Chapter 18

The eighteenth chapter I provoke whom I provoke the legendary salted fish of the yearning life Chapter eighteenth who I provoke who provoke.

“Putty Di is really cute, why she is not a botanist, there is such a god to answer.”

“Haha, the melons Lin Heng asked before were all plants. It’s no wonder that Fat Di has such an idea.”

“Fool, fool, now I still feel a crow hovering over Fat Di’s head.”

“What a fool, I feel that Lin Heng is also sinister.”

“I feel that Lin Heng and Fatty have a strong sense of CP. Why do I feel sad, my Fatty.”

“Wrong, it’s not your fat di, it’s everyone’s fat di.”

Regardless of the audience’s reaction, Di Lieba is naturally unwilling to be a fool, so she wants Lin Heng to continue to write questions.

It’s just that Lin Heng’s state at this time has returned to the state of salted fish.

Lying quietly in the yard, feeling the warm breeze.

“What were you doing just now, it seems very lively.” He Jiong came to the yard.

He went to feed the chickens just now and it was almost ready.

“Jongjiong, you missed an interesting scene just now.” Huang Lei smiled when He Jiong came over.

“Interesting scene, what happened?” He Jiong asked.

“Let me tell you.” Huang Lei just explained how the director competed with Lin Heng, and they now subtract a thousand corn.

“Haha.” After listening, He Jiong laughed loudly, his eyes turned to the director in the distance.

He Jiong said that the director is Damn it before, but now he feels that the director is also synonymous with sadness in this show.

“But Heng Heng is really good, he won’t really be the god of gamblers.” He Jiong noticed another point.

“I don’t know this. We don’t know who Hengheng was before.” Huang Lei shook his head.

“Forget it, now Hengheng is a member of our mushroom house.” He Jiong didn’t pay much attention to this aspect.

“Anyone? Anyone?” Suddenly, a knock on the door and a female voice came in.

somebody is coming.

“It’s the guest I said last night.” He Jiong and Huang Lei looked at each other.

Thinking of this, He Jiong and Huang Lei walked out the door.

“Pang Di, there are new guests here, don’t you go and see.” Lin Heng said to Reba who was entangled next to him.

“Lin Heng, you still have to give me a question later. I have to prove that I am not a fool.” Di Lieba waved her fan fist and walked towards the door.

“The world is quiet.” Lin Heng put his hands behind his head and chuckled lightly.

at the same time.

The audience in the live broadcast room also looked very much looking forward to it. They still don’t know who the new guests will be this time?


“Sister Qiao Yin, if you have luggage, let me come.” Zheng Yan said next to him, “I’m still very young.”

“Shuang’er, why are you young, do you want to say that I am old?” Chen Qiaozhen pretended to be angry and said.

“Sister Qiao Yin, of course not.” Zheng Yan shook his head.

Zheng Xuan never thought so.

“Okay, Shuang’er, I’m not angry. I’m really older than you in terms of age, but look at your current body, so thin, and the wind blows like it’s about to blow.” Chen Qiao chuckled and cursed. Said, “If you feel tired here, you can leave it to me.”

“Sister Qiao Yin, no need, I can hold on.” Zheng Yan thanked.

“The distance between this mushroom house is a bit far.” Chen Qiao said helplessly.

After the two of them got out of the car, the program group originally said it was very close, but they didn’t expect that this very close distance would be a long way.

After a while.

The two finally saw the mushroom house.

“We are here.” Chen Qiao came to the door and knocked, “Is anyone there?”

Immediately there was a voice from inside, and there was someone inside.

“Shuang’er, there are people inside, let’s go in.” Chen Qiao pushed open the door.

When the door is pushed open to a certain extent.

With a click, the entire door fell off.

“Uh.” Chen Qiao was stunned for a moment. Is she so powerful?

“…” Zheng Yan was also stunned.

“Shuang’er, this door is too fragile.” Chen Qiao put his hand from the door nonchalantly.

With a slap, the door fell smoothly to the ground.

“It’s Qiao Ying, Xiao Shuang.” He Jiong saw the two women walking into the yard.

As He Jiong who often hosts Hunan variety shows, he also knows many stars.

Like Chen Qiaozhen and Zheng Yan, they often go to Hunan Satellite TV’s happy base camp.

Similarly, their popularity among Chinese actresses is also good.

“Teacher He.” Chen Qiaozhen greeted Zheng Yan.

“It’s Qiao Chen, Zheng Yan.” Huang Lei also came here.

“Ms. Huang.” The two greeted similarly.

“Sister Qiao, Shuang’er.” Di Lieba also came over.

Several people said hello, and He Jiong was about to welcome them to take a rest in the yard.

“Teacher He, there is a problem.” Chen Qiao gave a dry cough.

“Problem? What problem?” He Jiong asked.

Is there any task for the new guest to come?

“When I came in just now, the door fell off, so you might have to install it.” Chen Qiao said.

“…” Teacher He and others were dull.

“Qiao Jin, your strength is really great.” He Jiong sighed after he recovered.

“It’s because the door is too fragile.” Chen Qiao said with a press.


The door said, who did I provoke?

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