his head.

For Dahua, some news is naturally a good thing, but he has really nothing to make news reports recently.

“Could it be Reba?” He Jiong said.

As a popular female star, Di Lieba can dominate the headlines from time to time.

“It’s not me, I haven’t made any arrangements lately.” Dilly Reba replied.

“It’s definitely not Joe who pressed you, then it’s the two people inside, and with the greatest possibility, is it Heng Heng.” Huang Lei also speculated like Sherlock Holmes.

“Teacher Huang, you are really amazing.” Chen Qiao said in surprise, “What I saw in the news just now was the news of Lin Heng. Teacher Huang, can you guess what it is?”

“…” Huang Lei was dull, then smiled bitterly, “Qiao, I’m not a fortune teller, you should let me know something, you might as well just say it directly, otherwise I can buy lottery tickets. Join this show.”

“Teacher Huang, when you say this, I’m very sad, you don’t want to be with me, our friendship for more than 20 years.” He Jiong said disappointedly next to him.

“Jingjiong, our friendship has been digested in my stomach, so you can rest assured.” Huang Lei said.

“What’s the meaning?”

“I have indigestion, it’s still there for more than 20 years.”


“Teacher Huang, your joke is really cold.”

“Qiao press, let’s talk about what happened to Hengheng.” He Jiong curiously asked.

He knew that Lin Heng’s identity was not simple. Could it be that Lin Heng’s true identity was exposed.

“Then let me talk about it, this matter is now making a sensation not only in China, but also in the whole world.” Chen Qiaozhen said.

Chen Qiao’s words made He Jiong and the others even more itchy.

What’s the matter?

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