Chapter 11

The eleventh chapter Huang Lei’s resentment The legendary salted fish of the yearning life Chapter eleven The Huang Lei’s resentment.    early morning.

The sun fell in a courtyard in Miyun.

Lin Heng and others also slowly got up from the mushroom house.

“Ah.” He Jiong let out a breath and walked on the ground, “Hengheng, what to eat this morning.”

He Jiong still misses the fried noodles cooked by Lin Heng yesterday.

“Teacher He, now I am a salted fish. You should ask Teacher Huang about breakfast.” Lin Heng took the toiletries and passed by here.

“Teacher Huang, what are we eating?” He Jiong looked at Huang Lei.

“Breakfast.” Huang Lei said faintly, “We are not something that has sponsors. Jiangzhong brand monkeys have thin rice, not only can you fill your stomach, but you can also nourish your stomach. That’s all for breakfast.”

“Uh, Teacher Huang.” He Jiong was taken aback for a moment, “This should be just an advertisement.”

“What’s the advertisement? This is all for breakfast.” Teacher Huang said.

Lin Heng is going to be a salted fish.

He Huang Lei said he also wanted to be a salted fish.

“Well, this is the breakfast.” He Jiong said helplessly.

Now in the mushroom house, Lin Heng and Huang Lei are the only ones who can cook.

These two people do not act, they seem to have no other way.


Lin Heng was holding the cup, brushing his teeth, another door, Dili Reba, who looked dazed as if not awake, also walked out.

It can be seen that Di Lieba hasn’t cleaned up much because he just woke up.

Although not as exquisite as the cleaned up, the cute Di Lieba still excited the audience.

At this point in time, their Mushroom House started live broadcasting again.

“Morning, Fat Di.” Lin Heng said hello when he saw Reba.

“Morning, Lin Heng.” Di Lieba’s eyes lit up and she walked over quickly, “Lin Heng, what shall we eat in the morning?”

“What to eat in the morning.” Lin Heng said in response to Dili Reba’s expectant eyes, “In the morning, we eat monkey-guy rice crackers.”

“Monkey girl is thin? What is that?” Dilly Reba stunned.

“Jiangzhong brand monkey gu rice is thin, our sponsor’s stuff is just right for breakfast.” Lin Heng replied.

“Lin Heng, didn’t you cook?” Di Lieba looked disappointed.

“I am a salted fish.” Lin Heng replied.

“…” Dilly Reba.

At this moment, the little devil in Dili Reba’s heart was waving his fork again.

Of course, in the face of Lin Heng, Di Lieba still smiled.

After all, Di Lieba still remembered that she still owed Lin Heng a request.

“Wow.” Xiao H walked slowly in the yard.

After washing, the members of the mushroom house each soaked the monkey aunt rice dilute and started to eat.

As for eating something else.

Lin Heng and Huang Lei are master culinary masters. They didn’t do it, and they depended on others, which is unrealistic.

Might as well eat Hugu rice thin.

Don’t you say it.

Hougu rice is not bad.

“Really good.” Dahua said with emotion.

“Yes, it’s good, and it’s good for stomach, what a good thing, or else we will eat this for breakfast in the mushroom house in the future.” Teacher Huang said happily.

“…” He Jiong and others did not speak.

It’s good to eat Hougu rice thin occasionally, but if they keep eating, they don’t want to be like this.

But it is Huang Lei who can cook, and the initiative is in Huang Lei’s hands, so they can only express it in silence.

“Ling Ling.” The bell suddenly remembered, breaking the silence at the moment.

“It looks like our mushroom house is about to come.” Teacher Huang said.

“I’ll answer the phone.” Teacher He walked to the room with the phone.

“Heng Heng, do you want to take a look.” Dahua looked at Lin Heng beside him.

“Okay, Dahua, go take a look.” Lin Heng smiled and followed.

“Hello, hello, is this a mushroom house?” came out with a strange female voice.

“Yes, this is the mushroom house.” He Jiong nodded.

“We are the guests coming over right away, and now we want to order.”

“What do you want to eat?”

“We want to eat northeastern stew, boiled pork slices, twice-cooked pork, Kung Pao chicken, braised lion head…” The female voice reported one dish after another.

“Wait.” He Jiong stunned, “I want to ask how many of you have.”

According to so many dishes, there are many people who come here.

“Oh, guess.” The voice on the other side replied.

“…” He Jiong.

“It’s very important, can you finish it?” He Jiong confirmed.

“There are five people in your mushroom house, and we also have several here. These dishes are necessary.” The voice from the other side affirmed.

“It seems to be…” He Jiong thought for a while, and it seemed to be right.

“Then I will repeat it.” He Jiong hugged the dishes and asked after confirming, “How long do you probably need.”

“It’s about two or three hours away.”

“Okay, then wait for you to come by then.” After He Jiong said goodbye, he hung up the phone.

He Jiong came to Teacher Huang’s room as he meditated in his heart.

“Teacher Huang, a visitor came and ordered a few dishes.” He Jiong said.

“Which ones?” Teacher Huang asked.

“Northeast stew, boiled pork slices, twice-cooked pork, Kung Pao chicken…” He Jiong repeated.

“Jingjiong, so many.” Teacher Huang was dumbfounded.

“Yes, there seems to be a lot of people.” He Jiong smiled.

“So…” Huang Lei looked at Lin Heng.

“The sunshine is great.” Lin Heng walked out of the house slowly.

“These guests only have the Northeast chaotic stew.” Huang Lei gritted his teeth.

“That I will go out too.” He Jiong also hurriedly left the house.

Huang Lei at this time is like a volcano.

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