Chapter 537 Don’t want to die? Then be my servant

With the original soul in hand, in theory, Emperor Yan can be fearless even with seven levels of soul attacks, but Brolin’s mastery of the secret of the word can greatly affect the power of his treasure.

Emperor Yan had already experienced this situation once before. When Brolin was separated from him by a starry sky and launched the military word secret, the robbery armor, the original soul and even the Yanshen Halberd on his body trembled violently, resulting in violent tremors. To get out of his trend!

“I have the original soul, and I am not afraid of the virtual divine power of these six levels, and I am afraid that human beings will again use that weird means to prevent my original soul from exerting its full power!” Yandi was anxious.

Once the original soul is disturbed, the defensive power will definitely be greatly reduced, and then it may not be able to withstand the attacks of these six levels of souls.

At this moment, among the many universe masters of the Nine Realms Alliance, Emperor Yan’s situation can be regarded as the best one. After all, the original soul is the ultimate soul defense treasure, even if it is the fifth rank of the Lord of Blackthorn and the Lord of Sickle. The master of the top universe has never mastered it. The lord of other universes had already complained endlessly, and was struggling to resist the red lotus karma fire’s attack.

As a super treasure of the eternal level, Red Lotus Karma has three abilities of defense, Realm and soul attack.

In terms of defense, the Karma Red Lotus is an eternal level. As long as standing on the lotus platform, the attacks of the level below the Eternal True God will not be able to shake Brolin at all.

Regarding Realm, the red Realm of the Karma Fire Red Lotus has reached the void level, far more powerful than the ordinary Realm Xeon Treasures such as the Ancestral God Teaching Wucai Aurora Lake. If all the powers erupt in the Universe Sea, even the Universe is the strongest. It’s not easy for a person to get caught up in it.

The void flames released by the red lotus karmic fire, that is, the red lotus karmic fire, are specifically designed to burn the soul, and the power has reached the limit of the true god, that is, ten levels!

If it hadn’t been forcibly suppressed in the original Universe, instead of being in the universe, Emperor Yan and the others would not endure the six levels of virtual divine power attacks at this moment, but overwhelmingly, comparable to the soul attacks of the original ancestors of the past!


Just when the Lord of the Nine Realms Alliance, Youyu, was struggling to break the blockade of Realm’s power and wanted to rush out.

Suddenly, the void shattered, and Brolin’s figure stood standing on the red red lotus, rushed in directly, and landed in the area where they were at the moment. The plain cloud border flag and the Realm of the fire red lotus did not hinder him in the slightest, on the contrary , In this Scarlet Realm, his actions became more and more like a fish in water.

“Di Yan, it seems I’m right. With the original soul in hand, this red lotus karmic fire that destroys the soul is not a threat to you!” Brolin stood in the void and glanced at all the strong. Then he stared at Emperor Yan and sneered.

“The Lord of Eternal?” Seeing Brolin suddenly appeared, many of the Lords of the Universe were discolored, and the Yandi who was being stared at changed dramatically. He realized that his most worried thing had happened!

“Do not!”

He roared, the Yan God Halberd in his hand struggling to slash, trying to escape from here immediately.

Emperor Yan knew very well that if the opponent entered this Realm, he must want to attack them. With the other party’s means of manipulating the treasures of others, his original soul and robbery would be greatly affected. At that time, he was in this Realm full of six levels of virtual divine power attacks, and it would inevitably be dangerous. Extremely falling into a crisis of fall!

“Lord of Blackthorn, Lord of Scythe Ming, save me!” Emperor Yan roared, calling other universe lords for help.

However, at this moment, even the lord of Blackthorn and the lord of these top universes, after falling into the Realm of the red lotus of karma, are too busy to take care of themselves, where they can even care about the rescue of Emperor Yan.

“I said, I want to kill you, no one can stop it.” Brolin looked at Emperor Yan coldly, and said jokingly.

“No, you can’t kill me!” Yandi was horrified, “I am a disciple of the mountain guest, if you kill me, the mountain guest will definitely avenge me!”

Hearing Emperor Yan’s words, Brolin suddenly smiled, “Really? Let him come, I’m not afraid.”

“Eternal Lord, even if you are not afraid of the mountain guest, what about your human race? The other masters of your human universe cannot bear the anger of the mountain guest!” Emperor Yan continued, “Aren’t you trying to rob the armor? I will give it. You, as long as you let me go!”

“Hmph, is it too late to give it to me now?” Brolin sneered, “Now I only have to kill you, not just the robbery, all the treasures on you are mine. Why should I do anything more ?”

Feeling Brolin’s unabashedly strong killing intent, Emperor Yan’s face suddenly showed a look of despair.

“If you want to kill me, then come!” Suddenly, Emperor Yan burst into despair and burst into laughter, his eyes filled with bloody light, “I want to see if you can really kill me. !”

Knowing that it is very likely to fall, the Emperor Yan is mad at this moment. The next moment, the Yan God Halberd in his hand no longer tries to break the Realm, but slashes towards Brolin fiercely!

“I can’t help myself.” Seeing this scene, Brolin twitched the corner of his mouth, his eyes cold.


The next moment, he did not hesitate to launch the Bingzi Secret, and suddenly a mysterious wave impacted in all directions centered on him!


The figure of Emperor Yan who was smashing with the Yanshen Halberd suddenly trembled violently, his original crazy face showed a look of extreme anger, and he let out an unwilling roar!

At this time, his treasures all shook violently under the interference of Bingzi Mi, and the Yan Divine Halberd in his hand shook crazily, trying to get out of his control. And above his body, the concealed Jie Armor was revealed. In the shape of Emperor Yan’s eyebrows, a diamond-shaped crystal emerged, exuding powerful soul fluctuations. It was the ultimate soul defense treasure, the original soul!

At this moment, the three peak treasures obtained from the mountain guest were all shaken by Brolin’s use of the military character secret, and Emperor Yan could no longer effectively control these treasures!


The original soul was shaken, and the body appeared on Emperor Yan’s eyebrows, about to leave his body. The defensive power of this soul treasure has been greatly reduced, and it can no longer help Emperor Yan to effectively resist the attacks of the Red Lotus Karma Fire!


At this moment, he was roaring in pain, and the six levels of red lotus karma was eroding and burning his soul step by step.

Emperor Yan’s screaming scream spread throughout the entire Karma Fire Realm, causing the Lord of Blackthorns and many other Lords of the Universe to feel hairy in their hearts. Through the endless void, they all saw the terrible state of Emperor Yan at the moment, and their faces showed incomparable horror.

“Emperor Yan has the original soul in his hands, and they all end up like this, no, I must leave as soon as possible!”

“Flee now!”

“While that human being is dealing with Emperor Yan, hurry up!”

The Lord of the Universe, including the Lord of Blackthorns, did not intend to help Emperor Yan at this moment, but wanted to take advantage of Brolin’s lack of time to deal with them, and quickly escape from this realm of karma. .

“The Lord of Eternal… forgive me…”

Soon, after a while, in the Realm of Karma Fire, Emperor Yan’s soul has been severely burned, and most of his soul power has been annihilated, and he is about to fall into a deep sleep.

As Yan Divine Clan, although Emperor Yan’s body is strong, his soul is far from strong enough. The Lord of the Universe at the same level belongs to the lower level. At this moment, he has lost the effective defense of the original soul. His soul is in the sixth level. After the second karmic fire burns, it will not last long at all.

He stared at Brolin, praying on his face and wailing.

After going crazy, he was scared. He really doesn’t want to just fall away. He wants to become the strongest in the universe. How can he be willing to surpass Samsara?

However, facing Emperor Yan’s plea, Brolin looked cold, even with a sarcasm smile.

“Don’t want to die? Yes,” he said, but there was a strange light surging in his eyes.

Hearing this, Emperor Yan’s eyes suddenly filled with hope.

“Originally, I planned to make you disappear completely, but now, seeing your pitiful appearance, I can’t bear it again.” He whispered to himself, but the strange smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

“If this is the case, then you will always stay by my side as my soul servant.”

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