Chapter 573

It turns out that the so-called avenue brand is just Peak Powerhouse’s own perception of the world and the law, and more embodies a kind of Realm, which has the effect of guiding the younger generation to a higher level, but it is not a specific combat secret technique, so Even the system cannot replicate.

“Master, don’t be disappointed. In addition to those avenues, there is indeed a god-king level secret technique on this monument. Although it is incomplete, it is not low-level!” Heilong said quickly.

Hearing this, Brolin suddenly looked stunned, and then reacted instantly, saying: “Yes, I remember that Xiao Chen did get the cultivation method from the sky stele. Obviously, there can be no avenue branding on it! ”

He just remembered that Xiao Chen had cultivated the Heavenly Stele Profound Method, not only opened up three hundred and sixty-five acupoints and gods in his body, but also obtained three major Sanshou techniques such as Slaughter God, Suppressing Demons, and Ni Luan. This is not a so-called cultivation perception, but a real attack secret method!

“The sky stele has nine sides. This secret method must be scattered on each stele body. It is not surprising that it is incomplete.” Brolin said, “Black Dragon, you first turn this incomplete secret method into a secret pattern, and wait for me to find it later. When you go to other monuments, you can naturally complete them.”

“Yes, master!”

Hearing that the black dragon immediately took action, using the system to start transforming the secret method on the sky stele, Brolin felt that a mysterious and complex golden secret pattern appeared in the depths of own soul.

“Sure enough, this secret pattern image gives people a feeling of imperfection, and the texture is incomplete.” Brolin secretly said in his heart.

But even so, the scale of the lines of the secret pattern is large enough, almost comparable to the complete secret pattern of the god-eye secret technique of the mountain. You must know that the secret method of the heavenly stele is incomplete. This secret pattern is probably only one-ninth of the complete secret pattern, but it is already comparable to the secret method of the god king level. It can be seen how strong the complete secret method of the stele is. It must be the pinnacle level among the gods!

“It seems that the three emperors, five emperors and Pangu, the nine emperors, Cultivation Base Realm can be regarded as strong in the universe!” Brolin said to himself, he felt that if it was a battle, the mountain guest might not necessarily be the nine. The opponent of the emperor.

“Let me try the mystery of this sky stele profound technique!”

The next moment, he did not hesitate to inject his own divine power into the secret pattern, and began to trigger this heavenly stele mystery!


Suddenly, Brolin only felt his own body shook for an instant, and then his eyes changed and his face showed a look of surprise.

“This is… my body’s acupuncture points?”

He was surprised to find that after activating the Heaven Stele Profound Technique, forty-five positions in his own body had undergone drastic changes. It could be seen that there were nodes of meridians everywhere, glowing, constantly drawing on his body. Of supernatural power.

The endless divine power converges to the meridian nodes, forming a singularity that looks like the universe before the explosion. Immediately afterwards, the nodes burst out everywhere, as if opening up the world, mysterious spaces appeared everywhere in those places!

“Some are like realm masters who open up the world in their bodies!” Brolin stared at his body, muttering to himself in surprise.


Soon, at those forty-five nodes, a singular space like a miniature world was opened up, and then a powerful swallowing force erupted from it, and began to madly absorb Brolin’s divine power. !

As the divine power continues to converge, Brolin can feel that the miniature Minor Worlds are rapidly expanding. Although they still look small on the outside, they actually have a vast space inside!

“This is…”

At The next moment, Brolin was shocked to discover that while those miniature worlds were expanding, at the center of the space, there appeared a number of golden shadows of people, which became more and more as his divine power was continuously absorbed. Coming more and more condensed, in the end he actually revealed his own appearance!

“Sure enough, this heavenly stele profound method is the secret method that Xiao Chen has practiced!” Brolin secretly said in his heart.

He remembered that after Xiao Chen in this world cultivated the Heavenly Stele Profound Method, he continued to absorb external energy to continuously open up acupuncture orifice spaces in his body. In the end, he opened up a total of three hundred and sixty-five small spaces. Each has a golden deity, just like Xiao Chen’s deity.

“These golden gods seem to have powerful combat power and can help cultivators fight against the enemy!” Brolin carefully observed the dozens of golden figures in his body that were indistinguishable from him, and the breath on those figures was still there. Constantly growing.


In forty-five acupuncture holes, the divine power in Brolin’s body was continuously being extracted, and his expression changed slightly, because he felt that his divine power was about to be exhausted!

“How can this be? Need to swallow so much divine power?” He said in surprise.

Those forty-five spaces have stopped expanding, but the golden gods are still absorbing his divine power, as if they are endless!

Fortunately, although Brolin is a clone at this moment, there is still a divine power Sea of ​​Bitterness in his body, so when the divine power in his body is about to be drained and dried up, Brolin immediately mobilized the divine power Sea of ​​Bitterness to carry out add.

After a while.

“Awesome! Every deity has the same divine power as my body at the moment!” Brolin looked at the golden figure in his forty-five acupuncture points, with a look of surprise on his face.

After swallowing enough power, the forty-five golden gods, the aura of divine power exuding at this moment is no weaker than this clone of him.

The next moment, a kind of comprehension appeared in Brolin’s mind, and the mysteries of this day’s stele profound method were instantly understood by him with the help of the mystery pattern.

“It deserves to be the Supreme Profound Technique that has gathered all the avenues and imprints of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors!” Brolin yelled, his eyes burst with incomparable sharpness, and his face was even more surprised!

“So that’s it, these forty-five golden gods, every one can show the strongest blow of my body!” He muttered to himself, unable to conceal the joy in his heart.

He already knew the power of the Heavenly Stele Profound Technique!

This secret method is to open up three hundred and sixty-five spaces within the body, and each space will give birth to a golden body of the deity! As long as they can provide enough energy, then these deities’ golden bodies can reach the point where the strength of the cultivation deity is no different!

“Each golden deity can only make one shot. Once it is shot, all its power will be used up and annihilated directly, but the power is so great that it is enough to make a powerful blow, which is equivalent to the power of my body exploding once!” Brolin Amazed.

At this moment, he has forty-five golden gods in his body, so if he has at least forty-five chances of self-destruction!

“It’s not just that, these gods can also shoot at the same time!” After careful understanding, Brolin knew more about this secret method.

The forty-five gods in his body at this moment can not only shoot alone, but also explode at the same time! In other words, Brolin can fully mobilize more than forty golden bodies in his body at this moment, and fight a masterpiece with him!

The power of this strike will be more than forty times his full strength!

“I’m just a clone. If the deity used this Heavenly Stele Profound Technique to gather all the three hundred and sixty-five gods in the body, once the strongest blow erupts, the power will be more than 300 times the Ascension!”

“The combat power of the fifteenth rank is more than three hundred times, that is the rank of the seventeenth rank!” Brolin’s eyes glowed.

He was completely clear. To put it bluntly, these more than three hundred golden bodies are similar to the source of the mechanical flow treasure, used to store divine power, once it comes to the enemy, it can burst out at once!

Just as Luo Feng suddenly released the eternal true god in Chaos Golden Wings with the divine power that stored endless years and killed 8 million world beasts in one fell swoop, Brolin could also burst out the power of more than 300 golden bodies in one fell swoop. Yes, let yourself increase the attack more than three hundred times in an instant!

At this point, Brolin couldn’t help but sigh that this Heavenly Stele Profound Technique is really powerful, and it can even give creatures the ability to be similar to mechanical treasures!

“No, since the three emperors and five emperors can create such a secret method, it is enough to wipe out the emperors and emperors in the only real world, why do they have to work hard to set up the situation of the ages, even at the cost of their own demise?” Lin felt puzzled.

As long as the cultivation of the human emperors contains hundreds of golden gods that also possess the emperor’s full-strike power, the emperor and emperor of the same level cannot be their opponents. All the emperors are also exhausted!

“Heilong, what’s going on?” He couldn’t help but looked at Heilong in confusion.

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