Chapter 570

Xuan Ming knew that even though he already had the strength that surpassed all other world beasts, he was still far behind Brolin. Without the help of this master, it would not be able to kill other world beasts alone as easily as this time.

But Brolin was obviously tired of killing the world beasts, and Xuan Ming already had enough strength to make him feel relieved at this moment, so he didn’t want to continue making shots at all.

Soon, after ten epochs, Brolin, as agreed, helped Xuan Ming kill more than a million world beasts again, leaving behind a clone and a palace treasure, and then the human deity returned to the original Universe.

Eternal Continent, in the Western Emperor Tower.

“If the world beast king is not surprised, it must be Xuan Ming.” Brolin’s figure sat high on the throne, with bright eyes, whispering to himself.

“With the help of the world beasts, my pace of conquering the heavens will also be greatly accelerated.”

According to the information he knew, before the Chaotic Source Realm, the Beast King had no bottleneck of cultivation, which means that as long as Xuan Ming became the Beast King, it would naturally enter the Realm of the God King over time. Until it became a terrible existence that made the heart of God King tremble.

At the same level as the god king, the world beast king is far more terrifying than the cultivator god king like Zuo Shanke, because with the ‘world’, the world beast king can breed countless powerful destroyers!

In Origin Continent, a realm beast king led his own destruction army, which is enough to contend with several god kingdoms, and no single god king can stop it!

The matter of the world beast was basically settled, Brolin put it aside and began to think about other things.

“At the beginning I stepped into the Universe Venerable Realm and opened the prehistoric world. Unfortunately, the time span of this world is too large. Now dozens of epochs have passed, and the world is still in a state not long after the sky opened.” Brolin Sitting on the throne, his eyes are deep.

A calamity in the prehistoric world is probably more than six billion years, which means that the first calamity is the first calamity of the Dragon and Han, and the time to open the sky is probably more than 600,000 epochs.

This time is actually nothing to the original Universe powerhouse, especially the powerhouse at the main level of the Universe. Like the eight-party beast gods taught by the ancestors, a single sleep is a million epochs.

But Brolin is different. He has only experienced less than 10,000 epochs since his rise, and more than 600,000 epochs are a bit long for him.

“I am now the Lord of the Universe, and I can already open the next world, and the First Tribulation of the Dragon Han will have to wait for more than 600,000 epochs before it begins. By then, maybe I have already entered the level of true gods. “Brolin sighed.

Then, a look of expectation suddenly appeared in his eyes.

“Speaking of it, I don’t know what kind of world will be opened this time?” Brolin muttered to himself, and then his heart moved, and the dark door of the world was summoned by him!

The reason why he was only willing to help Xuan Ming to slaughter for ten epochs and then returned to the original Universe was due to many reasons, not that he was only saying that he was tired of slaughter.

First of all, his two major clones, Youhai clone, need to sit in the Eternal Continent. Therefore, if he wants to continue Ascension own Realm, the human deity must continue to accelerate cultivation in the small universe of the creator of the giant axe. He had already spent a lot of time in the dark place before, so he couldn’t continue to waste it.

Another important reason is that he is full of curiosity and expectation for the world he will open when he reaches the master level of the Universe.


In the Western Emperor Pagoda, the black door of the world emerged, exuding an extremely mysterious aura, which blurred the surrounding time and space.

Brolin’s figure stood up from the throne, and then split into two.

“Let the clone enter the next world first, my human deity still enters the small universe of the giant axe to continue cultivation, and break through to the true god Realm as soon as possible!”

The next moment, Brolin used the clone created by the ultimate shadow clone to step directly into the door of the black world.

. . . . . . . .

Moonlit night, the top of the mountain.

Brolin’s figure hovered above the sky, hiding in a cloud of mist.

“Interesting, it turned out to be this world.” He whispered to himself, with a strange light in his eyes.

After receiving all the information about this world that the system had passed to him, Brolin was slightly excited at the moment.

The world he is in at the moment is called the world of longevity, and it is a fourth-level world!

“The heavens and the world, the three emperors and the five emperors, the great power of the ancient times, the only real world…” As words emerged from his mouth, Brolin’s eyes became brighter and brighter!

This is a decent world, not low in level, better than the prehistoric world, and can be comparable to the origin continent!

Many things here are extremely valuable and very attractive to Brolin!

“The illusory world is opened up by many chaos-dominated stone kings the day after tomorrow. The most powerful emperor is in the original real world and can’t get out?” Brolin muttered to himself, constantly exploring what the system gave about The mystery of this world, his eyes flickered.

According to the information of the system, if the only real world is compared to the continent of origin, then the worlds of the four worlds of Kyushu, another world, and the primordial heavens, which were opened up by many stone kings from the chaos, are somewhat similar to the universe. The original universe of the three thousand dimensions of the sea!

“My current Lord of the Universe, Realm, is actually equivalent to the half ancestor god?” After being familiar with the cultivation system of this world, Brolin suddenly chuckled.

According to the information of the system, the most powerful creatures in this world, those immemorial emperors and emperors, Realm are the Universe gods, and they are consistent with the god kings of the origin continent like Zuoshanke.

Under the emperor and the emperor, the stone man king and the Dzogchen supreme ancestor god corresponded to the chaos master class powerhouse.

“The true god corresponds to the ancestor god, and both the void level and the eternal level correspond to the supreme ancestor god Realm.” Brolin said to himself.

Like the three Supreme Ancestral Gods of Another World guarding the ninety Ninth Stage stone steps of the eternal unknown, they only walked a short distance on the Way of the Supreme Ancestor. Realm’s combat power is roughly equivalent to that of the Void True God.

And like Keke’s father, the human demon Gegan, and the eternal king Meng Degang, who did not take the last step and failed and were born early, the strength is much stronger than the ordinary supreme ancestor god, almost equal to the eternal true god. It’s comparable.

“Fortunately, although my deity is only the Lord of the Universe, it has fifteen levels of combat power. It is already a strong one among the eternal true gods, and it is not a weak existence in this world.” Brolin thought. Secretly.

His deity’s current strength is no longer inferior to such powerhouses as Keke’s father and Human Mo Gegan, as long as he does not reach the ninety Ninth Stage stone steps of another world or break into the desolate world. And the depths of the Death world, he would not encounter any obstacles.

“This is Kyushu… when Nolan soars?”

After going through the general information of the entire world and knowing it well, Brolin began to observe the surrounding environment, and quickly noticed the mountains below.

At this moment, it is the beginning of the world plot.

Below is the Kunlun Red Dust Peak, where Nolan, the goddess of the Kyushu generation, will break into the void and enter the realm of longevity!

“If I remember well, Xiao Chen and Zhao Lin’er will follow Nolan to enter the longevity world and fall into Long Island.”

Above, Brolin was in the clouds and looked down, with a strange color in his eyes.

Suddenly, his expression moved, and his eyes instantly looked at a certain place in the void.

The next moment, two lights of brilliance flickered, appeared there.

“This fellow daoist is here, I don’t know what it is to do?”

A scornful voice sounded, and two figures suddenly appeared in the void where Brolin’s sight was. One was a scornful young man, and the other was a white and tender child.

At this moment, the two people who appeared suddenly were staring at Brolin, their expressions a bit solemn.

“The breath of this guy is completely different from the vitality of the Kyushu Heaven and Earth, and even both of us can’t see it. The intensity of the aura seems to be the peak Realm, and one step away is comparable to me. The most important thing is that he can actually It’s definitely not easy to discover us first!” The scornful youth and the immature child looked at Brolin and secretly communicated with each other.

Both of them, in terms of Cultivation Base, are the half-ancestral god Realm, which is much stronger than Brolin’s Universe Venerable clone. However, Brolin’s will is still at the master level of the Universe, and coupled with the extremely deep control of time and space, the two figures were discovered first, which caused a great shock to the other party.

After all, the realm powerhouse, in any case, should not be able to detect the arrival of the half ancestor god.

Therefore, although Brolin’s breath and Realm seemed to be inferior to them, the two of them did not dare to act rashly.

“So it’s you two?”

Looking at the two figures that suddenly appeared, Brolin was surprised, but chuckled slightly.

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