Chapter 576

At this moment, Brolin, who looks like an ordinary Kyushu race like Xiao Chen, is not the shape of a ten-tailed person, and even the nine-hook jade Samsara’s eyes on his forehead are hidden by him.

After all, his original appearance is really not suitable for walking in this world. Not to mention the weirdness of the six modes. Because of the cultivation of the secret realm, there is still a golden dragon on top of his body, which is entrenched in this dragon clan. It’s not suitable to appear on the Dragon Island.

Therefore, Brolin chose to incarnate as an ordinary human.

“Who I am, you don’t need to know.” Facing Xiao Chen’s yelling question, Brolin spoke calmly, with a smile on his mouth.

His gaze swept across Xiao Chen and the three snow-white skeletons first, and finally gathered on the small beast Keke.


Feeling the gaze of Brolin’s observation, Koko suddenly showed a hint of panic, her big eyes flickered, and the colorful sacred tree in her hand was held in front of her by it, and her figure swished directly. Hiding behind Xiao Chen.

This move immediately shocked Xiao Chen’s heart.

He knew that the character of this little snow-white beast was completely a fearless lord, even if he faced the powerful dragons on those islands, he would not have the slightest fear.

But just facing the gaze of this mysterious young man, this little snow-white beast showed a look of fear, obviously only when he felt a dangerous aura.

“Interesting, it’s worthy of the strange bloodline born from the combination of the natural ancestor dragon and the heaven-defying family. It is really talented.” Seeing the snow-white little beast’s reaction, Brolin couldn’t help but chuckle.

But as soon as his words came out, Xiao Chen’s body was shocked, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

Although he doesn’t know what the heaven-defying family is, and what is born ancestral dragon, but just relying on the word ancestral dragon is enough to make him extremely shocked.

“Snow White Little Beast is the offspring of Ancestral Dragon?”

Xiao Chen only felt a little dizzy on his head, and suddenly turned around to look at the little snow-white beast hiding behind him, constantly scanning frantically with his eyes.

But no matter how he looks at it, this furry little guy doesn’t look like a dragon!

It seems to have heard the meaning of Brolin’s words, and realized that this whole body exudes a mysterious aura, which makes it feel a little dangerous. It seems to know who the owner’s parents are. The snow-white little beast Ke Ke’s originally timid face instantly appeared. With a little excitement, he suddenly jumped out from behind Xiao Chen, looked at Brolin, and babbled quickly.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen didn’t care about his agitated mood anymore, and quickly stepped forward and stood beside the snow-white little beast Keke, staring at Brolin with a vigilant look, for fear that the little snow-white beast would be hurt by this mysterious young man. .

“Do you want to know your own life experience? Want to know who your parents are?” Brolin looked at the little beast Keke who finished his mouth, and suddenly smiled.

The little snow white beast nodded when he heard the words, and a small hairy face was incredibly serious.

Aside, Xiao Chen sighed slightly. He knew that Snow White Little Beast had always wanted to know his own life experience, but not long ago, he accompanied him into the depths of Dragon Island and reached the place where he was born, but only found some eggshell fragments that hatched the little beast. Nothing else.

It’s totally unclear who Xiaoju’s parents are.

“Heaven-defying family, born ancestral dragon… Could it be said that the little guy is really the offspring of ancestral dragon?” Xiao Chen was still shocked by Brolin’s words, “but ancestral dragons are not caused by many companion Dragon Kings fighting each other. Competition, did it evolve in the end? How could there be born ancestor dragons?”

Seeing the solemn look of the little beast Keke, Brolin couldn’t help but smile.

“Your life experience is complicated, I don’t plan to waste time talking about it, but if you want to know everything, you can go there.” He watched the Snow White Little Beast speak, and then stretched out a finger in a direction on Long Island.” There is a guy there staring at me now. He knows everything about you, but it’s hard to tell if he will tell you now.”

Hearing Brolin’s words, Xiao Chen’s expression was startled, and then his eyes followed the opponent’s fingers.

“That is… Dragon Sacred Mountain?”

Seeing Brolin’s direction, Xiao Chen couldn’t help but drank low.

“Isn’t it the place where Little Beast was born? And, what does it mean that someone staring here knows Little Beast’s life experience?” Xiao Chen was a little surprised and looked far away, as if he wanted to find out. The young man was staring at the guy here secretly.


Hearing Brolin’s words, Snow White Little Beast Koko first glanced at the direction of the holy mountain in confusion, and then a little dissatisfaction appeared on his small face, and he babbled at Brolin a few times.

“Yes, I’m just playing with you. After all, this time I’m here, I’m not here to explain your life experience.” Looking at the angry expression on the Xuebai Little Beast’s face, Brolin suddenly laughed, and then a brilliant glow appeared. There was a flash in his eyes, one of his hands stretched out, and a huge swallowing force suddenly appeared out of thin air, and it suddenly acted on the body of the Snow White Little Beast!


Feeling that his body was suddenly out of control, he was about to fly into the hands of the mysterious guy in front of him, the snow-white little beast Koko suddenly showed a panic, and the colorful sacred tree in his hand was constantly brushed out by it. Sweeping towards Brolin!

“Stop it!”

Seeing Brolin’s attack on the Snow White Little Beast, Xiao Chen instantly showed anger. Even if he knew that he was not the opponent’s opponent, he immediately rushed forward. The deified acupuncture points are beginning to shine!

“I can’t help myself.”

When Brolin saw this, he chuckled. He let the glow of the colorful sacred tree sweep Own, completely unmoved. As for Xiao Chen’s offense, he is not at all To put in one’s eyes. The opponent is just a Realm, and there is a world difference between the strength of his clone, and it can’t shake him at all.


For an instant, the Snow White Little Beast was caught by Brolin along with the colorful little sacred tree in a scream, and Xiao Chen also roared and killed Brolin by his fists and legs. But he didn’t even lift the corners of his clothes.

“Asshole, let it go!” Xiao Chen roared, even if he knew that he was defeated, he was punching frantically, but his fist couldn’t even break the air film formed by the air around Brolin’s body, and he couldn’t touch the cloth at all. Luo Lin’s body.

“Idiot, did you do this even knowing that you were defeated, do you want to die?” Brolin sneered when he saw this, and then he was enraged. He immediately flew out Xiao Chen’s figure and broke the trees. .


After falling to the ground, Xiao Chen sprayed a big mouthful of blood, and his face was instantly pale.

Fortunately, Brolin had no killer at all. He just suffered some injuries and had no worries about his life.

“Let it go… it…”

Even if he was seriously injured, Xiao Chen still stared at Brolin, screaming in his mouth.

After spending a few months with the Snow White Little Beast on this Dragon Island, he had already had a deep relationship with each other. He absolutely couldn’t watch the simple little beast fall into the hands of this mysterious young man.


At this moment, the little snow-white beast Keke, who was carried by Brolin, saw that Xiao Chen was seriously injured in order to save him, and suddenly yelled and struggled, and the colorful sacred tree in his hand continuously swept out a ray of divine clouds.

“Be quiet, don’t let me kill him immediately!” Brolin yelled at the sight, a trace of murderous intent rushed into his body.

Suddenly, Little Snow White was no longer struggling, and his big eyes looked at Xiao Chen with concern.

“Boy, it’s not your turn to come out for it, kid.” Brolin sneered and glanced at Xiao Chen, then his gaze turned to look in the direction of the Dragon Sacred Mountain, “That guy won’t look at it. The little thing is hurt.”

As soon as the words came out, a deep, cold hum was sent out on the distant holy mountain. Although it was not very loud, it resounded in the hearts of every creature on Long Island.

At this moment, on the entire Dragon Island, whether it was the Dragon Race who had been sealed off by the Tianbei and lost their divinity, or the elite juniors of the major forces who broke into the island, they felt that the soul of the owner was fierce under that mysterious cold grunt. There was a tremor, and each one showed a look of incomparable horror.


In the dense forest, a figure suddenly appeared, it was an old man dressed in grey clothes, but with an expression of no anger and majesty on his face.

Seeing this old man appear, Xiao Chen’s expression suddenly changed slightly. Could it be that this is what the mysterious young man said, who knows the life of the little snow white beast?

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