Chapter 734 Finale (Part 2)

“Is it him?”

“No way?!”

At this moment, all the powerhouses in the Eternal Land all showed incredible expressions, because they all thought of a certain possibility!

“This is impossible! I don’t believe it!” Infinite Snake gritted his teeth, shock and anger in his blood-colored eyes.

The other four chaotic origin ancestors also have extremely ugly faces. If the truth is really as they guessed, then all the patterns in the infinite chaotic source space will be broken, and their natural chaotic source beings will not be able to continue to cultivate practitioners. The pulse has the advantage!

“How long did he break through to the ultimate body? Want to comprehend the essence of Tao? Absolutely impossible!”

“Yes, it must not be him!”

The ancestors of the five chaotic origins were roaring in their hearts, and they didn’t dare and didn’t want to believe their own guesses!

At this moment, the lords of Yuan and other practitioners were all shocked, and the other six lords were secretly transmitting to Yuan, all of them were extremely excited.

“Could it be Brolin who is breaking through?!”

“Could it be that he has understood the essence of Tao?”

“How can it be so fast? Senior thief, how did you two cultivate?”

At the beginning, Brolin became the eighth lord in the practicer line with his ultimate body, he himself was placed high hopes by the seven lords such as Yuan, because he was the only ultimate body in the practicer line, which means Therefore, if Brolin controls the essence of Tao in the future, he will have the opportunity to integrate two powerful forces into one and reach an unprecedented level of practice in the invisible chaotic source space.

It is precisely because of this that Yuan will not hesitate to spend his precious time cultivating with Brolin in the Void Temple, teaching him the profound meaning of Tao.

But how long has it passed? Brolin seems to have understood the essence of a Tao, how is this possible?

“I don’t know. According to his previous entry, it should not be possible to do so quickly.” Yuan said, his face was also incredulous and somewhat puzzled.

He and Brolin cultivated together, naturally knowing that the other party’s Cultivation Base had entered. At this moment, Brolin, on the understanding of the Tao, should not have reached the world level, let alone the lord level.

“Where did the other person go? Haven’t they been cultivating with you all the time?” a lord said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Yuan smiled helplessly, “He said that he was leaving before, but he hasn’t come back yet.”

“If something happens, I won’t be unable to contact him. He is endlessly cloned. As a result, even the clone has lost contact now. It’s really strange!” A lord said in distress.

“Wait, if it is really him, he will naturally show up after breakthrough.” Yuan said.

“It can only be so.”

The major lords were helpless, but they were extremely excited, eagerly looking forward to Brolin’s return.

After all, if he is really making a breakthrough, then this matter is very extraordinary, it is a big event that can change the entire Infinite Chaotic Source space structure!

“Integrating two powerful forces into one, surpassing everyone like me, how powerful it should be!” A lord sighed lightly.

“Yeah, it’s unimaginable!”

The other lords, including Yuan, were envied by their eyes at this moment.

In the eternal place, more than thirty peak powerhouses are waiting at this moment, and at the same time ordering their subordinates to do their utmost to find the source of that powerful breath.

. . .

“The limit is reached, and the shackles are about to be broken!”

In the infinite chaotic source space, in a deep and vast void, Brolin’s body is extremely tall and has surpassed the complete source world!

At this moment, above his body, infinite rays of light are bursting. Around him, everything is blurred, and the river of years emerges, twisted, and wrapped around his body, like a misty Ribbon.

“The primordial spirit under the blessing of the eternal origin, and the ultimate body collide with each other, stimulate each other, and have reached the limit!” Brolin muttered to himself, a pair of eyes reflected the past and the future, flashing the shadow of endless time and space!

“It’s this moment!”

Suddenly, he roared, and the terrifying roar spread in all time and space in the past and the future, shocking all creatures!

It can be seen that in countless time and space, everything is still, and all the creatures maintain the posture of looking up to the sky, even the group of strongest existences in the Eternal Land are no exception, each body is frozen!


The sound of broken glass sounded, oscillating in all latitudes, time and space, shaking the mind of every creature!

In the Chaotic Source Space, Brolin’s body shook violently, and then began to emit an extremely dazzling light!

His body, which is more majestic than a source world, seems to be an ice block exposed to the sun at this moment, and it is starting to melt!

Soon, the vast body disappeared completely in the radiant light to the extreme, and finally turned into a dazzling light source, close to one-tenth the size of a source world!


The next moment, the eternal light source trembled suddenly, and then exploded, and a terrifying beam of light shone on all latitudes of time and space!

The dazzling light is everywhere, everywhere!

The eternal light source finally exploded, and after the light that penetrated all time and space dissipated, a body appeared on the spot, standing in the chaotic source void.

“Return to the original, return to the true self!”

This figure was indeed Brolin, but he was very different from what he had before. Now, his body is no longer as vast as the world of the same origin, but returned to the state of the weakest hour, only less than two meters tall.

Moreover, after he originally had Samsara’s eyes, the human deity has always been in the six modes. But now, his appearance has completely changed, and he is even like a human being on earth!

“So, this is the original form of human beings.” Brolin muttered to himself, his eyes flickering, “It seems that the earth is not simple.”

In theory, his deity returned to the original and should be restored to the appearance of the Heilongshan tribe, but now it has become the same race as Luo Feng.

With his Realm at this moment, he can think about it at will, and he will naturally know the reason. The form of human beings on earth has a great origin and is very special. I am afraid it is the common ancestor form of all human life forms!

The next moment, Brolin began to probe himself.

“The infinite power, the mighty force beyond the limit!”

He could feel that even though his body at this moment had changed from infinitely tall to just less than two meters tall, there was a supreme invincible power in that thin body!

This seemingly ordinary body that does not emit any aura and is completely restrained is actually extremely terrifying, far more terrifying than his previous ultimate body!

Around him, everything is retreating!

Even the rules in Chaotic Source Space are no exception.

Brolin has no doubt that if he releases the strength in his body with a full blow at this moment, I am afraid that no one can resist, it will destroy most of the Chaotic Source Space, and countless Source Worlds will be wiped out in his under a single strike. !

“The body and the soul are also merged into one, regardless of each other.”

As he understood himself more deeply, surprise appeared in Brolin’s eyes. At this moment, he no longer had the body and soul. His will, soul, and body had become one, completely transformed into what he is now. Body!

His will and soul are all perfectly integrated into his body!

“The power of the Trinity, now I, every punch is accompanied by Karma!” Brolin exclaimed, “Now, I can kill the existence of the infinite serpent with just one punch, and it can never be resurrected!”

The terrifying creatures in the eternal land such as the infinite serpent possess the ability to almost kill. If the source space is immortal, their original mark will not dissipate!

But now, Brolin felt that he could kill that kind of creature!

Because every one of his hits is Karma!

Killing the enemy is the cause, and destroying the enemy is the result!

As long as the creatures who die under his body, they will be entangled by the power of Karma and fall forever into the abyss of Death, irreversible!

“Is this the level beyond the lord level, the legendary sixth step mighty man in the sky of Universe, I didn’t expect me to reach this step!” Brolin smiled hard to hide.

Brolin at this moment can be said to be so powerful that it is unimaginable. How much terrifying ability is contained in his body, he will not be able to dig all of it for a while, but the ability to comprehend in just a moment, Brolin was already amazed!

Now he, a finger is enough to kill the Lord-level existence!


Suddenly, Brolin frowned slightly, and a slightly uncomfortable expression appeared on his face.

“Why… Suddenly there is a feeling of anxiety?”

At this moment, a sense of crisis emerged in his mind, which made Brolin feel a little weird.

They are already strong to this point, and there is no opponent in the infinite chaotic source space. Is there anything that can threaten him?


At this moment, Brolin’s eyes suddenly changed, and his body suddenly glowed, and then a fist-sized jet-black light ball rushed out of his chest, floating in the void in front of him!

“I should have thought of it long ago.”

The next moment, Brolin sighed slightly, his eyes were extremely solemn, and he stared at the jet-black light group.

The void was distorted, and the jet-black light group flickered, and finally condensed into a tiny figure, which turned into a jet-black ferocious beast!

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