Chapter 541

Today’s Nine Regions Alliance, high-level combat power can be described as heavy losses. Among the four top universes, both the Lord of Blackthorn and the Lord of Fire Research have surrendered to him, while the over twenty universe Lords, including Emperor Yan, are in a deep sleep. I believe that they will be completely desolate and be clothed in the near future. Rollin’s eternal slavery.

Now the Nine Regions Alliance also has the two top universe masters, the Lord of Ming Ming and the Lord of Luo Yu, and the remaining more than fifty or so universe masters. Their strength is greatly reduced compared to before.

However, even so, the Nine Regions Alliance, which has dozens of universe masters, is still an extremely large force. After all, even the peak races such as the human race, there are only a dozen masters of the universe.

Therefore, after Brolin conquered the Lord of Blackthorns, he immediately asked them to secretly contact the Lord of the Nine Regions to your Universe, hoping to draw them over and join the human alliance.

After all, the strength of the Nine Realms Alliance has been greatly lost, coupled with the presence or absence of the strongest in Youyu Universe, the cohesion will inevitably decline, coupled with the prestige of the Lord of Blackthorn and the Lord of Fire Research in the endless years of the Nine Realms Alliance. , The possibility of success is still great.

Among other things, those three of their friends, the Lord of the Universe, are still very sure that they can win over.

“Blackthorn, Huozhi, Liemeng, I have already contacted the founder of the Great Axe and the City Lord of Chaos. You and the three others will represent my eternal kingdom and become the new Hallmaster of the Hongmeng.” Brolin smiled and said, ” I have divided your respective regions in the Eternal Continent. You can take the races and live there temporarily. Soon, the Venerable of the Blood Prison will give you an independent territory in the starry sky that belongs to my Eternal Realm. When the time comes, You and your tribe will guard there.”


The Lord of Blackthorns and others all spoke respectfully.

Now that they have all pledged their allegiance to Brolin, they have naturally joined the eternal kingdom and become one of them.

“I have seen the three Lords of Universe.” On the side, the Blood Prison Venerable smiled and said, “I am already working on the division of the starry sky and will soon be completed. With the arrival of the three, my eternal kingdom can be said to have greatly increased in strength. !”

The three Lords of the Universe, including the Lord of Blackthorns, are all powerful and have the will to reach Realm, the strongest of the universe, and the weakest Lord of Lime is at the Tier 4 pinnacle level, not weaker than in the past. Emperor Yan. The Lord of Blackthorn and the Lord of Fire Research are even the top level of the fifth rank, even if they are not far from the existence of the Chaos City Lord.

Therefore, the words of the Blood Prison Venerable are not wrong. With the addition of the Lord of Blackthorns, the top combat power of the Eternal Kingdom has definitely surpassed the other three forces, and is extremely close to the giant axe arena and the virtual Universe company.

Of course, in fact, as long as Brolin is in the Eternal Kingdom, he is already the first power. After all, he alone can defeat the entire human race. Even the creator of the giant axe is not his opponent now!

Subsequently, under the leadership of the Blood Prison Venerable, the Lord of Blackthorns and others all left and went to their respective regions on the Eternal Continent.

And Brolin opened the door to the world in the Western Emperor Tower and stepped directly in.

In his world ring, there are still dozens of universe masters, including Yandi, who need to be dealt with!

The world of Dragon Pearl, the endless starry sky.

Brolin’s figure stood in the void, he stretched out his hand, and the time flickered, and a god body larger than the Star appeared, with different races, and all of a sudden crowded the Universe space.

“With Emperor Yan, there are a total of 23 universe masters.”

Brolin stared at the more than twenty sleeping masters of the Nine Domains Alliance Universe in the void ahead, with a smile on his face.

“Beast Road, open!”

The next moment, he let out a low growl, and suddenly the secret method of the animal path in the six modes of Chaotic Source Samsara’s eyes was inspired by him!

A mysterious and unpredictable force spread from his body, causing the universe to tremble. A mysterious and magnificent voice echoed in the void, like a million gods and demons offering sacrifices, and like endless believers singing piously!

Invisible energy fluctuations enveloped the huge divine bodies of the 23 universe masters in the starry sky, constantly invading into their bodies, infiltrating their will and soul!

“Sure enough, even if I fall asleep, it is still very difficult for my current Realm to use the animal path to infiltrate the will of the master of the universe!” Brolin whispered to himself.

At this moment, after he performed the Animal Dao, a mysterious aura radiated, penetrating into the twenty-three divine bodies.

“Fortunately, although it is extremely slow, it is at least effective.” He muttered to himself, “It seems that we can only rely on the accumulation of time.”

He is now only Universe Venerable Realm. Even if the Lord of the Universe falls into a deep sleep, he cannot be easily enslaved. It takes a lot of time to succeed.

The process of enslavement was quite slow. In the end, it took nearly 30,000 years for Brolin to use the Beast Dao to successfully enslave all the will of the 23 universe masters, including Yandi!

“If I were to enter the level of the master of the universe, where would it be so troublesome.” Brolin sighed lightly in the starry sky.

For the creatures of the same Realm, although he couldn’t achieve instant enslavement, he definitely couldn’t get close to the three epochs.


At this moment, twenty-three huge divine bodies were standing in the starry sky, and many of the universe masters of the Nine Realms Alliance, including Emperor Yan, looked at him respectfully at this moment, with enthusiasm in their eyes.

After becoming servants of the will, they were already absolutely loyal, even if Brolin let them die, they would not hesitate at all.

“Very good.” Brolin looked at Emperor Yan and the others with a smile on his face.

“You are enslaved by my will, and there will be no creatures to discover in the original universe.” He said, “From now on, you, like the Lord of Blackthorns, will join our Human Alliance as the Lord of the Universe of the Nine Realms Alliance. The top of my eternal kingdom!”


The twenty-three masters of the universe, including Emperor Yan, said in unison.

. . . . . .

In the original universe.

In the three epochs, Brolin’s human deity has been enslaving Emperor Yan and them in the Dragon Pearl world, and the outside world has already exploded!

The eternal lord of mankind slammed into the territory of the Yan God race and attacked Emperor Yan. As a result, more than fifty universe masters from the Nine Realms Alliance were led to come under the leadership of four top universe masters, including the Lord of Blackthorn and the Lord of Fire Research. After a battle with him, the Lord of Luo Fei and other Universe Lords who had clones were all forced to explode the divine body, and all the treasures were lost. As for the Lord of Blackthorns and Emperor Yan, more than twenty universe masters who did not have the power of clones were directly killed and fell asleep, all captured!

After the news spread, the entire Universe was shocked. After the news was confirmed by the remaining master of the Nine Domains Alliance Universe, the major ethnic groups were in an uproar!

All the strong felt incredible, and were deeply shocked by Brolin’s feat!

Defeated more than 50 universe masters in World War I, captured more than 20 of them, and forced all the remaining universe masters to explode the divine body. What an incredible record, the three Samsara eras have never heard of anything. A master of the universe has done it!

“The Eternal Lord is invincible!”

“It’s terrible, how did he do it?”

“It is said that in that battle, he only dispatched the human deity, not the endless ocean of divine power!”

“What? Human deities are so strong?”

In the universe, all kinds of news are flying all over the sky, sweeping across all races like a tsunami!

In the end, even the news that he had two Xeon treasures was exploded. Plain Cloud World Flag and Yehuo Honglian were regarded as Xeon treasures by all races!

For a while, all races in the Universe were even more shocked.

One person owns two Xeon treasures, which is really amazing. You must know that in the original universe, even the strongest in the universe, I have never heard of anyone who owns two Xeon treasures, even if there are no such treasures. There are many people!

The original Universe at this time suddenly surging undercurrents, and the atmosphere is extremely weird.

In the past, the Zerg, Machine and other races were gathering their own forces, waiting for the monster race and humans to start a war. And now, these ethnic groups have all started to connect with each other, seeking alliances and cooperation!

Without him, Brolin’s appearance frightened them. The Zerg race and the machine race all realized that after seeing Brolin’s current strength, the monster race is absolutely impossible to fight against humans alone. They can’t Let’s sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight again.

After all, the number of Masters of the Universe in the entire Monster Race Alliance is equal to that of the Nine Regions Alliance. Now that Brolin has killed the Nine Regions Alliance so miserably, how could the Monster Race attack alone?

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