Chapter 27

Chapter 27 The omnipotent dingdong cat The legend of the life that the cat yearns for salted fish Chapter 27 The omnipotent dingdong cat.    “Teacher Huang, my staff in the mushroom house is not a chef, you are.” Lin Heng shrugged Shrugged.

“Hengheng, I can assign you the chef’s person, and then I will be a salted fish.” Huang Lei said, “isn’t it easy to be a salted fish? Just lie down on the ground.”

“It’s a pity, Teacher Huang, being a salted fish is also a subject. I’m afraid that if you are a salted fish, there will be news the next day. Huang Lei is very old and in danger.” Lin Heng smiled.

“…” Huang Lei was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile, “Yes, your age is already high and you are in danger, but I’m still young.”

Even so, Huang Lei does understand one thing.

It’s really inappropriate for him to be a salted fish. Who would think of him as a middle-aged greasy uncle.

And it seemed to be a bit unbearable to lie down all the time.

“It’s a pity, next time I want to taste Hengheng’s food, I don’t know when it will be.” He Jiong said regretfully.

“In this way, we are even more disappointed.” Chen Qiaozhen said, “I and Shuang’er are just guests who came here once, and there is no other chance at all.”

“Sister Qiao Ying, you have to believe that nothing is certain.” Lin Heng said.

“Lin Heng, this is what you said, then I am looking forward to tasting your next cooking.” Chen Qiaozhen said quickly.

She caught the loophole in Lin Heng’s words.

“Sister Qiao, then just wait for that day.” Lin Heng responded.

When is that day, and will it come again, this is also an ambiguous answer.

“It’s very important for you to be able to eat Hengheng’s food tonight.” Huang Lei said, “If it wasn’t for your failure in cooking, how could we have this opportunity?”

“Teacher Huang, I am happy or unhappy after hearing what you said.” Chen Qiao spit out, “but I am really happy today, being able to eat such delicious food.”

“Qiao Press, maybe you can continue to try tomorrow.” He Jiong suggested.

“I want to say, I’ll say this in front of me, okay?” Lin Heng said silently.

Is this when he does not exist?

“Lin Heng, I’m so sad, I thought you were different to me.” Chen Qiao said sadly.

“Sister Qiao Ying, your acting skills are too fake.” Lin Heng smiled and shook his head.

“Well, I can only wait for the next chance.” Chen Qiao shook his head.

She understands this kind of thing, and it is impossible to force Lin Heng to do it for them.

First, the relationship between Lin Heng and Chen Qiaojin has not reached a certain level, and it is the first time that the two have met.

Second, although Chen Qiaojin does not know Lin Heng, Chen Qiaojin always feels that Lin Heng is not that simple.

“Well, let’s taste my food together. Although it is not as good as Heng Heng, it can still fill the stomach. How can I say that the twice-cooked pork just now was eaten by a few of us. It can only fill the gap between the teeth.” Huang Lei Said.

Just giving a serving of twice-cooked pork to a few people is not enough.

“Everyone, let’s eat.” He Jiong nodded again and again.

The guests of the mushroom house started the real dinner.

There is a big gap between the food cooked by Huang Lei and Lin Heng, but they can still be eaten.

It’s just that the pearls and jade are in front, even if Huang Lei’s cooking skills are good, there is still a certain gap.

Of course, this is not the time to taste delicious food, but to chat happily.

Talking about my own stories, talking about other people’s stories.

Everyone has a different story, and other people may grow up accordingly when they hear their own stories.

This may be the longing life.

In the ordinary, full of the ups and downs of life.

After a meal.

“Xiao Shuang, I think you eat very little for dinner. You are so thin, but you have to eat more.” Huang Lei said.

In addition to being very active when Zheng Xuan eats twice-cooked pork, Zheng Xuan’s appetite seems to be dysfunctional when he eats other foods.

As for thinking that his cooking is not good, and then he eats very little, Huang Lei can’t think so.

Huang Lei had been in contact with this girl Zheng Xuan before, so she wouldn’t do such a thing.

Not to mention that it is still live.

“Teacher Huang, I’m sorry.” Zheng Yan quickly apologized.

She understood that she didn’t seem to respect Huang Lei just now, but she really couldn’t eat too much.

That’s not just psychological, it’s also physiological.

“Xiao Shuang, your anorexia has not recovered yet.” He Jiong was taken aback for a moment, then asked.

Previous news reports revealed that Zheng Xuan had anorexia, and Zheng Xuan also generously admitted.

“Teacher He, my anorexia is slowly recovering, but it will take some time.” Zheng Yan nodded, “Thank you for your concern, Teacher He.”

“So it’s like this, Xiao Shuang, then you tell me earlier, I can cook some appetizing food.” Huang Leilian said.

“Thank you, Teacher Huang.” Zheng Yan smiled.

“Lin Heng, Shuang’er’s anorexia, can you do anything about it?” Di Lieba asked.

“…” Lin Heng was taken aback for a moment.

Dilly Reba, is this when he is the omnipotent jingle cat?

But Zheng Xuan’s anorexia…

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