Chapter 549

“Haha, with these treasures, now even the Universe Sea is more than enough!” The Lord of Longxing laughed.

“Yes, now even if I face the great gods of the God Eye Race, I can be fearless!” The Lord of Qingdong smiled.

Many of the masters of the universe are extremely confident. At this moment, each of them has five Xeon treasures in their hands. The offense and defense are close to perfect. It can be said that they are really fearless!

“Eternal, your contribution to my human race is comparable to that of the original ancestor!” The founder of the giant axe suddenly said with a serious expression.

As soon as these words came out, the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Universe all put away their excited smiles, and looked at Brolin one by one, showing a look of admiration.

Indeed, Brolin took out so many supreme treasures at once, it can almost be said that the strength of the entire human race has doubled several times! The original ancestor at the time led the human race from being weak and bullied to the peak by his own strength. Now, Brolin, who has mastered a large number of the most powerful treasures, is about to lead mankind into a more glorious era. !

“It’s just some treasures, it’s nothing.” Brolin shook his head with sharp eyes, “After I opened up the Sacred Land Universe, my human race can be considered a real rise.”

“Are you really sure?” Hearing this, the creator of the giant axe suddenly surprised, and the other universe masters also showed shock.

Previously, Brolin promised to the masters of many Hongmeng alien universes that in the future, after human beings opened up the Sacred Land Universe, they would lead them for eternity. The creators of the great axe just thought Brolin was to stabilize the hearts of the people.

But now listening to Brolin’s tone, it seems that he is really sure!

“Without this Samsara era, I will definitely be able to surpass Samsara!” Brolin said with a self-confidence.

With the system in hand, coupled with the cultivation and cheating device of the human path in the Six Paths Mode, Brolin does not have a bottleneck on the way of cultivation. As long as he is given enough time, he can continue to breakthrough until he becomes the Lord of Chaotic Origin.

This Samsara era is still in the early stage, and there are still billions of epochs before the original universe’s destruction. For such a long time, relying on the continuous cultivation of the human world mode, plus there is a god king like Zuo Shanke. The strong pointed out that Brolin was completely confident to cultivation to the level of the Void True God!

As soon as Brolin’s confident words came out, whether it was the founder of the Great Axe or the Lord of Chaos City, his body shape was shocked, and his face was extremely shocked and excited!

Desperate Samsara, if eternity is really successful, then their human race can really live forever like the two Sacred Land Universes, Dongdi and Ziyue. There will be a third Sacred Land Universe in the Universe Sea. What is that? Brilliance and glory!

“Eternal, if you can really succeed, then your status in my human race will surpass the original ancestor!” The founder of the giant axe said solemnly.

The other masters of the universe are also excited.

The creation of the Sacred Land Universe allows mankind to live forever. If it is really done, Brolin’s contribution will definitely be greater than that of the original ancestors. This is undeniable!

“Lord of the Eternal, I look forward to the day when you are regarded as the ancestor of the race!” The Lord of Xujin’s eyes were bright.

Many other universe masters also looked excited, looking at Brolin expectantly.

“Don’t worry!” Brolin smiled confidently upon seeing this.

. . . . . . .

The eternal kingdom, in the Western Emperor Tower.

Brolin’s figure was sitting high on the golden throne, with deep eyes looking into the endless starry sky through the barriers of the Western Emperor Tower.

“At the beginning, I thought that I would have to wait until I became the master of the universe before I could lead my human race to occupy a dominant position in the original universe and suppress other races. I don’t want to be able to achieve my wish now,” Brolin said to himself. , There was a smile in his eyes, “The old fellow Zuo Shanke really gave me a big surprise.”

The reason why he was able to suddenly take out hundreds of Xeon treasures, of course, was not as he said to the creator of the giant axe, but because he found a treasure trove of ancient civilizations in the Universe Sea.

The real reason is because of the mountain guest!

Just over 3,000 years ago, Zuoshanke told him that he had found the body of the king who was lost in the chaos!

When the Jin Kingdom was destroyed, the mountain guest was chased by the three major powers of the Food Kingdom, and he could only escape into the Universe Sea alone. After the endless years of drifting, by chance, he approached the area where the original Universe was located.

But it is precisely because of this that he was madly attacked by the original will of the original Universe!

Finally, with the permission of the supreme rules, the original will of the Universe mobilized most of the power of the Universe Sea, and successfully forced the mountain guest into death!

In desperation, the mountain guest could only give up the body of the god king, cast his will and soul into the original universe by using the method of reincarnation, and robbed a special life.

And his body of the god king was exiled to the depths of the chaos by the original will of the original universe, avoiding being contacted by the lives of the three big Samsara.

Before, in order to restore the peak combat power, so as to help Brolin to fight the world more smoothly, he went deep into the chaos and retrieved the deity of own god.

With the help of the ultimate shadow clone technique bestowed by Brolin, he became an endless clone. With the help of the will, soul and body, he searched for dozens of epochs in the endless universe, and finally found the own main body three thousand years ago. , And successfully integrated the own will and soul into the original body!

Recovering the deity of the King of God, this meaning is too great. Not only does it mean that the strength of the mountain guest is further restored to the peak, but it also means that Brolin has almost obtained endless resources!

Because, in the body of the god king of the mountain guest, there is a vast world of Jin!

“With the backing of Jinzhi World, my human race can be said to have endless treasures, secrets and resources. Even if the races of the original Universe are united together, they can never fight against my race!” Brolin’s eyes Golden glow flickers.

Compared with the world of Jin, the three Samsara eras of the original Universe are too weak.

In terms of treasures, the Xeon Treasure in the Universe is already the strongest limit, while in the Jin World, the so-called Xeon Treasure is nothing more than the standard equipment of the true god level.

Those treasures of the Void True God-level and Eternal True God-level, just take out one piece, can crush everything!

And these are not the strongest, the truly terrifying thing is to count those mechanical treasures!

“Unfortunately, although Jinluo Tiandi is powerful, it needs massive True God level powerhouses to manipulate it. It is impossible for Universe Sea to do this.” Brolin secretly said in his heart.

Jinluo Tiandi is the most powerful mechanical treasure in the world of Jin. It is powerful and needs to be controlled by hundreds of millions of true gods. One attack is enough to cause the eternal true god-level existence to fall, comparable to the Lord of Chaos!

If Brolin is willing, he can naturally ask a mountain guest to give him Jin Luo Tiandi, but unfortunately, even if he brings Jin Luo Tian into the Universe Sea, he can’t find so many strongest Universes to use it. The three big Samsara eras The total number of the strongest in Universe is less than a hundred. Where can he find hundreds of millions of true gods?

“It would be great if the creatures of the Jin World could come out.” Brolin muttered to himself, extremely regretful, “Unfortunately, the original universe will never allow it.”

The creatures in the world of Jin, like the mountain guest, belong to the continent of origin, and are naturally rejected by the universe of three thousand dimensions. They are summoned by a mountain guest, and it doesn’t matter if they fight in the Origin Continent, but if they dare to descend into the Universe Sea and enter the original Universe, it will be an absolute dead end.

It is absolutely impossible for Universe’s original will to let them go, and they will definitely make a move, just like when they shot a mountain guest, kill them!

“Fortunately, although the creatures of Jinzhi World cannot enter the original universe, they can enter other adventure worlds. This is also a great help for me!”

The creatures in the world of Jin cannot descend into the Universe Sea, but there are no restrictions on entering the world of adventures like the world of the sky and the world of the prehistoric. With such a group of powerful forces, Brolin will fight the heavens more smoothly in the future.

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