Chapter 560

“Everyone!” The island owner of Sihua turned around and looked at the other over a hundred alien universe masters who were also struggling. He looked crazy and said, “If you want to survive, I’ll join forces to kill you later!”

“Yes, kill it!”

“Kill out!”

Hearing this, many of the Lords of the Universe, who had been desperate, suddenly hissed and roared. Brolin even dismissed the help of the strongest Universe like the island owner of Shihua, and obviously would not care about them. , Even if they want to take refuge at the moment, they can’t do it.

However, at The next moment, Brolin gave a divine power transmission.

“Sihua, I must kill, but you, the masters of the alien universe, are not immune to death.” Brolin said indifferently.

As soon as these words came out, the masters of many alien universes were also taken aback, and then they all showed surprises and stared at Brolin fiercely one by one.

“As long as you join my human alliance and swear to be loyal to my human beings, I can spare you.” Brolin smiled, but a trace of joking flashed in his eyes, “Of course, the universe of the five peak races such as the Yaozu. The Lord is not in this list!”

As soon as this statement came out, among the more than one hundred universe masters, more than ten of the universe masters changed their expressions in an instant. They are either the monster race, the mechanical race, or the prison race, belonging to the five pinnacle race groups except humans.

“You are the same as Shihwa, you are going to die!” Brolin looked at the more than a dozen Universe masters belonging to the five pinnacle races, with murderous intent on his face.


In an instant, the universe masters of other races were separated from the more than a dozen universe masters, and their faces were complex, with a faint expression of pity.

“Okay, let’s make the decision, whether to submit to my Hongmeng or just fall away!” Brolin stood in the void with a face of indifference, “You only have ten seconds.”

“I’ll wait for it!”

Unsurprisingly, the lord of the alien universe chose to surrender immediately. After all, they are not capable of being cloned. Once they fall here, they are completely dead. Once they die, it means their own. The race is not far from extinction.

“Very well, you all come here.” Brolin nodded, and then his gaze moved, and the Realm’s power around the more than one hundred surrendered Universe Lords suddenly diminished.

Seeing this scene, many of the universe masters showed joy and rushed towards the area where Brolin was, and then each one stood behind him carefully and respectfully.

“Everything should be over.” The next moment, Brolin looked at the island owner of Sihua, his eyes flickering coldly.

“Eternal Lord, if you can’t kill me today, I will swear by Shihua that you will make your human race uneasy forever!” The island owner of Shihua in the cloud world roared, “I will make you pay the price!”

“You don’t have that chance.” Brolin sneered, then he lifted the Pangu flag in his hand and directly locked onto the island owner of Shihua and the dozens of universe masters of the five major clans.

“Come on! Let me see if you can really kill me!” The island owner of Sihua laughed frantically, and the other dozen universe masters also screamed frantically.

They all knew it in their hearts, and I was afraid that they would be inevitable. After all, Brolin had just destroyed the Xeon Supreme Palace. No matter how strong they are, their defensive power cannot be better than the Supreme Palace.

“Die.” Brolin said in a cold voice, and with a flash of the Pangu flag in his hand, the endless chaos in the cloud and mist world suddenly surged, and the terrible aura swept across every area.

The terrifying combat power of the thirteen ranks was once again displayed by him. In the face of this strike, even the island owners of Shihua and the universe owners of the five major clans who had fallen into a mad state, their faces were involuntarily exposed to extremes. The color of fear.

And standing behind Brolin, the more than one hundred surrendered masters of the universe of various races, at this moment, were ups and downs in their hearts, one by one bowed their heads respectfully, and their eyes were full of horror!

Before, they felt Brolin’s attack in the previous treasure palace, and the shock and shock feeling was far less terrifying than it is now!

“Eternal Lord, it is terrible!”

“This power, I am afraid it has surpassed the original ancestor, I don’t know how it compares with the two legendary ancestors of Sacred Land!”

The master of an alien universe can’t help but speculate in his heart. Brolin’s strength is really too strong, and now only the two great ancestors of Sacred Land, who have never appeared in the legend, may be able to compare with him. .


An extremely violent big bang appeared in the chaos, and the endless energy flooded everything, completely covering the bodies of the island master of Shihua and others.

In the end, without any suspense, Brolin successfully killed the island owner of Shihua and the others, and returned to the original universe with more than a hundred universe masters who had surrendered.

. . . . . .

The original universe.

Several epochs have passed since the last war.

Today, the coalition camp in the original Universe has long since collapsed.

In that battle, the coalition forces of all races approached more than 1,000 universe masters, and more than 300 were directly killed on the spot by the master of Hongmeng Universe. While pursuing the island owner of Shihua, he conquered more than one hundred and fifty universe masters.

Among the surviving Lords of the Universe, more than two hundred were taken into the Supreme Palace by the Zerg Queen, and the rest survived only by self-destruction clones. They all hid and did not dare to show their faces in the original Universe. .

In the end, the more than two hundred universe masters of various races who were rescued by the Zerg queen also strongly demanded to leave the coalition camp. After all, the Human Alliance really broke their guts during the war.

There are more than 1,000 masters of the universe, and the number of them has fallen to more than 300, and there are nearly two hundred captured and surrendered. Even if they continue to join forces, can they help the human race?

It can be said that the Human Hongmeng has established its dominance in the original Universe by virtue of this battle, which is already comparable to the original God Eye Race.

In the following years, the powerhouses of the five pinnacle races, such as the monster race and the machine race, have become extremely low-key, whether in the original universe or in the universe, while the Hongmeng is expanding vigorously. Relying on the deterrence of the previous battle, coupled with Brolin’s use of Xeon Treasure as the temptation, soon many idle races in the original universe were attracted, and they chose to join the Hongmeng one by one, which made the number of the masters of the Hongmeng universe. Both have reached more than 500 places, which are already comparable to the two Sacred Land Universes!

The five pinnacle races such as the Yao race shrink their respective strengths, which has allowed the human race to expand a large area. However, because Brolin’s collection of primitive stars completely angers the original will of the primitive universe, no matter where the human’s territory is expanded, wherever it is. The law concentration will decrease. Therefore, the human race simply won’t bother to expand its territory afterwards.

Fortunately, Brolin controlled the world of Jin. The human race and the many alien races of the Hongmeng have been sent in successively to be tempered by him. The original will of the original Universe is overwhelming and it is not a big problem.

The years are long, and soon more than two hundred epochs have passed.

During this period, two major events occurred. One is that Brolin finally succeeded in capturing all 10081 primordial stars and handing them all to the mountain guest, and the latter promised to refine enough for him. Powerful god king class treasure.

The second is in the Universe Sea, the line of Duandong River that has not been seen for a long time finally appeared. This inheritance should have appeared long ago according to the original destiny trajectory, but I don’t know if it’s because of Brolin. The emergence of this heritage has been delayed for a period of time.

Brolin did not fight for this inheritance, but let it develop. At first, he has the support of a mountain guest. If he has the inheritance of the Jin Kingdom, it is not worse than the Duandonghe line. In addition, he has the Chaotic Source-level secret technique, which is the three secrets of the Duandonghe line. Technique didn’t bother at all.

Secondly, he is also unwilling to change Luo Feng’s trajectory too much. After all, the inheritance of the broken Donghe line is vital to Luo Feng’s growth. After experiencing the attacks of the protagonist from different time and space in the sky-shaking world, Bro Lin doesn’t want to go too far now, if an accident really brings out Luo Feng’s future body, which doesn’t know if it exists, I’m afraid he will be in a bad situation.

After all, he didn’t know whether the system could save his life in the hands of a Chaotic Source Lord.

In the end, as he expected, the inheritance of the Broken Donghe line was really obtained by Luo Feng. Since then, Luo Feng has also stepped into the highest ranks of the human race by virtue of the Broken Donghe inheritance, calling himself Yinhe. Lord, faintly has the status second only to Brolin and the founder of the Great Axe!


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