Chapter 543

For the creators of the Great Axe to call it a war, it is necessary to summon all the masters of the Hongmeng Universe to come. It is conceivable that it is by no means an ordinary tribe. The situation must be very serious.

“For the specific news, let the Eternal Lord speak.” The founder of the Great Axe said, and then looked at Brolin.

Brolin nodded, then looked around, and said, “According to the news that my subordinates have lurked in the various races, since these three eras, in addition to my humans, the monsters, the zergs, the machine races, the crystal races, and the prison races These five pinnacle race groups have all been united together, and they plan to attack our human alliance together!”

As soon as this remark came out, all the Lord Youyu Zhou who was present suddenly showed shock.

The five pinnacle races join forces?

“More than that.” Brolin glanced at the many universe masters and continued, “There are also the Nine Regions Alliance, the Northern Frontier Alliance, the Thorns Alliance, and even the Star Behemoth Alliance, all of which are showing signs of joining!”

“In addition, the strongest individuals in the Universe, such as Ezhou, the False Demon God, and the ancestor of Demonic Beasts, also have plans to join in!”

Listening to Brolin constantly talking about big forces or powerful existences, the expressions on the faces of all the Hongmeng Palace Masters present changed again and again!

“This time, I am afraid that our human alliance is going to be an enemy of more than half of the universe!” the founder of the giant axe said solemnly.

“What the hell do these bastards want to do?” The Lord of Longxing began to curse.

“So many ethnic groups, as well as various forces, even those who are the strongest alone, are all gathered together?” The Lord of Xujin asked inconceivably.

The masters of many universes don’t understand why, almost half of the universe’s forces are united together, wanting to challenge them and humanity together?

“This matter is related to my previous shots against the Nine Realms Alliance.” Brolin said with a calm expression.

As soon as he said this, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet. All the masters of the Hongmeng Universe look strange, with complicated gazes.

Obviously they are all aware of it. Perhaps Brolin used his own power to severely injure the Nine Regions Alliance and captured more than 20 universe masters, frightening all parties in the universe. The monsters and other forces had no choice but to do so. Only then will they join forces to fight against the human race.

After all, Brolin alone was able to capture more than 20 of the more than 50 universe masters of the Nine Regions Alliance. The other universe masters still rely on the power of clones to blew the divine body to escape.

How can such a terrible record not make other ethnic groups fearful.

It is necessary to know that the number of peak race groups such as the monster race and the zerg race, plus the Universe master of the vassal race group under his command, is equal to the number of the Nine Regions Alliance.

Brolin alone can severely inflict more than half of the powerhouses in the Nine Regions Alliance. Doesn’t that mean that if he is willing, he can also make the Demon Race Alliance or the Zerg Race Alliance pay the same tragic price?

In other words, any major force alone cannot resist Brolin and the Great Alliance of Humans. Even the largest number of ethnic groups, the Northern Frontier Alliance with hundreds of masters of the Universe can’t do it!

In this way, they have no choice but to unite.

“According to the news, this time the major forces have gathered together for only one purpose, and that is to let me surrender the twenty-three masters of the Nine Domain Alliance Universe, who were captured by me before.” Brolin said.


As soon as this remark came out, many of the Lords of the Universe present looked at each other, and the Lords of the Universe, such as the Lord of Blackthorn, who originally belonged to the Nine Regions Alliance, looked even more complicated.

“Hmph, I think it’s pretty beautiful!” The Lord of Longxing sneered.

“They are scared, they are afraid that eternity will defeat them all in the same way as the Nine Regions Alliance.” Chaos City Lord said in a deep voice, “So they unite to put pressure on our humanity together!”

“Once the twenty-odd universe masters are handed over this time, then in the future, if Eternal captures a large number of universe masters again, they will adopt the same method and unite to threaten us!”

“They know that they are invincible, so they want to hold a group to keep warm?” The Lord of Desolate Jian sneered.

At this moment, all the masters of the human universe showed a sneer or angry expression, while many of the aliens of the Hongmeng Hall looked calm.

“You think, should I accept this threat and return Emperor Yan and the others to the Nine Realms Alliance?” Brolin scanned the surroundings and said calmly.

Hearing this, many of the masters of the universe changed their expressions.

The Lord of Chaos City and other human universe masters naturally looked angry one by one, obviously unwilling to give in. However, the masters of many other Hongmeng alien universes became ambiguous, looking at each other one by one, communicating secretly.

If you surrender the Lord of the Universe such as Emperor Yan, Brolin and the entire human race will suffer, but for them, the Great Alliance and alien races, it has little to do with them.

On the contrary, if Brolin refused to surrender Emperor Yan and the others, then once the war started, their Hongmeng and alien races would all go into battle.

In today’s form, the major forces of the Universe have joined forces, and there are also many independent Universe strongest players. Even with Brolin, they may still be at a disadvantage. In this way, in their hearts, naturally they are not willing to go to war.

However, although I hope Brolin will hand over Emperor Yan and the others, many Hongmeng alien races still dare not speak out directly, intending to explore the human tone first.

“What do you mean?” Seeing the strange expressions on the faces of many Hongmeng alien races, Brolin sneered in his heart, and then asked the Lord of Blackthorns behind him.

Hearing that, the eleven masters of the universe, including the Lord of Blackthorns, suddenly showed embarrassment on their faces. After all, they all belonged to the Nine Regions Alliance before, and the more than 20 universe masters captured by Brolin can be said to be familiar to them, and even among them they have friends.

To be honest, of course they hoped that Brolin would let them go, but their status and situation right now were the same as those of the Hongmeng alien race, and they didn’t dare to say it at all.

“I have already sworn an oath to be loyal to you, the Lord, so the Lord your choice is the choice I waited for!” In the end, the Lord of Blackthorn did not answer directly, but instead gave Brolin the right to choose. .

Upon hearing this, Brolin nodded.

“Great axe, what do you mean?” Then, he looked at the creator of the great axe.

“Haha.” The creator of the giant axe chuckled lightly when he heard the words, but the light in the pair of eyes was extremely sharp.

“Since the rise of my human race, I have never succumbed to anyone!” He glanced around, and when he heard his words, many of the universe masters in the human race showed a proud look, but many alien universe masters did not. Dare to look in his eyes.

“The original ancestor, dare to go to war with the original will of the Universe! Now that the various races join forces, how can they frighten us?” The founder of the giant axe sneered, and the words were murderous!

Hearing these words, Brolin’s mouth suddenly smiled.

“Yes, that’s what I meant.” He opened his mouth, his eyes sharp, “If this time I wait to give in to the various races of the Universe and hand over Emperor Yan and the others, what about the next time?”

“Is it because they are united, we humans can only choose to be suppressed by them, and choose to yield?”

“What’s more, if we really fight, my human race will not necessarily be at a disadvantage!” Brolin said, with confidence on his face.

Hearing this, many of the universe’s masters of the human race looked excited.

However, the masters of many alien universes still have a hesitant and uneasy color on their faces.

They felt that Brolin was just forcibly cheering up. After all, in today’s form, once the Human Alliance rejects the Yaozu’s request, it will face the siege of more than half of the powerhouses of the original universe, which is not a joke.

“Lord Huo Rong, you don’t seem to agree with me?” Suddenly, Brolin opened his mouth and looked at an alien Hongmeng Palace Master with a smile on his face.

As soon as he said this, many of the universe masters who were present immediately looked over. There, a Daoist-shaped flame figure was burning in the void. It was the master of the special life universe, the master of the fire.

“The Lord of Eternal.” The face of the Lord of Fire appeared in the flames, seeing Brolin and all the strong men present looking at him, his expression suddenly changed slightly. Afterwards, he gritted his teeth and looked at Brolin and said, “I’ll be honest, if my Hongmeng insists on confronting the alliance of all races, I am afraid that the situation is not optimistic.”

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