Chapter 489-Conquering the World of Dragon Pearl

But at this moment, he has long lost the arrogance he had before. A lizard face is almost distorted, it seems to be slapped fiercely by something, the teeth of his mouth are all lost, and one eye cannot be opened, only left. Half a breath, lying on the ground struggling.


At this moment, even Weiss couldn’t help but take a breath, with an indescribable shock on his face.

Slap Lamor like this?

He stared at the mountain guest firmly, his eyes were full of fear, and even a faint fear flickered in his eyes.

You must know that although his strength is stronger than that of Lamor, he is absolutely unable to slap the opponent like this, completely losing the power of resistance. Obviously, the strength of this mysterious old man is definitely above him!

“The strength of this guy is probably close to his father!” Weiss was unbelievable in his heart.

A slap severely wounded the Destroyer God, and after the fan flew into the depths of the Universe, he directly grabbed it back through the void with one hand. Such an ability is simply terrifying, and absolutely surpasses the strength of an angel!

“Weiss, take me to find your father.” Brolin spoke in the hall with a smile on his face.

Hearing his words, Weiss’ brows instantly frowned, and he randomly shouted, “What the hell do you want to do?”

He had already noticed at this moment that the mysterious old man with amazing strength seemed to obey the orders of this young man, which made his heart even more shocked.

“What I want to do, I told you clearly before.” Brolin smiled.

“You…you lunatic!” Weiss gritted his teeth when he heard the words.

Is it possible that the other party is really going to kill the king and conquer the place Youyu Zhou?

“I’ll say it again, take me to find your father.” Brolin said again, staring at Weiss, “Otherwise, you will never see him!”

Seeing the vague murderous intent in Brolin’s eyes, Wes couldn’t help but feel shocked. He looked at the mountain guest with a trace of fear in his eyes.

“This guy’s strength is too strong, it seems that only the father can deal with them.” Weiss secretly said in his heart.

“The Lord of Eternal, in fact, does not need him to lead the way. My thoughts have swept through all time and space. As long as you need, I can take you anywhere in an instant.” Suddenly, the mountain guest said with a smile on his face. look.

“Oh?” Hearing the words of the mountain guest, Brolin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

“I have forgotten that Salama, the dragon god, is just the king of gods. He is in the same Realm as you. The universe he created can’t escape your attention naturally in every space.”

“In this case, it’s easier.” Brolin nodded slightly, “Take him, let’s go to the god-tier officer!”

Hearing this, Zuoshanke immediately lit a hand, and a cyan light flashed, surpassing the limit speed, so fast that even Wes could not react, and he was directly hit by the light!

“How can it be….”

At this moment, Weis’s face was completely horrified. He found that his own body could no longer move, and even his soul was bound!

As an angel, Weis’s strength is close to that of the Void True God, but facing a mountain guest, it is not enough.

“Who is this guy?!” Weiss panicked completely.

“What about that little guy?” One finger overpowered Wes, and the mountain guest looked at Ramor who was still struggling.

“This kind of waste, just let him disappear.” Brolin said with disdain.

Hearing the words, the mountain guest suddenly understood, his eyes swept away, two rays of light flashed across the void, covering Lamor, and in an instant, the newly-promoted god of destruction was annihilated, and there was no residue left. !

“Let’s go,” Brolin said.

The mountain guest nodded, shrouded them with a hazy cyan light all over, and then disappeared directly here, heading to the space where the god-tier officer was!

Everything went smoothly afterwards. In front of the absolute strength of the mountain guest, even if the god-tier officer whose strength was close to the eternal level, he had no resistance at all and was directly subdued.

Then, Brolin took the mountain guests to the Universe one by one, turning all the gods of destruction and angels into his prisoners.

Such a move eventually drew the whole king and caused the opponent to descend.

However, even the King, still not enough to see in front of the mountain guest. Although it is not at its peak, the soul will of the mountain guest is a real god-king level existence, which may not be enough for the strong at the same level, but it can still be done to deal with the chaos-dominant-level strong.

Relying on the Secret Eyes of God’s Eyes with full force, Zuoshanke finally defeated the whole king.

So far, Brolin has completely ruled the Dragon Pearl world!

. . . . . . . .

In an infinite void independent of the more than twelve multi-element universe, a shrine is located, and a mountain guest and Brolin stand.

This is where the god-tier officer observes many universes. In front of them, there is a radiant space through which you can see the sights of other universes.

“Shanke, it seems that in your Jin world, even the most ordinary child is born as the Realm of Immortal, right?” Brolin looked at the streamer space and said.

“Not bad.” Aside, a mountain guest nodded.

“Their ancestors were all the people of the Jin Kingdom on the continent of my origin. I moved to the world of Jin from a very early time.” He said, “The continent of origin is the center of three thousand dimensions. The life there is born. It’s stronger than the original Universe bred from three thousand dimensions.”

“It seems that the god king who created this universe, his hometown, is probably not much weaker than the origin continent.” Brolin said.

“It should be like this.” The mountain guest nodded.

In the Dragon Pearl world, among these multiple universes, even the weakest creatures almost have the life level of the original Universe Immortal gods.

The reason why he is vulnerable in this world is because of the rules of the world. If it is changed to another place, it will be completely different.

Take the terrestrial human as an example. If an ordinary terrestrial human enters the Primitive Universe, his body will probably be able to compete with ordinary Immortal military masters!

In the same way, if Brolin brought an Immortal god from the original universe here, then under the suppression of the rules of this universe, the opponent might only be able to exert the power of ordinary people, even breaking a stone. difficult.

“The creatures of these multi-universe universes are probably all brought in by the dragon god Salama from Own’s hometown.” Brolin guessed.

“The place where the existence of the King of Gods can be born must be the center of a Source World. In that kind of place, even an ordinary life is comparable to Immortal at birth. It is not surprising.” The mountain said in a polite way.

“Very good.” Brolin smiled lightly, “This world is so special, I can let my forces under the original Universe come here, and let them use it as a place of trial.”

“The creatures of the original universe, under the suppression of the rules of this world, as long as they can make a breakthrough and return to the original universe, their strength will definitely have a huge ascension.”

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