Chapter 580: The Method of Refining the Soul of Divine Armament

At this moment, in order to save the little snow-white beast Ke Ke, the old ancestor dragon did not hesitate to show his full strength and smashed into the starry sky with Brolin. He can be sure that the pseudo-god Hongjun is absolutely hiding in the dark and is observing here, and he already knows the fact that he has been pretending to be weak.

Exposed the strength of own, the old ancestor dragon is not very worried. The battle between the reality and the reality has not been the real catastrophe of Kyushu. Among the illusory pseudo-gods, only Hongjun is the ancestor god Realm, and the other primitive and heavenly ancestors are just half ancestors. That’s it.

On the Kyushu side, the Shennong family and the old ancestor dragon are just ancestral-level powers exposed. There is also Fuxi who controls the Huangnitai, the martial ancestor who is about to be completely resurrected, the old farmer, the imprint of Wuzhi, and Ke, one of the ancestors of the twelve zodiac Ke’s parents and Xuanzu and other powerful existences.

It can be said that if the Kyushu side really wants to destroy the illusory false gods, it will be easy at all, and Hongjun can’t stop them at all.

The real threat to Kyushu has always been another world.

Compared with the false gods such as Hongjun, the old Ancestral Dragon is more worried about Brolin who suddenly appeared. As far as the strength of the opponent is not weaker than Hongjun, the most important thing is that the opponent is suspected to be just an incarnation!

Moreover, the origin of the other party is extremely mysterious, knowing too much about the secrets of the Kyushu side makes the old Zulong feel uneasy.

“Six Paths of Reincarnation, it seems that the blow just now seems to be your strongest method, right?” In the starry sky, Brolin looked at the old Ancestral Dragon and chuckled, “How is it, I’m not wrong, right? , Your strength can’t even be a clone of mine.”

Hearing this, the ancestor dragon suddenly said in a deep voice, “You should not be alarmist here, unless you are a perfect stone man, even if you are a supreme ancestor-level powerhouse, you dare not say that an incarnation can fight me!”

Regarding Brolin’s claim that he was just an incarnation, the old Zulong was deeply suspicious at this moment, feeling that the other party was deliberately exaggerating his own strength.

“You can fight me more by relying on that powerful weapon, not your own strength at all!” Old Zulong sneered and looked at the Pangu flag in Brolin’s hands.

The Pangu banners of the eternal level are second only to perfect stone soldiers in terms of power. Only the extremely powerful and supreme ancestor gods like the human demon Gegan and the father of Keke can sacrifice and refine weapons of this level. The demon swords, sky shields, and towers of the three supreme ancestors in the eternal unknown place are stronger than one silk!

“Weapons are also part of strength, you don’t even understand this?” Brolin sneered.

“Relying on foreign objects, I want to come to your Realm!” Old Zulong snorted coldly.

“No matter what, you can’t help me now. It’s a fact.” Brolin didn’t care, “How? Do you want to continue fighting?”

Brolin pointedly looked at a distant void somewhere.

When the old Zulong saw this, his expression was also ugly.

Obviously, the other party was reminding him that if he continued to fight, he might make the secret Hongjun take advantage of it. This was not what Old Zulong wanted to see.

“Hand over the little guy, I will let you go.” Old Zulong said solemnly, “This is my bottom line. If you don’t agree, you will only have to fight to the death!”

Seeing the firmness in Old Zulong’s eyes, Brolin immediately shook his head.

“You can’t frighten me. If you really want to fight to the death, I will never lose.”

“Then give it a try!” Hearing the words, Old Zulong suddenly revealed an extremely dangerous color on his face, and the aura all over his body began to surge, and the stars of the heavens flickered and vibrated.

“Wait!” Seeing that the old Zulong really wanted to take action at any cost, Brolin suddenly spoke, and changed the conversation, “It’s not bad if you want a little guy, but you have to trade something for it!”

Hearing this, Old Zulong’s eyes suddenly condensed.

“What do you want?” After thinking for a moment, he looked at Brolin and said solemnly.

In fact, whether it is fear of Brolin’s strength or the secret of Hongjun, the old Ancestor Dragon does not want to fight Brolin to the end, but the snow-white little beast is too important to the dragon clan, even if it is his own fall, old Zulong couldn’t even watch it being taken away by the mysterious character in front of him.

“I want that nine-point body of a stone man!” Brolin stared at Old Zulong and said.

“Impossible!” Hearing Brolin’s words, the old Zulong changed his color and immediately refused.

The relationship between the body of a stone man is too big, and it is one of the most important means to deal with another world in the future. How can it be handed over?

“Really not?” Brolin looked at Old Zulong.

“Not to mention that I don’t have a stone human body at all in my hands. Even if I do, I can’t give it to you. Give up!” Old Ancestral Dragon looked cold.

“It’s a pity.” Brolin suddenly showed helplessness.

In fact, he knew very well the importance of the Jiufenshiren to Kyushu, and it was impossible for the old Zulong to hand it over. He did not expect the other party to agree to this condition.

“Huh?” Suddenly, his expression changed, and a slight smile suddenly appeared on his face.

“Is it finally successful?” Brolin whispered to himself, his eyes flickering, “Very well, it’s not a waste of me to delay here for a long time.”

In the starry sky, seeing Brolin suddenly showed a weird smile, the old Zulong’s face suddenly sank even more, he really couldn’t see the mysterious guy in front of him at all.

“Well, the stone man does not give it.” Brolin said suddenly, with a smile, “Then change the terms, as long as you tell me how to breed the soul of Divine Armament, I will also make that snow white I will give it back to you.”

“The method of refining the soul of Divine Armament?” Hearing Brolin’s words, the ancestor dragon was a little stunned.

“Don’t understand?” Brolin frowned, then waved his hand, and the space broke open. Dozens of weapons appeared in the starry sky, including knives, swords, axes, sticks and other weapons.

“It’s the way to let these weapons have a soldier soul!” Brolin looked at Old Zulong.

At this moment, the dozens of weapons he took out were all True God-level weapons, which is the so-called Xeon in the Universe Sea. The level should correspond to the Divine Armament, the ancestor of this world!

These treasure weapons are made of strong materials, and the strongest universe can’t be damaged. Moreover, the secret pattern on them can also exert great power after being injected with divine power, but it is the same as the ancestor of the longevity world, Divine Armament. In comparison, there is a huge difference.

That is the ancestor of the longevity world, Divine Armament, etc. They all have the so-called soul of soldiers!

Like the old god of the mark of Wu, the body is a Divine Armament of Wuzu’s ancestor, but it has its own soldier soul, which is not like a weapon at all, but a living creature, and is almost the same as the ancestor god. That level of combat power!

This is unimaginable in the original Universe. The Xeon Supreme may be very powerful, but it is not a living being, unable to have its own will, and it is impossible to be like the ancestors of this world Divine Armament, almost an alternative ancestor god!

Obviously, the weapons of this world, the soul of the so-called Divine Armament, gave them the ability to become alternative creatures!

In this regard, Brolin is very interested.

Imagine if he could obtain the Divine Armament method of this world to refine the ancestor Divine Armament, return to the original Universe, and sacrifice all the Xeons, then does it mean that those Xeons will become An alternative true god-level creature?

The powerhouse of the true god level, Brolin naturally looks down upon him, but he holds other extremely high-level treasures in his hands, such as Pangu banners, karma fire red lotus, etc. These precious treasures from the wild have no so-called will and soul. Yes, what would it be like to sacrifice them like Divine Armament, the ancestor of this world?

“These are all… Zu Divine Armament?”

In the starry sky, seeing Brolin pull out dozens of weapons at once, the old Zulong suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face after sweeping his eyes.

Because of those dozens of weapons, except for the loss of the soul of Divine Armament, almost everything is an ancestral weapon!

“As you can see, none of these weapons have the soul of Divine Armament.” Brolin looked at the old Ancestral Dragon and said, “So I want you to tell me how to make them like the magic stick of the mark of Wuzhi. Self-will!”


Old Ancestor Long stretched out his hand, and suddenly a long sword of the most treasure flew into his hand in the starry sky, and he looked at it carefully.

“Curious and special art of refining!” When he saw the secret pattern on the Xeon Supreme Treasure Sabre, the old Ancestral Dragon couldn’t help but his eyes brightened.

The refining methods of the treasures are all from the origin continent. The methods are basically to first refine the treasure body while incorporating the secret law pattern into it. In this way, the owner of the treasure only needs to inject the divine power to activate the secret method, and then it can be used. The power of the treasure is now.

It can be said that the true power of a supreme treasure is almost always reflected in the secret method engraved on it, followed by the solidity of the supreme treasure itself.

But the weapons in this world are different. They are equivalent to alternative beings, have complete autonomous will, and can explode with powerful powers.

Like the Mark of Wu, as well as the many ancestors in the Burial Army Valley, such as Fuxi’s Brass Eight Trigrams, they are almost alternative ancestors!

As Lao Zulong continued to study the precious sword in his hand, the light in his eyes became brighter, and his face showed a more and more shocking look!

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