Chapter 505 Breakthrough, Universe Venerable!

“As expected, the Lord of the Universe blew himself up. With Sirius, the power is almost close to the seventh level!”

Brolin’s figure stood in the void. At this moment, he was quite embarrassed, with injuries on his body, and a noticeable decline in his aura. Obviously, he had endured this strike, and he was also uncomfortable.

But in comparison, he was already pretty good. After all, the Lord of Sirius had issued that blow at the expense of his fall, but even his clone had never been destroyed.

“Hmph, Sirius, I have already killed, I want to see how your monster clan can get revenge!” Brolin sneered.

Now, Brolin’s actions can be said to have severely slapped the demon ancestors in the face. It is conceivable that the demon race will definitely find ways to retaliate against mankind. After all, the loss of a universe lord is too costly, even if Even the pinnacle race can’t bear it.

. . . . . .

Unsurprisingly, after receiving the news, the demon ancestors and the masters of many universes of the demon race were extremely angry. The Demon Ancestor of Earthquake even swears that he must let mankind also fall to the Lord of the Universe!

In the years that followed, the powerhouses of the monster clan began to madly target humans. In the universe of the universe, all the masters of the universe of the human alliance are the targets of their attacks.

Faced with the crazy shots of the Monster Race, the humans chose to retreat temporarily. After all, Brolin once said that as long as he was given 10,000 epochs, the Monster Race could completely disappear in the Universe Sea and tolerate it for a period of time, which was nothing at all.

In the initial place, the Yaozu’s targeting of Brolin became more intense, making his rate of collecting Primal Stars even slower. But even so, at this speed, Brolin is still confident that all the primordial stars will be collected within a thousand epochs!

In this way, more than a dozen epochs have passed in the original Universe.

. ……………….

In the small universe of the creator of the Great Axe.

In a dark starry sky, a figure sits quietly in the void, above his body, a strong aura of law enveloped him.

This figure is naturally Brolin’s human deity.


Reunion, he opened his eyes, and suddenly two eyes burst out, as if two heavenly swords pierced through two spatial tunnels in an instant, extending to millions of kilometers away!


Within a range of hundreds of millions of kilometers, the Universe space was trembling slightly, and the power of the huge space law was converging here!

“It’s nearly a hundred epochs, and finally breakthrough!” Brolin sat in the void, with a hint of excitement on his face.

The laws of infinite space gathered above his head, and they gathered together to form a storm of laws like a funnel, falling towards the top of his head!

Brolin could feel that the power of the law of infinite space was poured into his body and merged with his soul!


In the distant starry sky, a figure appeared, and it was the creator of the giant axe.

“Breakthrough?” At this moment, the creator of the giant axe glowed brightly, staring at Brolin and muttering to himself.

“In less than a hundred epochs, even with my ten thousand times of acceleration, such advancement is considered to be extremely outstanding!” The founder of the giant axe nodded slightly.

Like the Eclipse Venerable, one hundred thousand epochs will make the Universe Venerable, and there are not many in the history of the entire human race. Even among the dozens of universe masters, most of the time to breakthrough to Universe Venerable is equivalent to Brolin.

“Eternity can burst out Tier 6 power at the Immortal level, and now it has stepped into the Universe Venerable Realm, and the strength of the divine power is once again increased by a hundred times. Doesn’t it mean that his strength is already enough to rank with the strongest?” The creator of the giant axe secretly said in his heart. .

Far away, the law storm continued, and the endless space law continued to merge into Brolin’s body and soul.

After a while, the storm disappeared, and Brolin’s figure stood up, exuding an inexplicable breath.

“This is Universe Venerable?” He whispered to himself, standing in the void, stretching out his hand, suddenly the space twisted.

“Universe space is under your control…”

Brolin could feel that if he wanted to, he could control the vast space around him and confine the void anytime, anywhere!

“Eternal, congratulations!”

The words of the creator of the great axe sounded, and Brolin immediately raised his head and smiled.

“Thank you to the founder of the Great Axe, I have been helping me speed up my time in these hundreds of thousands of eras. I remember this friendship in my heart!” Brolin said solemnly.

“It’s all humans, I’m not talking about it!” The creator of the giant axe immediately waved his hand, but the joy in his eyes could not be concealed.

“Eternal, you already have Tier VI combat power, and now breakthrough Realm, you must have a lot of Ascension strength!” The creator of the giant axe curiously asked, “Now you, can you face the strongest in the Universe directly?”

Hearing the words of the creator of the giant axe, Brolin’s mouth suddenly raised slightly.

“The founder of the giant axe, you look at me too much.” He said, with confidence on his face, “Even when I hadn’t broken through, I was able to display seven levels of combat power, facing the most common Universe. The strong, I have nothing to say in terms of attack power!”

“What? Tier 7?” Hearing Brolin’s words, the creator of the great axe was shocked. “You Immortal Realm can display Tier 7 combat power?”

“Naturally.” Brolin nodded, “The reason why I have always used the secret method of six levels is because the power limit of the original universe does not allow me to shoot with all my strength.”

Upon hearing this, the founder of the Great Axe didn’t know what to say. He looked at Brolin with a complex expression.

“Eternal, I really don’t understand you…” After a long time, the founder of the giant axe slowly said, “In the beginning, I witnessed the original ancestors all the way to the top. I thought that the most in the universe. Terrible genius is at that level!”

“But now, I find that Universe really can happen!” He sighed and shook his head, “Immortal level can display the seventh-order combat power, this is simply…”

With that said, the creator of the giant axe didn’t know how to describe it.

Brolin quietly listened to the words of the creator of the giant axe, with a smile on his face, but he was smiling bitterly in his heart.

“Great Axe, how do you know that I have such an achievement, not by myself, but by the system!”

After a while, the creator of the Great Axe looked at Brolin and said jokingly, “Although you have made your breakthrough to the Universe Venerable Realm, but because it is in my small universe, I don’t have the power of Youyu Universe Origin to bestow you.”

“I know.” Brolin also smiled and nodded.

His soul has entered the Universe Venerable Realm, but the divine body is still at the previous Immortal level. He needs to enter the original Universe and accept the divine power of the ocean from the original law of the Universe.

Next, the creator of the Great Axe directly opened a Universe channel in the starry sky and sent Brolin out of the small Universe.

After entering the Primordial Universe, Brolin directly summoned the endless sea clone from the Primordial Star back to the starry sky where the Eternal Realm was located.

He breakthrough Universe Venerable, absorbing endless divine power, naturally it is the most cost-effective to absorb the endless secluded sea with the largest divine body.

After all, with the exception of the realm master breakthrough Immortal, which can absorb divine power without limitation and can completely transform the body into a divine body, the breakthrough of other Realm has a time limit. Within a certain period of time, the law of the ocean can allow You absorb divine power, but it won’t work when the time is up!

Therefore, the larger the divine body, the more advantageous it will be when it absorbs the divine power of the law of the ocean.

Like the endless secluded sea, a swallowing divine power is probably the total amount of the divine power of hundreds of Brolin human beings!

Soon, Brolin’s endless secluded sea, in the starry sky of the eternal kingdom, began to break through to the Universe Venerable Realm.

When the huge ocean of laws of divine power appeared in the Universe void, and feeling that monstrous and endless divine power, Brolin also involuntarily revealed his covetous color. In his opinion, if one day, he can swallow all the divine power of the entire sea of ​​laws, I am afraid that his divine body will be even larger than the god king body that is hundreds of millions of light-years away from the mountain guest!

The next moment, Brolin did not hesitate to control the endless secluded sea, and began to frantically swallow the endless divine power in the ocean of laws!

“Too slow!” Feeling the swallowing speed of the endless secluded sea, Brolin’s heart sank.

At this speed, I am afraid that when the ocean of law dissipates, his endless secluded sea will have more than half of the Immortal divine power, which cannot be transformed into Venerable divine power!

“Hungry Ghosts said, go on!”

Suddenly, an aura flashed in Brolin’s mind, and he immediately controlled the endless secluded sea, and began to perform the Hungry Ghosts, one of the six modes in Samsara’s Eye Secret Art!


I saw the blood-colored nine-hook jade Samsara’s eyes emerged in the center of the endless secluded sea, forming a huge whirlpool. Above the whirlpool, there was a huge head of Hungry Ghosts. At this moment, the huge mouth of the sacred fangs was unfolding. Crazy swallowing the law of ocean power!

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