Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Passive Face Slaps The Legend of Life Longing for Salted Fish Chapter 20 Passive Face Slaps.    “Dahua, I’m breaking the corn, it should be almost back after counting the time.” Teacher He smiled.

He Jiong could still see Chen Qiao’s weak performance.

But sometimes, these things don’t need to be held on tightly.

“I’m back.” Dahua’s voice rang at this time.

“Dahua is here, let’s go and have a look.” He Jiong suggested.

“Okay, let’s go and see how much corn Dahua broke. Anyway, we only had more than 400 corn left.” Huang Lei said, “Qiao press, you have to know what you ordered, But let us owe 1,500 corn.”

“One thousand and five hundred, so many.” Zheng Yan was stunned.

“Teacher Huang, there are so many, don’t you mean that there are only more than 400 left.” Chen Qiaozhen paid attention to the focus of the matter.

“Of course it is because of Hengheng.” Teacher Huang smiled and told the story.

This surprised Chen Qiaoying and Zheng Yan again and again.

Besides Lin Heng’s good cooking skills, is his gambling skill also very good? Let the director lose so miserably.

No wonder the corn they left behind became so little in the end.

“Lin Heng, you are really amazing.” Chen Qiao said in admiration.

Although Lin Heng spends a lot of time in the state of salted fish, occasionally showing a little bit will leave a deep impression on people.

“Qiao Press, but although there are few things, you still need help.” He Jiong said from the side.

There was so much corn, even if Chen Qiaozhen was a girl, she might need to help.

Now that there is less corn, they may not need to go to the corn field, but in the mushroom house, some things within their capacity still need help.

“Don’t worry, Teacher He.” Chen Qiao nodded.

Several people walked outside the door.

There is a very large electric car outside the door with a lot of corn in it, and Dahua is there.

These corns were picked by Dahua these days.

“Dahua, thanks for your hard work. I picked a lot of corn.” Huang Lei first praised Dahua a little when seeing a cart of corn.

In any case, the hardest thing today seems to be Dahua.

Of course, it is not Dahua, but Lin Heng that has the greatest effect.

“It’s not hard.” Dahua’s eyes saw the unfamiliar Chen Qiaoyan and Zheng Yan.

Obviously, he hadn’t seen these two girls before because they were new guests.

In front of new guests, especially girls, he wants to maintain his masculine spirit, but he can’t admit it.

“These two are…” Dahua asked.

“Dahua, they are the guests this time, one is Chen Qiaozhen, the other is Zheng Yan.” He Jiong introduced from the side.

“Hello,” Dahua greeted.

“Hello.” Chen Qiaoying and Zheng Yan nodded.

“Okay, let’s put the corn in and see how much corn you picked Dahua.” He Jiong smiled.

“Yeah, let’s take it in. This time I worked very hard, and then borrowed the car and made a lot of corn.” Dahua said, “Of course, I still thank Lin Heng for reminding me just now so that I can borrow. To the car.”

“Okay, Dahua, let’s move the corn in together.” Teacher Huang said helplessly.

Dahua looked like he was going to pretend to be forced, but unfortunately, in front of Lin Heng, it seemed a little difficult to pretend.

Several people put the corn into the house together.

At the end of the count, Dahua corn picked three hundred, plus the previous forty, then there are three hundred and forty, which is quite a lot.

“There are only three hundred, I can actually pick more.” Dahua said stiffly.

“Dahua, you are great.” Teacher Huang complimented, “I will stop here today when you break the corn. You can return the car to others. I will start preparing dinner too.”

“Okay, Teacher Huang, there are more than a thousand corns, I will work hard.” Dahua said.

“Dahua, there are only more than one hundred left.” Dilly Reba smiled.

“Huh?” Dahua stunned.

Why is there only more than a hundred left, he doesn’t seem to be that great.

Is he dreaming now?

Thinking of this, Dahua placed his fingers on his arm and squeezed lightly, a sharp pain came, making Dahua a little hoarse grin.

He was sure he hadn’t dreamed.

“Teacher He, why is there only more than one hundred left, isn’t it more than one thousand?” Dahua still asked doubtfully.

“That’s it.” He Jiong told Lin Heng’s affairs.

Just like yesterday, Lin Heng changed a way, which drastically reduced their debts.

“This, Lin Heng is really amazing.” Dahua murmured.

It turned out to be so.

Then his performance just now can only make him feel ashamed.

The act just now felt like a slap in the face.

It’s no wonder that the new guests didn’t seem to express too much, it turned out that everything is like this.

“Teacher He, I’d better return the car.” Dahua walked out of the mushroom house with a sad look. He should return the car.

“Teacher Huang, Dahua seems to be hit hard enough.” He Jiong looked at Dahua who was going away.

“It’s okay, Dahua will recover right away anyway.” Teacher Huang didn’t have any worries.

If Dahua is still here at the moment, I am afraid that the sadness in my heart is even greater.

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