Chapter 547

Seeing this scene, the Lords of Chaos City and other human universe all looked ugly, and they all looked at Brolin. After all, Brolin did say that sentence before, which made them feel a little headache!

“Eternal, you must not recognize what you said just now!”

“The Lord of Eternal, those are dozens of the most powerful treasures!”

“That value is worth all the resource wealth of nearly ten human races. What qualifications do these foreign races have!”

The Lord of Chaos City, Lord of Xujin, etc., all anxiously began to transmit to Brolin’s divine power, for fear that he would admit what he had said before. In their opinion, even losing some Face is worthwhile for Xeon Supreme.

Even the founder of the giant axe on the side looked nervous and looked at Brolin.

If it wasn’t for Brolin’s face, he would want to say directly to the many Hongmeng alien races that he had missed the word for eternity just now!

“It seems that you still don’t understand what I’m saying!”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Brolin sighed slightly, his expression a little helpless.

He ignored the anxious glances from the founder of the Great Axe and the Chaos City Lord, but instead looked at the Hongmeng alien races who were also excited and anxious at the moment.

“You heard me right, I said, you all have a share of the treasures just now!”

As soon as this remark came out, all the Hongmeng alien races suddenly roared with excitement. They were as powerful as the Lord of the Universe. At this moment, they couldn’t control their own emotions. After all, that was the strongest treasure!

The creators of the Great Axe and the Lord of Chaos City and the lord of the human universe are all looking ugly at this moment. They really can’t understand Brolin’s intentions!

“Eternal, what on earth are you thinking?” City Lord Chaos eagerly transmitted the voice, and the words were full of regret!

“Those are all Xeon treasures! Eternal Lord, you have directly scattered dozens of them!”

“Those Hongmeng alien races are not worth it at all!”

The Lord of Void Gold and Lord of Desolate Jian were all heartbroken and about to jump up. The Lord of Bingfeng was staring at the extremely excited Hongmeng alien races, with murderous flickering in his eyes!

Even the founder of the giant axe twitched slightly, and was shocked by Brolin’s mastery.

“Don’t you understand what I’m saying?” Brolin saw this and suddenly Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“Well, you guys are optimistic!” The next moment He shook his head helplessly, then waved with one hand, and suddenly the bright golden light exploded in the void!

This familiar scene caused all the Lord Youyu Zhou present to jump in their hearts, staring at the void intently one by one!

“No way….”


Soon, as a powerful breath came out and swept out of the void, all the masters of the Hongmeng Universe looked dull and almost numb.

I saw that after the golden light dispersed, dozens of treasure weapon exuding powerful energy fluctuations appeared again in the void!

“They are all Xeons!”

“How can this be!”

“Am I stuck in Illusion Art!”

A master of a Hongmeng alien universe murmured to himself, he had already begun to disbelieve his own eyes, and he even began to wonder if he was caught in Illusion Art!

“This this….”

On the human side, the City Lord of Chaos and others were also staring at the void, their expressions were shocked to the extreme, and they were already speechless.

“Eternal, what is going on with these treasures?” In the end, the founder of the giant axe was strong-willed, and first returned to God. With a single wave of his hand, he collected those treasures again to prevent the Hongmeng alien race from immediately snatching them. Then he looked at Brolin, and said with a very serious divine power, “If you still refuse to tell me, I will really be angry!”

At this moment, the strongest treasures in the void, plus what he just collected, are already more than a hundred! This is an incredible number. In the age of the three big Samsara in the Universe, all the Xeon treasures added up, there can be so many!

Seeing the creator of the giant axe, he was really anxious, with a trace of sullen expression on his face, Brolin suddenly smiled helplessly.

“Well, I’ll tell you that.” He sighed slightly.

“Actually, the matter is very simple. I have a clone that has been adventuring in the Universe Sea. Not long ago, my clone accidentally discovered a treasure of ancient civilization.”

“There are a lot of treasures in that treasure, all of which belong to ancient civilizations. The worst are the pinnacle level.” Brolin blinked at the founder of the giant axe.

“So, these supreme treasures all come from the so-called treasure hiding place?” The founder of the giant axe looked at Brolin with a strange expression.

“Yes.” Brolin laughed.

“Can you not perfuse me?” the founder of the giant axe said helplessly.

“This is the only explanation I can give you.” Brolin spread his hands.

“Well, since you don’t want to say it all, I will naturally not force you.” The founder of the giant axe sighed, and then said with a serious look, “but tell me how many treasures you have in your hands.”

“You mean this level?” Brolin glanced at the scarlet axe in the hands of the creator of the giant axe.

“Nature.” The founder of the giant axe nodded.

“I don’t know too much, there are tens of thousands, right?” Brolin said calmly.

Hearing this, the eyes of the creator of the giant axe went round in an instant, staring at Brolin as if you were joking with me!

“I didn’t lie to you.” Brolin was speechless. “There are so many, and they are complete, including palaces, soul defenses, and Realm.”

“By the way, although I promised to give those Hongmeng and alien races the supreme treasures, but only for weapons, as for palaces, etc., they don’t think about it.” Brolin smiled lightly.

“It’s worth saying!” The founder of the giant axe stared.

“Well, I can guarantee that the treasure in my hand is enough to make my human race have no worries at all. You and Chaos do not need to worry too much.” Brolin said, “Giving these foreign treasures is also to be able to change Good to deal with the coalition forces of all races!”

In the end, after some conversation, the founder of the great axe was successfully persuaded by Brolin.

Then the founder of the giant axe came forward and secretly transmitted the voice to the lord of the human universe such as the lord of chaos.

When he learned that Brolin had nearly ten thousand pieces of Xeons of various types in his hands at the moment, all the masters of the human universe were shocked to the point of beyond reproducibility.

In the virtual universe, more than a dozen human universe masters all gathered together immediately, discussing with each other.

“If it’s only dozens of treasure weapons, I don’t have much opinion.” City Lord Chaos said.

“I have no opinion.”

“The Supreme Treasure was acquired by Eternity, and of course it was his disposal. Before that, I only wanted to make some suggestions out of consideration for the ethnic group.” Huang Jianzhi said.



In the end, many universe masters no longer objected to Brolin’s decision to grant Hongmeng Alien Xeon Treasure Weapon. After all, relative to the number of treasures Brolin had at the moment, dozens of Xeon treasure weapons were nothing. The Chaos City Lord and the others didn’t want to make Brolin unhappy.

The original secret realm.


At this moment, Brolin’s figure is standing in the void, beside him are the masters of many human universes such as the founder of the great axe and the Lord of Chaos, as well as the masters of the universe of the original Nine Realms Alliance such as the Lord of Blackthorn and Emperor Yan.

In front of them, there are many powerful aliens.

“The Xeon Supreme Treasures have been given to you. Today, you have a greater Ascension strength than before, but I hope you can always put the interests of Hongmeng first!”

“Giving you the treasure is to enable my Hongmeng to have more powerful strength and to defeat the invading coalition camp in one fell swoop, not to make you feel that you have the strength to be separated from my human race!”

Brolin glanced at the masters of many alien universes with a serious expression, “You have to be clear, since I dare to give you the Xeon, I am naturally not afraid of any of you who dare to betray my Hongmeng with the treasure!”

“Don’t be afraid to tell you, the secret of the word soldier in my hand, even the strongest treasure is enough to shake!”

“If any of you don’t believe me, you can stand up and give it a try!”

Hearing Brolin’s words, the expressions of many Hongmeng alien races suddenly changed, and their eyes flickered.

“Don’t worry, Lord Eternal, how can I avenge my gratitude when I wait!” The Lord of the Hongmeng Alien Universe spoke immediately.

“Yes, please rest assured, Lord of Eternal, if anyone dares to do such things, my flint is the first to not agree!” Lord of flint said angrily.

“The Eternal Lord, don’t worry!”

Many Hongmeng foreign races promised.

“That’s the best.” Brolin nodded when he saw it, and then smiled, “You are the wisest choice to follow me, human beings.”

“Xeon Supreme Treasure is not the highlight, and I am here to guarantee forever that when my human race develops the Sacred Land Universe in the future, there will definitely be a place for your races!”

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