Chapter 562: Master of Breakthrough Universe

The meaning of the original will of the original universe is very simple. If Brolin is willing to destroy the world beasts, the problem of releasing the original ancestors is not big. However, it is impossible to enter the origin of the Universe and perceive the law at the time of destruction.

As for allowing the mountain guest to return to the Universe Sea, that is even more so without even thinking about it!

Even as soon as the mountain guest was mentioned, the original will of the Universe was instantly angry. At the beginning, I managed to catch the opponent’s handle, but the result was a little too close and failed to suppress the opponent. This made the original Universe’s original will have been unhappy all the time.

“Well, I didn’t say the second condition, but the third condition must be added.” Brolin said with a solemn expression, “I know, once a billion world beasts are swallowed, the world beast king will be born. It can threaten your existence.”

“He may not be able to swallow you completely, but he can also damage you to the point of extreme weakness!”

“Once you are weakened to a certain level, the two old guys, Dongdi and Ziyue, will definitely not let go of this excellent opportunity!”

“At that time, maybe you, the original will of the Universe, will be taken away by one of those two old guys!” Brolin sneered.


At the moment Brolin’s words were finished, the entire endless time and space of the original Universe was shocked in an instant!

Countless creatures in the majestic Universe, from the strongest and the master of the Universe to the ordinary life, all change color at this moment, feeling an inexplicable fluctuation that makes their heart palpitations!


Over the Eternal Continent, in the starry sky where the endless secluded sea is located, the “double-faced ancestors” is full of extremely violent aura at this moment, and the power of endless laws surrounds them, forming a series of terrifying hurricanes up to millions of kilometers. The endless secluded sea is full of stormy waves!

Seeing an incredible look on the face of the “Double-sided Ancestor God” at this moment, Brolin suddenly laughed.

“I said, I know more than you think.”

“In short, if you want me to help you deal with the world beasts, two conditions are indispensable.” He chuckled lightly, as if he had determined the original will of the original Universe.

“You should know that in the entire three Samsara era, there is only Luo Feng who can destroy the world beasts except me.”

“With the inheritance of the Broken East River, coupled with the Star Tower, once Luo Feng becomes a true god, his strength can definitely reach the void level.”

“However, if this kind of strength wants to completely eliminate the world beast, it can only be said that there is hope.” Brolin smiled lightly. “After all, the world beast is not a fool. In a very short period of time, the World Beast King who originally needed a Universe Era to fight against was born ahead of time!”

“The Void-level powerhouse wants to kill the realm beast king, it is still very difficult.” Brolin looked at the “double-faced ancestor god”, “but I am different. I don’t even need to reach the real god Realm, I just need Stepping into the ranks of the Lord of the Universe is enough to have eternal level of combat power, even the Realm Beast King is not my opponent!”

“So it’s a pity that I have absolute certainty in my shots to eliminate the world beast catastrophe, but Luo Feng can’t.” Brolin smiled.

“And I tell you, even if you would rather take the risk, it would be vain to ask Luo Feng to take action without me.” He continued, “I gave him the territory of Luo Feng’s hometown in vain before, and now he owes me one. Your lordship, with his character, as long as I tell him not to make a move, he will never trade with you.”


Suddenly, the anger of the original will of the original Universe in the void became more and more intense.

“Angry? So what?” Brolin sneered, “I don’t know anything like the original ancestor, you can’t grasp my handle at all.”

“I have limited time. Come on, do you agree or not?” He looked at the “double-sided ancestor god”.


There was a huge shock in the starry sky. Obviously Brolin’s words made the original Universe’s original will extremely angry at this moment, but Brolin did seize its fate. Although it was threatened, there was no way.


In the end, the original will chose to make concessions.

“Only one chance to realize it?” Brolin frowned. The original Universe’s original will agreed to his request to watch the destruction of the Universe, but he could only watch it once, which made him a little dissatisfied.

“At least ten times!” Brolin said coldly.

However, at The next moment, Brolin was ridiculed by the original Universe.

After all, whether he can surpass Samsara or not. If he can’t reach the void level, he can only live three Samsara eras at most, and he can’t witness the collapse of the universe ten times.

“You can’t control whether I can be surpassed or not. In short, the ten chances of enlightenment can’t be missed once, so just say you don’t give it!” Brolin’s tone was firm.

In the face of Brolin’s strength, in the end, Origin Will had no choice but to agree to his request. After all, as Brolin said, whether the world beast catastrophe can be passed is almost in his hands, and there is another hope to solve it. Luo Feng who was in trouble was also a human race, and he had just been returned to the territories of the earth by Brolin. He owed him a favor. It is indeed possible to listen to Brolin’s idea on this matter.

In the end, witnessed by the supreme rule, the original will of Universe and Brolin reached an agreement. Brolin took action to destroy all the world beasts in the dark places, and the original will of the universe guaranteed the release of the original ancestors, and gave Brolin the opportunity to observe the destruction of the original universe ten times in the future.


After the deal was concluded, the original will of the original Universe immediately began to urge Brolin.

“Don’t worry, the most powerful individual of that group of world beasts now is only Tier 3, and it is still early to become a Tier 6 world beast king.” Brolin said calmly, “I have about dozens of epochs before I can break through to the Universe. At the level of the Lord, when my strength is 100 times Ascension, even the Beast King cannot be my opponent!”


The original will of the original Universe still wanted to urge, but Brolin directly cold his face, “The transaction has been completed, how to eliminate the world beast is my business, and you don’t need to get in the way.”

His figure disappeared directly after the words were spoken.

There was anger on the face of the ‘double-faced ancestor god’ in the void, and in the end he had no choice but to leave.

. . . . . .

Time passed, and soon more than forty epochs passed.

In the small universe of the creator of the Great Axe, Brolin’s human deity sits in a void, raising his eyes!

“Almost six million epochs, finally breakthrough!” He whispered to himself, with a hint of joy on his face.


A burly figure appeared in the starry sky.

“Eternal!” The creator of the giant axe looked at Brolin with joy, “Congratulations!”

Hearing this, Brolin suddenly smiled.

“Haha, take this step, and now you can be said to be the true Lord of the Eternal!” The creator of the giant axe laughed, and the entire starry sky was filled with an atmosphere of joy.

“I can break through so quickly, and I would like to thank Juaxe for helping me to speed up time in so many epochs. I took this down.” Brolin smiled.

Hundreds of epochs kept accelerating tens of thousands of times over time, but that required a large amount of small universe energy, and it was also a big burden for the creator of the giant axe.

“You are slapping me in the face by saying this!” The founder of the giant axe stared at the words, “You have made a great contribution to my humanity, and you have gifted me many supreme treasures. I just I just helped you a little bit.”

Brolin laughed helplessly.

Next, the founder of the Great Axe opened the channel of the small universe, allowing Brolin to enter the original universe to make breakthroughs and transform the divine body.

In the starry sky where the eternal kingdom of the original Universe is located, the phantom of the law ocean emerges over the endless secluded sea, exuding a monstrous strong god-tier force.

“Hungry Ghosts said, go on!”

“Suck me!”


The endless secluded sea with a diameter of several light-years, now frantically began to swallow the divine power seawater poured down from the ocean of the law of origin. It is already huge in size, and with the help of the swallowing power of Hungry Ghosts in the six modes, the divine power it swallows every second is extremely huge!

After more than half an hour, the endless secluded sea ended its swallowing, and the law of void ocean dissipated.

“The divine body has transformed sixty percent.” Feeling the divine aura of the endless secluded sea, Brolin was secretly delighted.

With the divine power reserve of the endless secluded sea, the ability to transform more than half of the divine body from the Universe Venerable breakthrough to the Lord of the Universe is already a very big gain.

“My divine power has increased a hundred times again, and the volume of the kingdom of God has expanded a million times!”


A figure appeared, it was Brolin’s human deity. As soon as he appeared, he immediately rushed into the endless secluded sea and began to transform his divine power.

After a while, his figure rushed out of the secluded sea, already turning the Venerable-level deity into the master-level deity of the Universe.

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