Chapter 528: Intimidating Emperor Yan

The core of the territory of the Yan God Race.

“It’s really weird. Even Puti doesn’t even know the whereabouts of the mountain guest?”

In the huge and splendid palace, the figure of Emperor Yan was standing, covered in scarlet scales, a blood-colored cloak behind him, a pair of golden eyes gleaming with terrifying fire through the palace walls, looking towards the endless depths. Universe starry sky.

“Where did the old guy go?” He whispered to himself, frowning slightly.

“I detained Jie Jia and didn’t give it to Luo Feng. I don’t know how the old guy will react if he returns…”

More than a dozen epochs ago, Luo Feng had already come to him, claiming to get back the Jie Jia who belonged to his earthly line.

But Emperor Yan was unwilling. It happened that the mountain guest had disappeared for a while and his whereabouts were unknown. No one could contact him, so Emperor Yan used this as an excuse to refuse Luo Feng’s request.

Luo Feng had no choice but to threaten to report to the teacher after the mountain visitors returned. Although Emperor Yan was hard on the surface, he was still worried in his heart.

“The old guy is indeed absent now. I won’t give Luo Feng to Luo Feng for the sake of Jie Jia’s safety. Even if he comes back, I still have something to say.” Yandi was calm in his heart.

He is really reluctant to return Jie Jia to Luo Feng!

“At the beginning of the Primal Star Riot, the endless treasure was born, I tried my best to snatch several peak-level treasures, two of which are the same armored treasures as the robbery.” Emperor Yan said to himself, with some emotion, “but Even at the pinnacle level, compared with Jie Jia, those two supreme armors are still far behind!”

“My teacher Shanke is worthy of being the Great Master recognized by Universe Sea. Although Jie Jia is the pinnacle level, it is actually almost infinitely close to the Xeon Supreme! In addition to the ability of the derived general, Wang Jia , It’s not comparable to Pinnacle Arcana.”

“Why!” Yandi suddenly growled, with an extremely tyrannical expression on his face!

“Since Luo Feng already has the Star Tower, why give him this robbery!”

“My Yan God race is also a race created by you, why do you love that earthly human line so much?”

“I have a strong body, genetic strength close to the perfect level, and with the cooperation of robbery, in the original Universe, even the strongest Universe can hardly hurt me!” Yandi looked fierce, “Such a treasure, but it suits me. , But you just refused to give it to me!”

“Old guy, you are the Great Master of the refining tool. Even if you are refining a treasure like the robbery armor, it only takes a little effort, but you just refuse to help me refining one!”

“Since you are so harsh on me, wait. One day, I will also reach the level of the strongest in the Universe, and even reach the Realm of the original ancestor. At that time, even you will kneel in front of me. !” There is endless ambition in Emperor Yan’s eyes!

A terrible breath erupted from his body, causing the entire Great Hall to rustle!

After a while, everything returned to tranquility.

“Huh, speaking of it, my third junior brother is really amazing, not only recognized the master of the Star Tower, but also possessed the top Universe overlord as Immortal in just one hundred epochs!”

“After all, the mountain guest is eccentric!” Thinking of this, Emperor Yan, who had calmed down a bit, couldn’t help but feel angry again, and the aura in the entire Great Hall suddenly became extremely heavy.

“The old guy must think that my Yan Gods can’t meet his expectations, so I plan to give up directly and put all hopes in the hands of the earth humans!” Yan Di muttered to himself coldly, a cold breath filled.

“Unfortunately, if you want to return to Jie Jia, then you can only wait for the old guy to come back. Before that, the master of Jie Jia is still me!”

Emperor Yan sneered, his eyes pierced through the walls of the palace again, looking beyond the endless Star.

“I will definitely find my way to the strongest…Wait…”

. . . . . . . . .

Endless starry sky.


In the pitch-black void, Brolin’s figure slowly emerged. In his hand, the plain cloud world flag emitted a hazy mist, shrouded him, isolating all the breath of divine power.

In the distant starry sky, a vast expanse of palaces are built directly in the starry sky, one after another, which is countless times larger than the Star system!

“This Emperor Yan really is as rumored, he values ​​his face very much, and he even pays attention to pomp in his residence.” Brolin couldn’t help but sneer when he looked at the magnificent palace.”Unfortunately, everything ends here.”

“If you are at the core of the Nine Realms Alliance, it will take a lot of effort for me to kill you, but if you stay here alone, you are really looking for death!”

As a major force in the original universe, the Nine Regions Alliance is not comparable to the Alliance of Humans, Demons, and Zergs. It does not have the strongest level of Youyu Universe, but its overall strength is still strong. It is only close to the Chaos City Lord level. There are four masters of the top universe!

Otherwise, after Emperor Yan rebelled against the human race, the Nine Regions Alliance did not dare to accept him.

After all, if taking in Emperor Yan and others is provoking the human race and does not have enough strength, how can the Nine Regions Alliance dare to do so?

In the universe of Universe, there is no Youyu universe’s strongest player, the Nine Regions Alliance is naturally suppressed by the Hongmeng, but in the original Universe, even the founder of the Great Axe can only display Tier 6 combat power. At the top level of combat power, The Nine Regions Alliance is not weak in the Hongmeng.

With Brolin’s strength, if you want to kill Emperor Yan at the core of the Nine Regions Alliance, although it is not impossible to do it, it will be more troublesome.

But now, Emperor Yan was only in the territory of the Yan God Race, but he gave him an excellent opportunity.

. . . . . . .

In the splendid Great Hall.

“What’s the matter, why do you suddenly feel a sense of uncertainty?”

Emperor Yan, sitting high on the throne of the Great Hall, frowned slightly, his eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself in a low voice.

“It seems that something bad is going to happen…” He became a little irritated, “What the hell is…”

“Huh? Someone broke into the territory of my Yan Protoss!” Suddenly, his eyes condensed fiercely, his face showed an incredible look, “It has been breakthrough within a light-year range, how is this possible? ?”

At this moment, Emperor Yan clearly felt that within the time and space under his control, a powerful breath of life suddenly appeared, and he was already very close to the core area of ​​the Yan God Race where he was located, less than a light-year away!

This is undoubtedly a very terrible thing!

He is the Lord of the Universe, and he controls a time and space, the territory within a thousand light-years of the Yan God Race, who can escape his perception? The strongest in the universe can hardly do it!

But now, there is a creature that has been discovered almost under his eyelids, which shocked Yandi’s heart and couldn’t believe it!

“who is it!?”

He roared, a pair of blood-colored eyes burst out with terrifying light, and two blood-colored light beams directly pierced the palace wall and bombarded the starry sky!

Emperor Yan began to master time and space with all his strength, to see who was able to escape his time and space Realm, and broke into here!

“It’s him? Eternal Lord!”

After seeing the rapidly approaching figure through the tentacles of time and space, Emperor Yan was shocked, and even a hint of panic appeared in his eyes!

How could it be him? It turned out to be him? !

At this moment, Emperor Yan roared wildly in his heart!

At this moment, Brolin’s figure flickered in the starry sky, and he had almost reached the place of Emperor Yan, holding a banner in his hand, and exuding a terrifying murderous intent that made Yan Emperor a little bit afraid!

“Emperor Yan!”

The next moment, Brolin’s divine power transmission directly penetrated the entire starry sky and rang in Yandi’s ears!

And his figure had descended on the core territory of the Yan God Race, standing in the starry sky, looking down at the huge palace where Emperor Yan was indifferent.

“Who is it? I dare to break into the territory of my Yan God Race!”

“court death!”

Perceiving Brolin’s appearance, immediately, in the area where this palace is located, a group of figures rushed towards the starry sky, all exuding a strong god-tier aura, surprisingly a dozen of Universe Venerable of the Yan God Race.

Seeing Brolin suddenly appeared, these dozens of Yan God Race Universe Venerable were shocked and angry.

“Damn it, where did the guy come here?! It’s over, the great Emperor Yan will definitely punish us!”

These Universe Venerables are all trembling in their hearts. Now they can be said to be seriously negligent. They have caused the unknown existence to break under the eyes of Emperor Yan. It is conceivable that they will bear the anger of Emperor Yan! In fright, they didn’t even have time to recognize Brolin for a while. If they recognized Brolin, there was absolutely only panic left at the moment, and they didn’t dare to speak at all.

“A bunch of ants, dare to follow me presumptuously!”

Brolin glanced at the dozen or so Universe Venerables slightly, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and murderous flashes in his eyes.

With a light wave of the plain cloud world flag in his hand, a powerful force burst out! The terrifying clouds poured down like a torrent, submerging the dozens of Yan God Race Universe Venerable in an instant!

Those Universe Venerable didn’t even have time to make a scream, and the divine body was annihilated in an instant, and it fell straight down!

The strength has reached the level of Brolin, and the existence of the Universe Venerable level is almost indistinguishable from the ants, and it can kill tens of millions in an instant!

Seeing this scene, the anxiety in Emperor Yan’s heart in the palace became heavier, and the look on his face was even harder to see the extreme.


The next moment, his figure appeared directly in the starry sky, facing Brolin’s figure distantly.

“Eternal Lord, what do you mean?” Emperor Yan stared at Brolin, with an angry expression on his face, “breaking into the territory of the god Yan clan and killing my people?”

Hearing Emperor Yan’s words, Brolin suddenly sneered.

“What do you mean? I kill as long as I want, so what do you do?” He asked nonchalantly, staring at Emperor Yan with provocative expressions.

“You!” Emperor Yan was furious when he heard the words, and a frightening aura broke out. He wanted to fight a battle, but when he thought of the opponent’s strength, fear and fear appeared in his eyes again.

He knows the strength of the opponent very well. Today he is not an opponent at all. His strongest combat power is only close to five levels. The Lord of Rockthorn and Lord of Flame Roar who fell in Brolin’s hands are more powerful than He is only strong but not weak!

“Why? Want to do it with me?” Brolin smiled suddenly when he saw Emperor Yan wanted to fight but didn’t dare to fight.

“Lord of Eternal, what are you doing here?” Emperor Yan tried to suppress the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice.

“Hehe, what’s my intention?” Brolin chuckled lightly when he heard the words.

“It’s okay to tell you, this time I come to your Yan God Race territory, not for anything else, but specifically looking for you to be fair to a genius of my race!”

“Just ask for justice?” Emperor Yan frowned as soon as the words came out. What does this mean?

“Don’t understand?” Brolin looked at Emperor Yan, “It’s okay, then I’ll tell you.”

“Let me ask you, Luo Feng of my clan is your younger brother?”

“What?” Yandi suddenly showed a look of surprise upon hearing this.

How did this eternal lord know about this confidential matter?

“Could it be that Luo Feng told him?” Yandi couldn’t help but secretly asked.

“Yes or not?” Brolin said again.

“Yes, Luo Feng is indeed my junior. We are both direct disciples of Zuoshanke!” Yandi suddenly said in a deep voice. When talking about Zuoshanke and his direct disciple, he deliberately strengthened his tone and watched. Brolin’s face showed deep meaning.

Emperor Yan is not stupid. He knows that although he has Jie Jia and the original soul in his hands, his defense is extremely powerful. In the original universe, even the strongest in the universe can easily help him.

But in the Universe Sea, it is completely different. In the endless chaos, not to mention the creator of the great axe, even the chaos city lord can suppress him steadily!

The human race is not easy to deal with him in the original Universe, but in the Universe Sea, as long as he is really cruel, he can definitely be put to death at any cost!

And over these endless years, the reason why he is still alive is very simple. Emperor Yan himself knows very well that it is because the human race is afraid of his background and the mountain guest behind him!

Emperor Yan was a disciple of the mountain guest. After he had betrayed the human race, he took the initiative to spread the news, in order to frighten mankind and the founder of the great axe!

After he released the news, the human race was initially half-trusted, but afterwards, the mountain guest never came forward to refute the rumors. Coupled with the various connections between the Yan God tribe and the mountain guest, the founder of the giant axe finally confirmed that this I am afraid that the news is indeed true!

And the universe of the universe also confirmed this information, otherwise, in that case, how could the Nine Regions Alliance risk completely offending the human race to take in Emperor Yan? It is precisely because of the super-powerful person such as Zuoshanke standing behind Yandi, the Nine Regions Alliance also wants to get involved with Zuoshanke through Yandi.Today, while admitting his relationship with Luo Feng, Emperor Yan once again pointed out his relationship with Zuoshanke, telling the eternal lord vaguely that there is a strongest in the universe behind him, even if it is your human race. , If you want to move him, you have to weigh it first!

“Since you are a junior, then you senior is holding the Jie Jia belonging to Luo Feng in his hand and refuses to return it to him. What is the reason?” Hearing Emperor Yan’s words, Brolin suddenly sneered.

“Jia Jia?” As soon as Brolin’s words came out, Emperor Yan suddenly appeared in a daze, and the cold light in his eyes flickered. The high-levels went to ask for help?”

“What a promise!” He sneered.

“No matter what, in short, you hold Luo Feng’s robbery armor in your hand and refuse to return it. This is a fact.” Brolin said, “Since Luo Feng is a member of my human race, I am a universe of the race. The Lord, naturally has the obligation to uphold justice for him!”

“He doesn’t have the ability to get back the treasure from you, then I will ask you to take it personally!”

“Eternal Lord, are you too wide to care?” Yandi said angrily, “This robbery is made by my teacher on the mountain. Although it was originally intended to be handed over to Luo Feng, after all, the teacher still Without speaking, why should I keep it for him temporarily?”

“Teacher Zuoshanke is not in the original Universe for the time being. After he returns and Luo Feng asks for instructions, once the teacher speaks, I will naturally not leave it to him!”

“Wait for the mountain guest to come back? Who knows when to wait?” Brolin suddenly sneered.

“When will Mr. Zuoshanke come back, I won’t bother you, Lord Eternal!” Yandi said coldly.

“I’ll just ask you a word, the robbery, are you giving it or not?” Brolin said impatiently.

“Eternal Lord, don’t deceive me too much!” Emperor Yan suddenly became furious.

“I just want to deceive you, so what can I do?” Brolin sneered.

“Eternal Lord, do you really want to intervene in? Are you not afraid that the mountain guest will trouble you humans in the future?” Emperor Yan said, wanting to use the mountain guest to threaten.

No way, Brolin’s strength is really not something he can contend. Now he believes that he only has the assurance of facing the opponent’s life in the original Universe.

“What about the mountain guest? You want to use him to scare me, so don’t waste your effort!” Brolin sneered, “Anyway, either hand over the robbery today or…”


At the last death word, Brolin exuded a terrifying murderous intent!

“Damn it!”

At this moment, Yan Emperor’s heart was about to explode with anger!

With his disposition, changing to be the master of other universes, he has been fighting with each other a long time ago, how could he be so forbearing?

But there is no way, Brolin’s strength is really too strong, if there is no suspense in the fight, he will definitely be crushed!

“Eternal Lord, don’t be too arrogant!” Yandi roared, “This is the original Universe, not the Universe Sea. Do you want to kill me? Dreaming!”

Hearing Emperor Yan’s words, Brolin suddenly sneered.

“Oh, isn’t it?”

“I remember that when the two of them met me, they were still above the primordial star, but they still fell.”

Hearing this, Emperor Yan’s expression was ugly, and the horror in the depths of Emperor Yan became more and more intense.

“It seems that you really don’t intend to hand it over.” Brolin said, staring at Emperor Yan, his murderous intent gradually strengthened.

“Jia Jia does not belong to humans!” Emperor Yan roared, feeling Brolin’s undisguised killing intent, he immediately secretly began to request rescue from the other Universe masters of the Nine Regions Alliance.

All of the Universe Masters of the Nine Regions Alliance who received Yan Di’s call for help were shocked.

“What, the Lord of Eternity shot at Emperor Yan?”

“How can this be?”

“Does it mean human beings? The founders of the giant axe have endured Emperor Yan for so many years, but finally they can’t help but want to do it?”

A leader of the Universe of the Nine Regions Alliance immediately began to contact each other, intending to make a decision whether to support Emperor Yan.

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