Chapter 582

“I have given you the method of refining as promised, now it’s your turn to fulfill your promise.” In the starry sky, the old Ancestral Dragon spoke in a deep voice, looking at Brolin who was studying the refining technique of Suiren’s craftsmanship with a face of contemplation.

“Don’t worry, what I’ve said counts.” Brolin laughed lightly when he heard the words, “Not to mention that little guy is worthless to me now.”

Hearing this, Old Zulong’s heart was suddenly shocked, and his face instantly sank.

What does the other party mean by this? What does it mean to be worthless?

“The blood of that little guy is indeed extraordinary.” Brolin did not explain too much, but looked at the old Ancestral Dragon. “You used the essence of many dead dragons to bred that colorful Ancestral Dragon. The bloodline is strong enough, coupled with the members of the heaven-defying family, the fusion of the two bloodlines, it can be said that this little guy has endless potential.”

“Even I couldn’t hold back it, and I did not hesitate to spend a Taoist god.” He looked at the old Zulong, with a thought-provoking smile on his mouth.

“What do you mean by this?” Old Zulong shouted in a low voice.

“It’s not interesting. It’s normal for you to not understand what I said, and you don’t need to understand.” Brolin chuckled, then he stretched out his hand and waved it gently.


Suddenly, in the endless starry sky, a black door to the world reappeared. Among them, a snow-white figure emerged directly, wrapped in a cloud of golden light, and flew towards the old ancestor dragon.

Seeing that the other party really kept his promise and handed over the Snow White Little Beast, the Ancestral Dragon looked slightly nervous, and then his figure flashed, suddenly appeared beside the little Beast and hugged it in his hands.

At this moment, the snow-white little beast was already in a deep sleep. The ancestor Longxian carefully checked its body Yuanshen, and he was secretly relieved after finding that there was no problem.

“The little guy is indeed full of potential, but unfortunately, the curse powers from the two bloodlines of his parents are also blended together. I am afraid that this will make you quite a headache?” Brolin looked at Old Ancestral Dragon jokingly.

“Unexpectedly, you even knew about the curse!” The old Zulong looked at Brolin in surprise when he heard the words, and then looked down at the Snow White Little Beast, the expression on his face became extremely complicated.

“At the beginning, I thought that the birth of the ancestor dragon could break the curse of the dragon clan, but things went contrary to my wish, and my dragon clan suffered a greater loss. After that, I was unwilling to fail, and tried to use the powerful blood of the heaven-defying family, thinking Perhaps the blood curse of the born ancestor dragon can be broken in one fell swoop, but I never thought that that clan was also deeply cursed, and it was much more terrifying than the curse of my dragon clan!” The ancestor dragon sighed and shook his head.

“That’s natural.” Brolin sneered when he heard the words, “The curse you wait for the dragon clan is only the work of the ancestor gods of the other world, but the curse of that clan is the several stone kings of the prehistoric world. Take a shot together, do you say which one is strong and which is weak?”

Hearing this, the old Zulong suddenly showed a very surprised expression and looked at Brolin.

The curse of the heaven-defying family is actually the handwriting of the stone man king? And there is more than one?

“This…” Old Zulong was shocked.

How does the stone man king exist? That is the supreme existence that has taken the last step, and all worlds can travel freely and horizontally. Entering the prehistoric heaven is a giant, almost synonymous with invincibility!

The stone man of the nine-point world in the past was the perfect stone man king who took the last step. The old ancestor dragon had personally seen that level of power, that is, the whole other world would tremble in front of the strong. If it weren’t for the ninety Ninth Stage stone steps that were too weird and evil, making the stone people finally hate, I am afraid that the entire another world would have long ceased to exist!

Now Brolin is telling him that the curse in the heaven-defying family bloodline was actually the work of a group of stone kings. How can this not shock him?

So what is the origin of the heaven-defying family, so that the stone kings must join hands to deal with them and curse them?

“It’s ridiculous that you call their family the heaven-defying family, but don’t know their true origins, so you dare to plot the power of their blood.” Brolin looked at the old Ancestral Dragon and laughed jokingly.

“Where did that clan come from?” Old Zulong couldn’t help but asked.

“Heh.” Brolin chuckled, with strange colors in his eyes, “The so-called heaven-defying family is actually the direct descendant of a stone man king from Kyushu billions of years ago!”

“What?” Hearing Brolin’s words, Old Zulong’s body suddenly shook slightly, and his face showed an unbelievable look.

“Billions of years ago… Descendants of the King of Kyushu?”

“Yes.” Brolin nodded, “If it weren’t for the king’s bloodline and the talent potential is extremely powerful, how could he be named the heaven-defying family?”

Hearing that, the ancestor dragon immediately trembled. That’s why it’s no wonder that the members of that clan have amazing talents. Although a cultivation has been short, they have already possessed the combat power close to the perfect level of the supreme ancestor god, and the other is even more ancient, It is already preparing to take that final step completely!

“Hundreds of millions of years ago, did I have a king in Kyushu?” Old Zulong looked at Brolin and said in a deep voice, “Where are they now?”

Lao Zulong wondered, if there was a king in Kyushu, why is it now enslaved by another world?

“Could it be that…” Old Zulong looked ugly, and quickly realized something.

“Yes, I guess you guessed it too.” Brolin looked at the old Ancestral Dragon, “They are the same as the nine-pointed stone man, they are all dead!”

“They?” Old Zulong’s face changed when he heard the words, and his heart was shaken. What does the other party mean? Could it be that there was more than one king of Kyushu in the past?

“In fact, the former Kyushu was very powerful hundreds of millions of years ago, and even the Primordial Heaven Realm would not dare to underestimate your strength.”

“At that time, there were six stone kings in Kyushu alone. Unfortunately, your mortal enemy is another world. Their strength is also not bad, or even stronger, with eight stone kings.” Brolin sighed.

“Hundreds of millions of years ago in the Great War, your Kyushu lost to another world. The six stone man kings died five, but the other world also suffered heavy losses, and also fell four stone man kings. Although the other four survived by fluke Coming down, but it’s almost dead.” Brolinshu said, “But hundreds of millions of years have passed. With the nourishment of the ninety Ninth Stage stone steps, the four stone men are probably about to completely recover.”

“It turned out to be like this…” Lao Zulong’s expression at the moment was completely shocked. He did not expect that there would be such a history between Kyushu and another world.

At the same time, there was a deep anxiety in his heart, and even his eyes were desperate, because the other world said that there are four perfect stone man kings who have never fallen, and have experienced billions. Ten thousand years of recovery is about to be completely restored!

That is the stone man king who has completely taken the last step. Even if it is a giant-level existence in the Primordial Heaven Realm, known as the invincible hand of the heavens and the world, the ancestral god-level powerhouse is simply vulnerable to such an existence!

If another world really still has four such majestic existences, then all the secret plans of them and Wuzu and other Kyushu ancestor gods would be just a joke.

In the face of absolute power, all tactics are meaningless.

“Do you know why the other world treats your Kyushu creatures as guinea pig enslavements, constantly creating a history of civilizations, and destroying the world again and again?” Brolin sneered, “It is precisely because your race was once theirs. The enemy of the world, so it is considered to have great potential, and use you to do experiments to sharpen a strong enough existence as a war machine in their realm!”

“Since countless civilizations, many of the most talented people in your Kyushu have fallen into the hands of another world and have been made into pure war tools by them.”

“Damn it…”

Hearing Brolin’s words, Old Zulong suddenly became even more frightened, his eyes flushed slightly.

Although the content of Brolin’s words made him feel incredible, his instinct told the old Zulong that all of this is true, and the grievances between another world and Kyushu are really deep!

“Since your Excellency knows so much, is there any way to crack the curse in this little guy?” Old Ancestral Dragon looked at Brolin, with a faint expectation in his eyes, “If your Excellency can help, my dragon and heaven -The defying family and the entire Kyushu will remember your affection!”

If Brolin said that is true, then the background of another world is really terrifying, they must accumulate more powerful strength. And the talent potential of the Snow White Little Beast is strong enough. If the curse in the little guy can be lifted, then the Kyushu side will have more powerful combat power in the future.

“Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t crack the curse of this stone man king level.” Hearing this, Brolin shook his head.

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