While the K

&K members were enjoying their lives, one scandal after another about them broke out on the Internet.

"You guys hurry up and come back to me, there's something big!"

The agent called them one by one to greet them, and although they were reluctant, there was nothing they could do, and soon they gathered together, and the agent handed a newspaper to the captain, who just glanced at the contents of the newspaper casually.

"You've done something wrong this time." The agent said with a red face, it was angry, and the K&K members were very curious about what could make the agent angry like this, so they took the newspaper and looked at the information on it.

"According to eyewitnesses, K&K's Chen Haoyu injured a number of women due to the flooding of nightlife, resulting in pregnancy, and one of the victims is invited below..." The man, Chen Haoyu, crumpled the newspaper and threw it into the trash.

"Slander, this is slander, who is it? I'm going to sue him! Chen Haoyu shouted loudly, and the agent's face became even more unhappy, and at this moment the captain spoke.

"Haoyu, you sit down first, the top priority now is how to clarify these rumors to the audience first, and as for those who chew their tongues behind their backs, they must wait for the game to end before cleaning up."

Chen Haoyu could only sulk and sit down first, in addition to Chen Haoyu, there are also black materials about other people on the Internet, such as drug trafficking, prostitution and gambling, or the identity of gangsters before they became famous, when they were packaged into celebrities, what they did behind them made everyone very disgusted, and as their fans, they would definitely not believe that people who had been fans for so many years would be such unbearable people, but with more and more scandals, there are more and more evidence.

Even their company couldn't suppress the public opinion below, and the agent pointed to the nose and eyes of a few people and scolded: "Let you do things and give me a little rules, you will know to cause trouble for me all day long."

Before he could continue, a phone rang, and he first kept the scene quiet, and then took out the phone to answer.

"Alas... Okay, okay... etc....

The phone hung up, the agent's face and expression were seen by everyone present, from his smile to the disheartenness in the back, the captain couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"

"Your game is cold, and so am I." The agent sat motionless on the couch like a decadent old man, and soon the news of the K&K's withdrawal from the competition spread across the country.

"Good son, dad helped you get things done, and I played the game well." Su Yunxuan said happily.

"I know, rest assured, I will definitely cheer for the game, if the game is not good, won't I have to go home and inherit the family property." Su Jingcheng said jokingly.

"That's fine, you inherited your father's company, who is that? Mu Cheng is right, just inherit your mother's company, this child, I also watched it, it's really good, it seems that she still has a brother, I want to see it another day. Su Yunyi asked.

"Su Muqiu, haven't you seen it during the parent-teacher meeting?" Su Jingcheng asked.

"Have you seen it? I see more people every day, and I only remember one side of the person three years ago. Su Yunyi said.

"Then I'll hang up if it's okay." Su Jingcheng asked.

"Hmm." Su Yunxuan agreed.

Originally, the table for the top eight had come out, but because of the withdrawal of the K&K team, the SMC team directly advanced to the top four, which is also considered shit luck, you must know that the teams that enter the top four can participate in the league without the selection at the district and municipal levels, while the teams in the top eight can be exempted from the selection at the district level.

This is also a rule to prevent these strong teams from taking over the attendance slots, and it is also a rule set up to give new teams a chance.

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