Chapter 526

The strongest person of the Deva clan today is actually stronger than the blood prison Venerable?

We must know that as one of the two giants of the Eternal Kingdom, the strength of the Blood Hell Venerable can be described as extremely powerful under Brolin’s full cultivation. It has already reached the level of the top Universe overlord level. Even if it is Luo Feng, there is no Star today. In the case of the tower, it is not easy to defeat the opponent.

And listening to the other party’s meaning, can the Deva clan powerhouse overwhelm him?

“It seems a bit troublesome…” Luo Feng secretly said in his heart.

With his strength, of course, he is not afraid of the Deva clan now. After all, he has four major clones. If he fights, he will not fear any existence under the Lord of the Universe.

What’s more, as long as he gets better, he will be able to collect the Star Tower from the outer battlefield. With the help of this Xeon, let alone the Universe Venerable, he is completely fearless even as the Lord of the Universe.

What Luo Feng fears is the terrible potential of the Deva tribe. In just over a hundred epochs, nearly ten Universe Venerable have risen, which is enough to explain the terrible part of this tribe. The talent is too strong!

“After I step into the Lord of the Universe, I must take back the earth completely. With the earth, the human line of my earth will also have an absolute advantage in the will and soul, and the development potential may not be weak at that time!” Luo Feng secretly said in his heart.

“Luo Feng, you don’t have to worry too much.” The Blood Prison Venerable smiled, “Although the Deva people don’t care about me, they have to listen to the words of the Eternal Lord. Now you are about to see the Eternal Lord, as long as Tell this matter and implore him to come forward, and it will naturally be resolved easily.”

Upon hearing this, Luo Feng smiled.

Let him beg that person. With his Luo Feng’s character, he can’t do it!

What’s more, he had already owed a favor to the other party before, how could he continue to speak now and owe another one?

It should be understood that the favor is owed, but it is not good to pay it back. What’s more, even if he speaks, whether the other party will agree is still unknown.

In the end, under the leadership of the Blood Prison Venerable, Brolin came to the front of the Western Emperor Tower.

“Please.” The Blood Prison Venerable chuckled, then turned and left.

Brolin looked at the Western Emperor Tower with a serious look, and then walked into the Great Hall alone.

. . . . . . .

In the splendid Great Hall, Brolin’s figure sits high on the throne, and his divine body matches the throne under it, reaching a height of thousands of kilometers.

In the Great Hall, Luo Feng’s body maintains the height of a human being on Earth, which is less than two meters.

Ever since, Luo Feng was completely overlooked by Brolin.

But despite this, Luo Feng’s face does not have any strangeness. The strong overlooks the weak, which is justified. Now Brolin has far surpassed Luo Feng in terms of strength and status. Luo Feng is very clear about this. He could also see the status of the owner clearly, and there was no resistance to it.

Brolin seemed to enjoy the feeling of overlooking Luo Feng. From Luo Feng’s entry into the Great Hall until now, he looked at him with a smile on his face and did not speak.

“Eternal Lord, you didn’t come to me to just look at me like this?” In the end, Luo Feng couldn’t help it, and said in a deep voice.

“Heh…” Hearing Luo Feng’s somewhat impatient words, Brolin suddenly chuckled.

“It’s no wonder that those powerful beings like to make their own divine bodies so huge. It turns out that this feeling of looking down on creatures is really fascinating!” He sighed inwardly, and then looked at Luo Feng.

“Luo Feng, your talent really surprised me. I thought that without the help of the mountain guest, you would need tens of thousands of epochs at least to achieve your current strength. The result was just a few hundred. In this era, you are already comparable to the top Universe overlord.” Brolin had a smile on his face, “Amazing.”

Hearing Brolin’s words, Luo Feng was taken aback. He raised his head and his face was shocked.

“You actually know Teacher Zuoshanke?” Luo Feng asked in surprise.

The relationship between him and Zuoshanke should be an absolute secret in the universe. Except for him and Zuoshanke, only Yandi and the big brother Puti know it. It is impossible to know any other existence. !

“Of course I know him.” When Brolin saw Luo Feng’s incredible expression on his face, his smile suddenly increased, and there was a joke in his eyes, “I think you must be very curious now, why the mountain guest suddenly disappeared before. Right?”

Hearing this, the shock color on Luo Feng’s face became more intense, and his eyes stared involuntarily.

“I am looking for you today because I was asked by your teacher Zuoshanke to give you something.” Brolin looked at Luo Feng, then he pointed his finger, and suddenly a golden light hit Luo Feng directly. ‘S approached and stopped.

“Teacher Zuoshanke’s stuff?” Luo Feng immediately stared at the rushing golden light.

“This is… the world ring?”

Seeing the dazzling ring floating in front of him, Luo Feng looked surprised, then he hesitated for a while before reaching out and holding it in his hand.

After digging into it for investigation, Luo Feng’s face showed a pleasant surprise after a while.

“The whereabouts of the last stone slab is indeed Teacher Zuoshanke!” He whispered to himself, with unconcealable joy in his eyes.

There are a lot of things in the world ring, and the one that surprised him the most was a black stone tablet, which recorded the star map of the location of the last Nine Tribulations Secret Code!

Afterwards, Luo Feng put away the world ring in his hand and looked at Brolin above the throne, with an extremely surprised look on his face.

“Why, I’m very confused about all of this?” Seeing Luo Feng’s expression, Brolin suddenly laughed.

Luo Feng nodded. He was really surprised. The mountain guest suddenly disappeared, but now he gave him the world ring through the other party, which really made him difficult to understand.

When did the teacher Zuoshanke and the eternal lord get together?

“In that world ring, there is an image of a mountain guest. I think he will tell you everything you want to know.” Brolin stared at Luo Feng, then a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, “I can tell you. , Zuoshanke, he will never be able to return to the original Universe. These things are the last things he can do for you as a disciple. From now on, you will have to rely on yourself for everything.”

“What? Never come back?” Luo Feng’s expression changed dramatically when he heard Brolin’s words.

What does this mean? Never come back? Could it be that. . . .

The next moment, Luo Feng’s eyes suddenly became extremely terrifying, and he stared at Brolin firmly, and there was even a trace of murder in his eyes.

Although he has not had much contact with the mountain guest so far, the other party is his teacher after all and has given him too much help. It can be said that without a mountain guest, Luo Feng would never reach it even on his own. With the current achievements, Luo Feng has a very deep affection for the mountain guest. He is a man of love and righteousness.

“The look in your eyes… Could it be that you think the mountain guest is dead? Died in my hands?” Seeing this scene, Brolin suddenly felt amused. “It’s really interesting. If it’s as you guessed, you think I will still Give you that world ring?”

Hearing this, Luo Feng was taken aback for a moment, then his expression gradually eased.

“Don’t worry, the mountain guest is not dead.” Brolin sneered. “What I said will never come back. I mean he can’t go back to the original Universe, even the Universe Sea area close to the three Jedi. arrive.”

“What the hell is going on?” Luo Feng said solemnly.

“Are you questioning me?” Hearing Luo Feng’s words, the smile on Brolin’s face instantly disappeared, and even a dangerous light appeared in his eyes.

Seeing the other party’s face suddenly changed, even Luo Feng’s heart squatted, and the sharp expression on his face a little bit.

“If you want to know everything, you can explore it yourself. I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you.” Brolin snorted coldly. “You have to figure out that your teacher has helped me a lot, so I will take it out. Time is coming, give you this world ring for him.”

“However, as one of the high-ranking members of the human race, I intend to take this opportunity to give you this genius another big gift.” Brolin smiled and said with a strange expression.

Hearing Brolin’s words, Luo Feng frowned.

“If I’m right, your second senior brother seems to owe you a treasure of the armor and refuses to return it, right?” Brolin said jokingly.

“This…” Luo Feng’s expression suddenly changed slightly when he heard the words, and there was incredible in his eyes.

“How much does this guy know?” He shocked in his heart.

“The robbery armor made by the mountain guest is a rare treasure. Since it belongs to you, it belongs to my human being. How can I watch it be forcibly occupied by a foreign race?” Brolin said coldly. “Don’t worry, I will ask for this justice for you.”

“Not only will I help you get the Jie Jia back, I will also make that Emperor Yan pay enough.” The look on Brolin’s face suddenly became cruel, and the terrifying murderous intent made the entire Great Hall tremble slightly.

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